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Roughing Stick

Accessory by Harry Robson and Lawrence Turner
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4.8 | 74 reviews

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Roughing Stick

19.99 usd

Accessory by Harry Robson and Lawrence Turner (From $14.95)

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Thirty years of research from Harry Robson has led to the exact formula of what we now present: the Roughing Stick. This is a stick of a hard substance and what it does is simply incredible.

When you rub the surface of the stick against a card, it will act as roughing fluid does, only better. The cards stay together in roughed pairs, yet are more easily separated without fumbling whenever you want. The stick leaves NO RESIDUE, and with the roughing stick supplied you can create at least 150 Invisible Decks! This is, for all purposes, a LIFETIME supply. The best part? It’s so inexpensive.

Imagine the possibilities. Packet tricks, Brainwave, Invisible Deck, and more just got MUCH easier to make, on your own, and many original tricks that would have required a spraying shed or a craftsman to manufacture can now be done at your kitchen table within minutes.

To see just how practical it is, you can watch Harry Robson make an Invisible Deck in less than two minutes in the trailer. It’s a great new technology at an unbeatable price.

Includes a 14-minute instructional video detailing exactly how to apply the roughing stick to make your own gimmicked decks.


Customer reviews for Roughing Stick



It’s a great product. No noticeable residue and uses only a bit of the stick for an entire deck. Super glad I bought this



Great roughing stick, does a good job.



The Roughing Stick does not create the same kind of roughing condition as roughing spray. However, it is safe to use unlike roughing spray. When applied to a card, the roughing stick material changes the appearance of the card similar to the way roughing spray changes the appearance. Spray allows for a more uniform application, so the appearance change may be less noticeable, but neither allows for close inspection of the cards. Because of this, roughing is best applied on card backs rather than card faces. The roughing stick is an "active" material whereas roughing spray may be used as a "passive" material. By "active" I mean that the roughing stick material adheres even when the adjacent surface is unprepared. With roughing spray, when a roughed card comes in contact with an unprepared card, both cards essentially behave as though neither card is prepared . When two roughed surfaces using spray come into contact, only then does the adhesion take effect. This is what is meant by a "passive" material. This active versus passive property means that some motives for using roughing cannot be met with the roughing stick. After experimenting with the difference in properties, I have found some real benefits to the roughing stick.



A wonderful "invisible" accessory for any professional. I highly recommend this product.



Very easy to do and no residue



Having used Testors sprays for many years, I have to say the Roughing stick is a great replacement for making various decks.
It took a couple decks applications to get the feel for what I needed for what I perform, the product works extremely well and less is better format for how much to apply. The video link is helpful and to the point. I find for certain decks or double back card effects applying the stick across the deck lightly is sufficient and for Invisible decks etc applying the stick top to bottom of card works better for me. Overall an excellent product but you really need to only apply a light covering as it works as it should, Highly recommended



One of the best advancements in magic. I been using these Roughing Sticks for a while now. No sprays, no drying times, no curling cards, no mess….. Can be applied on the go with immediate usage. Easy to carry. Well worth the price.



Works great!



This Roughing Stick works like a charm. Just used it to “restore “ my heavily used invisible deck and also to make another one. Easy and clean and safe to use. Very happy with it.



Without a doubt, this is the best roughing stick/product on the market. I tried another from a competitor magic company (it even came with multiple sticks for less price) and it was nowhere close to the quality of this one. One thing that I liked about it is that you don't have to apply it too much to the card; not only does it last longer but you can apply faster.


Laura Bautista

Without a doubt, one of the tools that cannot be missing in your drawer. If you work with cards and use magic routines with them, you will need this product. Whether it's to make your own gimmicks or to "heal" or renew the ones you already have, you'll need this. Of all the options on the market, I would definitely choose Roughing Stick. It lasts a long time, is easy to apply and works wonderfully. You can not ask for more!



I used this for the first time today and it was so easy. So much easier than the spray with no fumes or windows needing to be opened. You just use the stick where desired and it works instantly. The instructions were clear and I enjoyed how they showed how to make certain gimmick decks. This stick is going straight into my bag and I have no doubt it will last me a lifetime.

