In additions to the valuable tips, tricks and reviews, in this issue you get MAX! That's right, Max Maven takes over the cover and details his making in an article by David Britland.
February 2018
MAX: The Making of a Maven by David Britland
The Magic House of Bacock by William Winters
Tenyo 2018 by Richard Kaufman
Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman
In Memoriam
- Walter Graham by Richard Kaufman
- Johnny Fox by Richard Kaufman
Now Performing
The Eye by Todd Karr
On the Slant by Jon Racherbaumer
The Chamber of Secrets The Egg Pillar by John Gaughan
Conjuring Symbolically Mentalism by Jim Steinmeyer
Left-Handed Sharing is Caring by Jeff Prace
Happiness is the Road A Difficult and Lovely Life by Hannibal
The Expert at the Kids' Table Are You a Jerk or an Expert? by David Kaye
Hidden Treasures Follow the Directions by Bob Read
Panmagium Anvil and Hammer by Jonathan Pendragon
Magicana by John Guastaferro
- Ring Trip by Sean Cinco
- The Naturals by Michal Kociolek
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong? by Jon Racherbaumer
The Academy of Magical Arts in Genii
- Knights at The Magic Castle by Daniel Ulin
- Magic Castle Performance Schedule
Videos Reviewed by Joe M. Turner
- Kayfabe by Max Maven
- Standing Up On Stage (Volumes 1-5) by Scott Alexander
Tricks Reviewed by David Oliver
- Off World by J.P. Vallarino
- Neo Mix by Jim Krenz
- Gerti Reborn by Romanos
- Snitch by Peter Eggink
- Invisible Triumph by Jim Krenz
- Aiden by Ryuhei Nakamura
Books Reviewed by Kainoa Harbottle
- JawDroppers! Two by Harry Lorayne
- They Lived by Tricks by Pietro Micheli
- Card Devilry by J. K. Hartman
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