Bicycle Invisible Deck
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The Invisible Deck features in the repertoire of almost every professional close-up magician I know. It's a gimmicked deck that allows you to reveal that any named card is the only card face down in the deck. Given that the deck is so easy to use, it allows you to spend all your time on the presentation to really build this trick up into a miracle.
The instructions are written by Daryl and are enough to get you started. If you want to take it one step further, we recommend Jay Sankey's Invisible DVD.
A classic that never gets old.
This is a classic of magic and I have seen many uses of it. I often wind up with an invisible deck where the cards are stuck together too hard, making it difficult until I have broken in the cards for a while. But not this deck! This one is easy to use right out of the box! Kudos to the makers of this trick deck!I often will throw a piece of wadded up paper into the audience and have someone catch the paper and then stand up and throw it to someone else then have THAT person use their cell phone to call someone they know I don't know. And when the person comes on the line, I have them go through a procedure similar to "Community Card" (first they name a color black or red, then a suit, then the value) then I show them the card that was reversed in the deck is that SAME card! SHAZAM!Knock 'em dead with this effect and they will bow and worship you on the spot! You might even be able to start your own cult (just kidding). So whether you're a pro or a beginner this trick is a winner! If you are looking for something really fun to do then grab this deck! You'll be glad you did!
Initially I had difficulty separating the cards to show the “upside down” card but after a bit of practice the reverse happened. It became almost impossible to spread the deck without exposing the cards that shouldn’t have been exposed! However the effect is amazing (when it works). So, I decided to buy a roughing stick (which I will review separately). This retrieved the situation but knowing what I know now I would make my own invisible deck using a standard deck and a roughing stick. From reviews it appears that the pre-prepared decks vary in quality.
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Dennis asks: Hi, I’m confused, because there are two entries in your webshop. Is this a Trick only (why specify back colour then?) or do I also get the psysical Invisible Pack? I also see a Murphy version, is there a difference, i.e. Which to get.
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