Whatever you would use rough and smooth for.... you need this stick. Be gone spray! 10/10



Does exactly what it is supposed to do. Nothing to fault. Clear and concise instructions! My Invisible Decks are now operating as if brand new and I am no longer anxious if I will accidently spread too soft/too hard and expose the secret. I can also now make my own gimmick cards with the stick. So much easier to use than the sprays out there. Thanks!

VI Monthly


I carry it with me at all times (in my close-up case). Like Harry says, "it is a life saver in a pinch" (paraphrased interpretation).





I have no regrets about this purchase. The price is low and the roughing strick lasts a long time: it doesn't wear out much and can be used on a very large number of cards. I wouldn't say, however, that it replaces the roughing fluid and allows the latter to be thrown in the bin. Each has its own uses, advantages and shortcomings. The roughing stick is useful for processing partial maps (in one area) but the roughing fluid, in my opinion, gives better adhesion when you want two maps to be really difficult to detach. In any case, roughing strick deserves to join everyone's toolkit.



Thanks for this. Even though a roughing stick may seem like a no-brainer, I'm certain I'm not the only one who has used it incorrectly by applying too vigorously, etc. Moreover, this video is yet another example of how Vanishing Inc. goes the extra mile for their customers. Top notch, guys! Your devoted customer, Phineas Coffin



Highly recommend if you want to make up a gaff deck on the spot.



I was unaware that the roughing solution came in a solid form. Here I was using the aerosol spray which is quite toxic. And once it was applied it did not last too long, depending on humidity and how often you do the trick. I was very Happy to find your solid block form and it is Fantastic! I even like the smart idea of having the block with the different size edges to determine how much to apply, depending on your use, very brilliant. Thanks again I highly recommend this product! Magic Marty Edmonton, Canada



The "Roughing Stick" has proven to be a valuable addition to my "maintenance toolkit". The invisible deck is one of my go-to tricks and with the Roughing Stick, the deck has become more durable. The stick allows for a smooth and seamless handling of the deck, making the illusion of the invisible deck even more convincing. I would highly recommend this tool to any magician looking to improve their invisible deck routine.

VI Monthly


This product is really cool! So many things that can be done with this.



Great utility piece.



Nice demonstration on the RS and applications.





In my opinion, this is the best solution for rough & smooth. Not having to worry about ventilating the room with the spray option is great.

The quick application and no drying time makes it my number one choice for a rough & smooth solution.

I am a magic dealer in a brick & mortar shop and I recommend this to all of my customers.





a must have I guess. the sky is the limit.



Excellent! I carry the stuff with me everywhere I go in my backpack just in case I lose stuff in travel. Within just a few minutes you can make up a rough and smooth deck and achieve a plethora of effects.

One time a cruise director asked me to customize my ending for them and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without this stuff. You don’t wanna be spraying cards in a tiny cruise ship cabin, so this is perfect.



That was a very clear explanation. In fact, both presenters used the stick and even made a gimmicked in less than two minutes.

This really is a great way to go!




After a bad experience with a pre-prepared invisible deck I was a little reluctant to spend more money on a roughing stick in case that didn’t work either. However there were good reviews so I decided to take a chance. No regrets - it works great. The pre-prepared deck now works properly. So, if you want an invisible deck .. buy a standard deck and a roughing deck and make your own. If, after time, the cards stop working as they should you simply use the stick again.



I own several Harry Robson roughing sticks and keep one in every bag.

I've made my own invisible decks, forcing decks and simple rough gaffs. I have a 25 year old custom made nudist deck that was starting to 'show' on occasional spreads. A quick application of this roughing stick and it works as good as new.

I have tried sprays and will never use one again. This stick is so convenient and it just works. Great value too as you will get lots of use out of just one stick.

It is super useful for quick fixes of any R+S deck where finger oil or dirt may have affected to roughing. This stick will repair any of those decks in seconds. That is why I keep one in every bag.



I ended up buying quite a few of these. I’m pretty sure they’ll last me forever, but I’ve got one in every case, just in case I need it on the road. I’m super happy with this product



This product is awesome! It's really simple to use and can be used soo many times! It can make all sorts of things and soo easy to carry! The tutorial video is comes with is also soo great and helpful to how to use the roughing stick! Definitely recommend getting it for what is worth!



