Zombie Tim Wright - Tim Wright - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Zombie Tim Wright

DVD by Tim Wright
29.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Zombie Tim Wright

29.95 usd

DVD by Tim Wright (29.95)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Tim Wright who performs as Skilldini is one of the acknowledged masters of the classic Zombie routine where a silver ball balances on the edge of a scarf and then comes to life as it floats, jumps, vanishes, and appears while it interacts with you.

Techniques and concepts discussed:
Cloth Selection, Zombie Gimmick, Character Of The Zombie, Setting Up The Routine, Introducing The Ball, The Floating/Balancing Ball, The Vanish, Around The Back, Floating Down The Scarf, The Secret Weapon, Body Movement & Hand Work, The Floating Illusion and much more.

Studying this video will reduce the learning curve to master the Zombie. The video also features archival footage of Joe Karson who invented the routine and of Neil Foster who was considered the master of the routine.


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