Magic Books - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic Books We Love

Allan Ackerman: All In by Allan Ackerman %>
Neon Dreams by Lance Rich %>
The Elusive Illusive by Ben Daggers %>
Psychology of Magic: From Lab To Stage by Gustav Kuhn and Alice Pailhes %>
Astonishing Essays Complete Set by Vanishing Inc. %>
Talk About Tricks: The Complete File by Joshua Jay %>
The Boy Who Cried Magic by Andi Gladwin %>
Letters From Juan - Vol. 1 by Juan Tamariz %>

Magic Books

Magic books are our favorite thing about magic. We believe magic books are the best way to learn magic, to preserve magic, and to honor magic. That is why we publish more magic books than any other company.

On these pages, you'll find magic books covering card magic, coin magic, magic theory, magic history, mentalism and everything else in-between.

The Principles of Destruction Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Principles of Destruction
Book by Ben Seidman - $49.95 or download for $37.50

Ben Seidman finally shares his most closely-guarded secrets for destroying every audience…literally The Principles of Destruction was born from...

Calico Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Calico
Book by Rick Holcombe - $44.95 or download for $33.75

Coin magic doesn’t need to be boring. These modern, refined routines from a contemporary coin magic master will shatter every misconception you have...

The Foolosophy of Conjuring Book
The Foolosophy of Conjuring
Book by Jose Hernandez - 19.99

If you’re looking for a captivating read that seamlessly blends humor with profound insights, The Foolosophy of Conjuring by Joe Hernandez is an...

Experience: The Magic of Jon Allen Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Experience: The Magic of Jon Allen
Book by Jon Allen and John Lovick - $64.95 or download for $26.24

For the first time in years, one of our bestselling books is finally available again as an incredible hardback. "There is a marvelous elegance...

Studies in Deception Book
Studies in Deception
Book by Aurelio Paviato - 69.95

Learn the most cherished secrets of a FISM Champion! Studies in Deception by Aurelio Paviato is an exclusive look at a lifetime of magic from one of...

The Magic of Karl Elder - Godfather of Micro-Magic Book
The Magic of Karl Elder - Godfather of Micro-Magic
Book by Karl Elder - 64.95

Very few US magicians know of Karl Edler, but magicians throughout Europe and especially Austria and Germany know the name all too well. Karl Edler...

Mind Mapping in Magic Book
Mind Mapping in Magic
Book by Rachel Wax - $24.95 or download for $19.95

Mind Mapping in Magic is your interactive guide to sparking creativity and developing routines that are uniquely you. Despite being one of the...

A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation Book
A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation
Book by David Haversat - 99.95

The ultimate book on levitation and its storied history. You'll love flipping through this stunning, premium, 340-page, coffee-table-sized book....

Yellow Lecture Notes Book
Yellow Lecture Notes
Book by Mark Lemon - 34.95

Mark Lemon's Yellow Lecture Notes feature a variety of stunning mentalism routines taught in depth with additional notes shared...

The Magic of Hope Book
The Magic of Hope
Book by Lawrence Hass and Robert Neale - 29.95

A Book to inspire and amaze you in benighted times. Legendary magician and thinker Bob Neale brings you The Magic of Hope-a deeply personal...

Zandman Book Test - Something Wicked This Way Comes Book
Zandman Book Test - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Book by Josh Zandman - 149.00

A self-working, any word on any page book test from Josh Zandman—the king of modern book tests. You give someone the book and ask them to open to...

Ha-Bracadabra Book
Book by David Regal - 19.95

David Regal has conjured up a spectacular 6” x 6” hardboard art book that celebrates the funny side of our beloved craft. This charming volume...

Houdini: The Ultimate Trivia Compendium Book
Houdini: The Ultimate Trivia Compendium
Book by Jose Hernandez - 34.99

"Houdini: The Ultimate Trivia Compendium" by Joe Hernandez is a comprehensive exploration of Harry Houdini's extraordinary life and...