This product is great! Bought it during the Black Friday sale for a insanely discounted price. I used it for an effect i read in a book called stylo which is also available on vanishing inc and it is not hard to use.



You can do plenty of invisible decks with this stick and repair your old decks easily with this. So this might be a no brainer for any magician to buy. I have used it a lot and it does seem to last forever. This is also a good product for using your own trick inventions.



I bought this because my pre-made invisible deck got ruined when I spilled coffee on it! This seems to do exactly what it says it will do, and I fully expect to use it many times throughout the years! Great product.



This is a wonderful product! I bought one just to try it out, as I was super skeptical. But it delivered in a huge way! I’m gonna pick up a few more just to have some extras around. It’s made making gimmicked decks and packet tricks a breeze. I love it!



Gets the job done the way its supposed to. If you are torn between "which is better? Spray or stick"? The answer is both depending on your application, need and preference. But if you want to make up some quick gimmicks with little fuss, this is the way to do it.



So much easier to use than roughing spray. Packs small, no mess, efficient, and lasts a lifetime.



Roughing Stick is a great tool to make invisible, brainwave or any other decks/cards that depend on the rough and smooth principal. There are a lot of great effects that can be done with it, so it is a really nice investment (considering you are able to use it a lot)



It's my first time using it and it's better than the liquid one. There's no smell.





Great product



This product is highly recommended. You can use it to make your own rough and smooth decks such as Brainwave decks or invisible decks. That way, you can use your favourite decks instead of standard bicycle decks and, if you get through enough of those, the money you save not buying commercially produced gimmicked decks will quickly pay for the roughing stick. You could turn a Svengali deck sat in your drawer into a high quality mirage deck. I have used it to create an Off World deck and to gimmick cards as part of a colour changing deck routine involving multiple changes of packets of cards.
The roughing stick is very quick and easy to use and avoids the mess and fumes of spray can methods. (On the video, there's even a demonstration of just how quickly an entire brainwave deck can be created 'on the fly' from a normal deck. Harry does it in just three minutes. The video of him doing this is in real time. Quite entertaining!) It would be interesting to know how the practical effectiveness of this substance compares with Science Friction [which is much more expensive and hard to obtain.] Unlike some rough and smooth products, the application of the roughing stick only needs to be on part of a playing card and, once applied, is pretty much invisible. I used this to create a simple packet trick in which the card backs change colour when you fan them (by roughing only the ends of the cards - different ends depending on the back colour and orientation.) The roughing stick is about the size of a smallish pencil eraser. I've hardly made a dent in it so I expect it to last me a very long time. It comes in an attractive hard shell box but I found the lid quite hard to remove because the box and lid are almost the same dimensions and the lid fits snugly. It's hard to get a grip on the lid and the box at the same time. I wish it had come in a bigger box because it is very easy to mislay this one! (When I've found it again, I am going to keep it in a little tin with a lid that came with some expensive soap.) I also intend to see how well it works on post cards ('Places' by Looch at Read My Mind Ltd.) I notice that Saturn Magic sell a different version of this product called Harry Robson Easy Roughing Stick. Their website states: 'Please note the item you are buying here is the original Harry Robson Easy Roughing Stick not the Vanishing Inc product which is a different item.' I am guessing that the Vanishing Inc. version represents the pinnacle of Harry's development of the substance alluded to in the ad copy and video. There is also a seller on eBay who sells cheap roughing sticks for making things like invisible decks. It would be very interesting to know how these variously priced products compare. However, I am very happy indeed with the Vanishing Inc version and I recommend it highly.



This is genius and can save you a lot of money on gimmicked decks. You can make your own brainwave and invisible decks out of just regular decks. I have also used it for a 3-card monte routine. The possibilities are endless on this.



I am very happy with this purchase. The roughing stick definitely does its job. You have to play around with it a little to get just the right amount to get the cards to stick properly. This is especially the case if you are using different types of playing cards for your tricks.



