Card College Volumes 1 - 5 - Roberto Giobbi - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Card College Volumes 1 - 5

By Roberto Giobbi
All 5 books for 200.00
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Card College Volumes 1 - 5

200.00 usd

By Roberto Giobbi

All 5 books for 200.00 | Also available individually

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When people tell us they are serious about card magic and want to know what books they should buy, we always tell them the same thing: “Get Card College.” That’s not to say that this acclaimed series is just for beginners. It’s not. It’s an excellent, cumulative course in handling a pack of cards, but it’s the best investment a card lover can make because your initiation course turns into the perfect reference library! 


What we’re saying is this. You buy these books and read them cover to cover, learning the basics as you go. It’ll be fast at first, and in the later books you’ll come across tricks and moves that will require substantially more time. BUT, when you’re done with the course you’ll want to keep these books near your practice table forever because you’ll ALWAYS be able to look up moves or counts you’ve forgotten, or find a trick that fits what you’re trying to do. They’re essential tools for the serious magician.

And these aren’t just five volumes of tricks. Roberto Giobbi is a thoughtful author who offers fascinating history and anecdotes that make for interesting presentations. He also offers theatrical tips to go along with each trick. Your card magic will improve by leaps and bounds with this series. Obviously, beginners should start with Volume 1, but the series works best when you’ve got the whole set at your disposal. 


Also available individually:

Card College #1


Includes The Tools of Card Magic, Fundamental Techniques, The Overhand Shuffle, The Riffle Shuffle, False Cuts, Transfer Cuts, Card Controls, Card Forces, The Glide, The Double Lift, The Hindu Shuffle
Flourishes, The Spread Cull, The Top Change, The Key Card

Card College #2


Includes The Glimpse, Card Reverses, The Crimp, Palming, False Cuts, False Counts, The Pass, The Overhand Shuffle, Flourishes, The Double Turnover, Misdirection, Psychology, Routining and Presentation

Card College #3


Includes The Biddle Steal, The K.M. Move, Breaks, Steps & Injogs, Advanced Palming, Card Controls, The Zarrow Shuffle, Advanced Double Lifts, Multiple Shifts, The Pull-Through Shuffle, The Faro Shuffle, Color Changes, The Side Steal, The Diagonal Palm Shift, False Counts and Displays

Card College #4


Includes Forcing Techniques, Card & Packet Reversals, Advanced Passes, Culling & Stacking, Half Passes, Tilt, Sandwich Techniques, More Flourishes, Lapping, Card & Packet Switches, Estimation, Deck Switches and False Deals

Card College #5


Includes Making Secret Setups, False Shuffles, Obtaining Duplicate Signatures, Quick Tricks, Openers and Routines with the Aces, Favorite Effects, Gambling Demonstrations, Mental Mysteries


Customer reviews for Card College Volumes 1 - 5



Recently received my copy of the entire set. I have started with the Vol 1 and I can confidently say that I have been handling cards wrong the whole time. This volume starts from scratch, and the author does a great job of explaining various handling techniques which builds into their applications. The course concentrates on building a strong foundation, and the explanation and illustrations are succinct.



I have slowly been going through these books. There is a lot to go into with them, it starts easy and as expected it progresses as you go through the series, I am still only on volume 1, but looking forward to exploring the rest of the books.



I already had Card College 2 and 3, having discovered the series when I wasn't quite a beginner, but I am SO glad I finally picked up volume 1. There is so much material here that is essential to growing as a card magician, and often overlooked.

It truly does provide the building blocks to be a top-level card magician step-by-step.

If you want to get anywhere with card magic, forget the DVDs, forget the £10 tricks that teach you someone's take on a hundred-year-old routine, GET CARD COLLEGE. There is no better investment of your time and money and you STILL come out the end of it with a repertoire of fantastic tricks (although the truly great ones naturally start to occur in the latter end of Volume 2 once you have a few sleights under your belt)

You can never go wrong with Giobbi.



This is a stunning collection.
If you ever want to do card tricks, this is easily a choice for your library.
Starting with basics to build on, it leads you to tricks that will be in your repertoire for you life.

As a beginner, I especially appreciate the very large material on introduction and basics. On the attention to detail to holding and moving cards correctly, on which all future tricks will be based



Starting with Card College #1 you will get filled with practical tips and tricks, providing a solid foundation for learning card magic. I consider it a must-have resource for any magician looking to master the art of card magic. It is well-regarded and highly recommended by many magicians and experts in the field.



Best investment ever. Mr Giobbi really covers it all and the descriptions are great down to the fine details. It is an indispensable resource for my magic library. It’s a treasure trove of techniques and plenty of card tricks as examples on how to use the techniques.



