Gazzo On The Cups and Balls - Gazzo - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Gazzo On The Cups and Balls

Book by Gazzo
15.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Gazzo On The Cups and Balls

15.00 usd

Book by Gazzo (15.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Gazzo is one of the world's foremost street entertainers, and has worked in major cities all over the world. If you have ever seen him live, or seen his performance on 'Penn & Teller: Fool US', you will know exactly why. He set the standard for street entertainers and parts of his act are in use in pretty much every street entertainer's act I've ever seen.

Now for the first time anywhere, Gazzo describes in detail his original and stunning Cups and Balls routine. This isn't just a trick that Gazzo is throwing away; it's a masterpiece that has been honed over thousands of performances in front of millions of people. For those that don't perform street magic, the routine is equally suitable for trade shows and corporate events.

We have only managed to secure a small quantity of this out of print booklet, so be sure to pick up a copy today if you want to learn Gazzo's fantastic routine.


Customer reviews for Gazzo On The Cups and Balls



Is there a current street magician that does Cups and Balls any better? He's just so doggone entertaining. I don't want to "steal" his bit, but he sure models excellence for the viewer. My prayers go out to Gazzo... he's been through a lot lately. I had the pleasure of meeting him when he came through town several years back and lectured our Ring.

I recommend this product because Gazzo is a master of this classic. Just watching and listening gets the creative juices flowing... Get the cups out and work with the man.


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