I've been using this rouging stick for many rough/smooth card applications for a long time now. I prefer this method in many cases. However the other day I made an interesting discovery. I wanted to do a miser's dream routine using some replica " antique pirate" coins but the edges were extremely smooth and slippery. I was not able to back palm these coins... so I tried a little of the roughing stick on the edges and it worked brilliantly. But... I also found that you can rub the stick on the edges of the fingers that need to back palm the coin - and it works just as good! It lasts a long while and is not too sticky for other things I need to do with my hands... I applied the rouging stick just under the second and fourth fingers. amazing!



Roughing stick, a great product, great video demonstration on how to apply the stick in different ways for this to work, a bonus, there is no smell from the stick either.



This is the best roughing option available for all the reasons previously mentioned. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is: you can adjust the amount of roughing by applying more or less of the stick according to your needs. Try doing that with the spray!
Also, like other roughing methods, the "rough" will wear off over time if you use your deck all the time (like me), but touching up is sooo quick and easy.



works great



This is one of the best magic purchases I have made for the price. It's extremely convenient to use, especially compared to traditional roughing spray, and there are countless uses. I certainly recommend this.



The top choice is excellent, but this is really a twenty star item!

I received mine and saved a worn out ID and a Mental Photography in literally under a minute.

I am ordering four more; One for my close up kit and one for each of my other shows. I will also keep one in the car.

If you are a pro, then just get this because it can be a complete show saver.

The instructional video is direct, to the point, short and comprehensive.

Think about it, you have that last minute call or situation where you have to perform "right now" and you have no equipment. You have had that happen or eventually you will and with this stick you will be able to stop at a convenience store and pick up a few decks of cards and you will have everything that you need and more.

You will also be able to salvage older decks and save money. I wish that I had known about this a long time ago.

This product is fantastic! This review is written by a full time professional.



I Know it's hard to get excited about a Roughing Stick but as work-horses go this is perfect!
So much better than the spray and making me want to use rough & smooth cards again!



Outstanding product! I was able to (a) resurrect a pair of decks for “Cosmic Connection” and (b) make a pair of new ones.



Great product, easy to use. Was able to tighten up a deck easily. Well worth the money.



The best Roughing option there is.
I have got all kind of Roughing materiel, include since friction that is very good, but this little stick does it all fast and great and work perfectly. The best part is that even if after some performance some of the card need another treatment, all you have to do is take the stick, push it one second on the card and all is great again. In other solution you have to spray again and wait till it dry in an open space. With the stick you just apply it and you good to go. Thank you for one of the greatest products in a very fair price that anyone can buy.



Easy to use, so many ways to use


Pranav Harish

Great product! You can apply this too more than just cards too! Really recommended.



This works even better than roughing spray and is less complicated! And it lasts forever. Love it!!



This is a quality product, which performs exactly (and perhaps better) than expected. Very easy to use, which encourages experimentation, sometimes beyond standard applications. It's very inexpensive and will last a long time. If you're interested in this sort of thing and want quick results (no messy sprays and so on) I'd give this a very high recommendation.



just perfect nuff said



This product is great. I bought this product to repair a "Mental Photography" deck that was made using roughing fluid (the roughing was wearing off due to humidity in Texas). The Roughing Stick did a great job and my deck is now as good as new.

I did accidentally rough the wrong side of one card, which caused a slight problem. I was able to wipe off the mistake by vigorously rubbing the card against a cloth napkin.



Not much to add to what's been said already. This is a great alternative to a roughing spray but is not as effective or long-lasting. So why buy it? Firstly, it's great to have with you at a gig when you need to re-fresh a deck at the last minute or even if you left your invisible deck at home and need to create one from scratch; only takes a few minutes. Secondly, I bought the stick for a specific effect that requires one card to be roughed on one side so it sticks to a regular card. It's perfect for this and works MUCH better than roughing spray.



This is a great innovation as I have always shied away from using the spray. The stick works really well. even though it loses grip at some point its quick to re-apply without the hassle of the spray. The roughing can be done pretty quickly as is demonstrated in the videos I received. I can recommend this product it does the trick (so to speak).



I've used the sprays with excellent results but its a drag to set up a safe area to spray the cards, air it out and let the cards dry. It's nice being able to make a trick deck while watching TV and not having to worry about the fumes. And the cards can be tested out immediately and more added if any are lacking stickiness. It works well. I only wish it came with a bit more.



