Shrinking Pen - Tenyo Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Shrinking Pen

Trick by Tenyo Magic
35.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Shrinking Pen

35.00 usd

Trick by Tenyo Magic (35.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Show a pen to your audience before asking your spectator to pinch the pen through the cloth of a handkerchief. As she pushes downward, she feels the pen shrinking smaller and smaller. 

When the handkerchief is removed, the pen is seen to have really shrunk!

A pen slowly shrinks in size under a handkerchief, while in your spectator's hand. Your audience will react strongly when they see the adorable mini-sized pen appear. This surprising effect actually allows your spectator to feel the pen shrinking!

English instructions included.


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