Card college is the best and most important book series on card handling for the magician. Book 1 & 2 go together for a fairly complete introduction to sleights and some great tricks to perform with those sleights. Book 3 & 4 cover the same topics with more advanced concepts. Every card magician should have this reference set in their library no matter your skill level. You will be referring to these volumes for years.



This book set is simply glorious. From the dust cover to the binding, to the printing font and clarity is just amazing. I have complete Book 1 which which is rich with information. The techniques are really well explained and the illustrations are very helpful. This in my opinion is the best resource I have found for a budding beginner and even a pro wanting to refine technique. I have scanned through the rest of the book set and can't wait to get it. It's quite an investment to get the full set but worth it's weight in Gold. I do suggest to get the DVD set for volume 1 and 2 it's very helpful to see the execution. In real life. The combination of book and DVD is the a perfect learning tool. Just as an aside I have seen other reviews on other sites saying that the presentation is dry but I cannot disagree more. The presentation is very engaging and slick. I much prefer this style of teaching than some of the YouTube over the top shouting into the camera. This is a top notch product and will not disappoint.



Giobbi’s Card College is the modern bible of card magic. Comprehensive, beautifully done, systematic, and widely recognized as the authoritative text for the learner. Arrived in pristine condition.



These books are a treasure trove and high quality. They look so beautiful on the shelf or opened on my table. I wish there were more hours in the day so I could master all of the techniques in these volumes. One could easily have a successful career with just the material in this series.



I think it was Darwin Ortiz that said that the better a book is, the more you will have to work on it in order to become a better magician. This set of books fits in these category. In each book, every chapter is dedicated to a sleight and at the end of the chapter you find 1 or 2 effects that use that sleight. Also, in Vol. 2 half the book is dedicated to magic theory. An aditional remark: not only Giobbi guides you through the technical details of each sleight but he also provides you ideas on subtilties that improve the use of the sleight.

I think that if you work on these books and are diligent at it, you will improve SIGNIFICANTLY your card magic. When you get to the end, you can explore the vast adittional bibliography that Giobbi refers to!



If you are interested in card magic, this series is one of the best set of books available.



Incredible book, can’t wait to read the rest!



Books came in great condition and obviously the content inside them is second to none. I'm glad to have this set of references on my bookshelf.



The best book about card magic I ever see.



I decided to take up card magic as a hobby at the age of 41 to share some fun tricks with my kids. I bought Card College 1 & 2, and after getting halfway through volume 2, I quickly ordered 3 to 5. There’s enough here to keep me busy for years. The instructions are so clear and the writing is great. The books are beautiful and they look lovely on my shelf, especially without the dust jacket. If you’re someone that wants to learn the ins and outs of card magic, Card College is the place to start.



First let me start by saying I am dyslexic and do not learn well from books with that said I bought one through five how to find them fairly simple two following understand these books are fantastic whether you're a beginner wanting to learn the basics intermediate looking for a little push or a pro looking to touch up and refine your techniques these books have something for everyone and should be on every magician shelves so what are you waiting for pick them up they're worth every penny



Without doubt the most complete source of principles, technique, and methods related to card magic. Well written. Comprehensive.



These were a Christmas present for my son. He says that the books are brilliant.



definitely great

I am a complete fan of giobbi so I am biased. a lot of my card magic is based on stuff that I learnt in one and two. I am looking for people who are into volume three to help me progress with one.

I have bought volumes one to five but that is only because I have more money than sense when if comes to magic. Also have a look at his books of card magic without sleights they are good too.



I have card college 1 thru 4 buying 5 next they are without a doubt the best books on handling cards that I have. I have a large library. The tricks mixed thru the handling are very good. I use a push thru false shuffle. He has one written by Vernon and Daliey that is worth the price of the books. Also goes the extr@ mile on the zarrow shuffle . This is just 2 small parts out of one book it just gets better from thrre


Community questions about Card College Volumes 1 - 5

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  • Brandon asks: Are these hardcover books

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are indeed. Five glorious hardcover books!
  • Dan asks: What is the difference between this set and the light series for a total new to magic student?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The Lite series focuses on self working magic
  • asks: Can you please tell me the ISBN, publisher, and publication date of this specific set of card college, when I search online it brings up so many from different years, but I need the info for this specific set please, thank you.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We are presently selling the 2020 reprints. The contents of all the books have not changed since the first edition and the ISBN number is the same across all editions.
  • David asks: If I purchase the full set will Volume 2 be sent when it is in stock? Volume 2 is currently out of stock.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The books will be added individually instead of as a set since we have no ETA for when Vol. 2 will be back in stock.
  • Larry asks: The book appears to be written for right handed people. How do you adapt for a left handed person. Thanks.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: All you have to do is the opposite of whatever is said when regarding left or right-handed
  • Hudson asks: Is the whole set worth getting if I already know basic sleights e.g controls, classic/hermanns pass, false cuts etc?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Most magicians view the collection as essential reading.
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