Harry boasts the ability to make an invisible or brainwave deck within 5 minutes because of this stick, if that was all this was good for it would be an incredible product, luckily it does far more than that. Without the inconvenience and smell of traditional roughing spray, you are able to do nearly any effect involving roughed cards or decks with this little block. You can reapply it to old cards, make gimmicked decks from scratch or invent your own routines with it, there are plenty of resources for roughed card effects out there.

The only downside is that it is sometimes too effective, a roughed card will stick to a non roughed card on occassion, there aren't many effects I know of where this is a serious problem but for it I knock off a single star. Aside from that, as I've said it is an incredible tool that will last a lifetime of any gimmicked decks you want to create.



A very nice addition to any card worker's toolset. Very practical and easy to apply. Would have enjoyed some additional ideas on application in specific tricks/routines aside from BW and ID, but understand that's not the point of this purchase. Overall, good value and would recommend.



Great product. A tad smaller than I was expecting, but works well.



The roughing stick works quite well. Maybe too well in some cases. A single roughed card will stick to a non-roughed card. If the roughed cards are always together (my application) then this is not an issue. You can feel some product on the card but I doubt that anyone would notice. You have to be looking for it. This is a quick, safe, and easy way to rough cards. I would recommend it.
-Gary Berard



Works, but not for very long.



For short-term use, this product is ideal. It's tremendously easy to increase the strength of the grip without overdoing it. If you're like me, you remember overdoing the roughing spray the first time you tried it.

The problem arises over time, and only with some card stocks. About a year after applying a roughing stick to two different types of card stock, I came back.

The first cards were from and had a smooth surface. These cards had next to no grip left. I had to reapply all over again, and who knows how long it will last now?

The second cards were a jumbo Bicycle deck from the older, thicker card stock. I had applied the roughing stick heavily to these cards, because I needed a firm grip. These cards still had an adequate, moderate grip, but it was perceptibly diminished.



The good: This is extremely practical, you can keep it in your case, and can make up many gaffed decks/cards quickly. Applying a partial application (e.g. top half of a card) is quite easy. The OK: This can wear off somewhat quickly and you do feel something on the card which may be annoying, it may have value as well depending on your need. The not so good: It's not a complete replacement for roughing spray as it doesn't work for all applications: rough cards stick to rough cards. This is a problem in some effects. The second trick I tried to make up with this had me end up with a clumpy stuck together deck because of this. As a result I had to get out the old can of spray, This is not a complete replacement for Roughing Spray.



This stick works fine, however I still believe that the spray works better. The good side of the stick is that it is much more practical to use and you can carry it in your case, being able to fix any deck anywhere and anytime you need. However, I believe that it might wear off with time.



I wanted to love this roughing stick, I really did. The video was great, and RS comes highly recommended, but…. I tried it on a few different decks and it just isn’t 100% effective for me. Very often I get the double card showing from behind no matter how much pressure I put on the card….and no matter how the stick is applied.. (thin or thick, partial or full coverage).
This never happens for me with a light coating (or partial coating)…. of dull coat spray. I can use a very light touch and the cards stay put until I want it to show. It’s not ok for the second card to show even just a little bit, until I want it to. I can see that the convenience factor of RS is great in an emergency, but I don’t have a problem preparing and spraying cards for the superior performance I personally get from dull coat spray. I dunno maybe it’s just my technique in handling the cards, but I’m just not a fan of this waxy roughing stick. I feel the marketing is a little deceptive because there is in fact a residue left on the cards, and it’s not very stable in my opinion. Yes dull coat is a residue on the cards as well..… but- it’s a thinner, more smooth and more hidden substance on the card and makes for better handling for me.
However, RS can obviously be wonderful based on others reviews.
Just my 2 cents, but I feel this roughing stick does not measure up to the marketing pitch in my opinion.
Kudos to Vanishing Inc for being an awesome company offering awesome products, and not afraid to hear customers differing opinions! Thanks!


Community questions about Roughing Stick

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Anthony asks: Hi , is ok to use on just one card? In other words in the instructions they use on both cards for cards for invisible deck . If I use mine for ID or brainwave can I just use on 1 card per pair? Thanks Anthony

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can apply it to one card and it will adhere.
    • 2. Anthony answers: Thank you.
  • Mitchell asks: Why is he rubbing it on front of card? i thought backs of cards were treated for invisible deck

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can rub on both sides for extra adherence.
    • 2. Sam answers: He is rubbing in on the front to make a brainwave deck not an invisible deck.
  • javier asks: Last month I bought "Roughing Stick" and the product is very hard to apply. Is it necessary to heat it a little ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Please drop us an email - we can certainly help you apply it properly. You should not heat it up.
    • 2. javier answers: I have understand I have ship yours my email. My email is: Thanks
    • 3. javier answers: Please, I need your reply. Thanks
  • Peter asks: HI, in the instruction video, Harry mentions about showing a performance of his ID routine, is this available somewhere?

      Post an answer to this question
    • Derek asks: Love this product. You apply to one card (like science friction), as opposed to two cards, like traditional roughing spray. But for the ( rare) occasion where you need something like traditional roughing spray (requiring both cards to be roughed), does anyone have any recommendations?

        Post an answer to this question
      • Stanley asks: What is better for roughing cards, Science Friction Spray or the Roughing Stick?

        • 1. Peter answers: I have the roughing stick and spray and in my opinion the spray works better.
        • 2. Jedidiah answers: I have both. It's not even close. SF works better from the jump, and then RS just loses ground from there. The wax from RS rubs off on other cards, making them sticky and your RS gimmicked card less effective. I sometimes use RS to quickly mock up a proof of concept gimmick while I'm practicing routines with ratty old cards. It's effortless to apply the wax to a card and experiment with alternative handlings for your tricks. But for performances, SF takes it by a mile.
        Post an answer to this question
      • Alan asks: How do you soften a dried up stick?

        • 1. James answers: Rub down an edge, and it will be less dry the deeper you go.
        Post an answer to this question
      • Matthew B asks: He says "it leaves no residue" which makes me think I'm using the product wrong. It definitely leaves residue. What am I doing wrong? It's worth $5, but $15 feels like a lot for a cross between wax and hot glue.

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Best to contact with questions like this.
      • An-Mari asks: Hello I just received my RS can u tell me at which temperature should I keep it

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Room temperature should be fine.
      • Matthew asks: Hello. Is there any way to remove this once applied? What's the best/easiest method for removal? Thanks!

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: While it's difficult to remove it fully, we've found that if you rub it on a soft cloth (or even a close-up pad, it can remove a large portion of the tackiness.

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: For this type of question please contact
      • Stephen asks: I'm in Phoenix, AZ and it is currently the month of July, when it is often well over 100 degrees outside for most of the day. I am wondering if the Roughing Stick is made primarily or even partially of wax, as I am concerned it might melt from the heat. Should I wait until cooler temps before ordering this product?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The stick would only melt in extreme heat. Make sure to store it in a cool location.
      • Filip asks: How does it differ from Maddison roughing stick?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: While they are both similar, our Roughing Stick is much smaller but thicker. It's also clear rather than white.
      • Eric asks: So, I haven't been able to get this to work for me. I've applied it per the instructions and it's just leaving a sticky residue on the cards but they don't seem to work as rough and smooth cards. Am I missing something?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The residue is good, make sure to apply it to both cards in the same spot that you would like to rough together.
      • Micah asks: Is the instruction a DVD or download.

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Download
      • Joshua asks: What are the dimensions of the roughing stick? Length/ Width/ Thickness. Thanks

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: 3.0 x 2.3 x 1.0
      • Enoch asks: Is this similar to Magicians Wax?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No. This is a replacement for roughing spray, used to make cards temporarily adhere together.
      • Shiang-Sheng asks: Hi, my name is Shawn, and I’m currently doing a research regarding the history of rough and smooth principles. Would it possible for the authors of the Roughing Stick to provide a "general list of chemicals or materials (without revealing the secret component of course)" used in Roughing Stick? Thanks

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: That's not possible I'm afraid Shawn.
      • Ian asks: Is the product non toxic?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes.
      • Rodney asks: I purchased this and tried it on two decks and neither one is sticking together. Do you use water with it or something?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No water. We recommend watching the instructional video again to see how to apply it. Also, two roughed surfaces will stick together.
      • Daniel asks: Can this only be used on USPCC cards?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Can be used on any cards.
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