Forged By Fire Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Forged By Fire
Book by Christoph Borer - $49.95 or download for $37.50

An essential collection of magic from one of magic’s most creative and prolific magicians. Christoph Borer is a name that might not be immediately...

More Commercial Killers Book
More Commercial Killers
Book by Chris Congreave - 64.95

A new, beautifully-printed hardback bursting with practical, hard-hitting magic from Chris Congreave. "Chris Congreave just gets it. He truly...

Curly's Secrets Book
Curly's Secrets
Book by Tango Magic - 24.95

This is not just a magic book. It is also an index of magic videos where you can appreciate every card Mr. Tango performs and teaches. You will be...

Buffaloed: The Magic Of Jim Buffaloe Book
Buffaloed: The Magic Of Jim Buffaloe
Book by Meir Yedid Magic and Jim Buffaloe - 44.95

Buffaloed: The Magic of Jim Buffaloe Original & Creative: Intimate Coin Magic, Formal Coin Magic, Close-Up Magic, Stand-Up Magic, and Kid-Show...

Future With the Star Book
Future With the Star
Book by Kreskin - 19.95

The Amazing Kreskin is known as the World's Foremost Mentalist. Here, he has assembled a fascinating collection of future predictions from celebrated...

Miniature Mysteries with Cards Book
Miniature Mysteries with Cards
Book by TRICKSUPPLY and Barbara Fox - 34.95

Miniature Mysteries with Cards is a compilation of card tricks, both old and new, arranged chronologically, in an effort to reflect the evolution of...

Orpheus Book
Book by Phedon Bilek - 254.95

When Phedon set his mind on creating the ultimate Q&A routine the results were amazing, even one of Phedon's closest friends (Romanos) regards...

The Magic of Johnny Thompson Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Magic of Johnny Thompson
Book by Johnny Thompson and Jamy Ian Swiss - 249.95

An iconic two-book set is finally available again in limited quantities at a lower price than ever before! When it was first released in 2018, The...

Card Thrillers Book
Card Thrillers
Book by Paul Gordon - 95.00

NEW blockbuster card book: Paul Gordon presents Card Thrillers. If you loved Card Startlers and Card Foolers, you'll adore Card Thrillers. It...

Coin and Box Book
Coin and Box
Book by Nev Blenkinsopp - 39.95

From the fertile mind of magician Nev Blenkinsopp a book filled with wonderful new pieces of Okito Coin Box magic. Where else would you find a...

Particle System Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Particle System
Book by Joshua Jay - $100.00 or download for $75.00

This innovative new system from Joshua Jay revolutionizes memorized deck magic. It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced stack worker or have never...

Stairway Book
Book by Markobi - 119.95

Get a first class ticket into the captivating mind of FISM World Champion Markobi. "Wow, just Wow. This is not just a book on ridiculously...

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Top Selling Magic Books

Allan Ackerman: All In
30 years in the making, the best material from a card magic...
Neon Dreams
For the first time, the captivating story of how Las Vegas became the magic capital of...
Topping the Deck: The Perfect Move
A comprehensive exploration of one of...
Talk About Tricks: The Complete File
12 years. 144 columns. 868 tricks. For...
The Boy Who Cried Magic
"The Boy Who Cried Magic is a perfect magic book,...
Distilled (Ryan Plunkett)
Ryan Plunkett's Distilled is a handsome, 200-page volume of...
The Darkest Corners
A complete sellout at Magifest, The Session and Blackpool,...
Parlour Tricks
“Morgan and West are that rare thing, utterly unique, enormously entertaining and...
Magic Mail
Magic Mail is the perfect gift for a young person in your life, whether or not they have...
Singapore's Harapan Ong has caused an online sensation with his technical abilities....
Pure Imagination (Book)
Scott Robinson creates some of the most interesting visual...
Rare magic ebooks

Magic Books

We really, really love magic books here at Vanishing Inc. We publish more than anyone else and pride ourselves on the quality of the magic books we make. We honestly believe magic books are the best way to learn magic tricks, and urge you try if this way to learn magic tricks is new to you. When sleight of hand is explained in a book you’ll learn in a more efficient way. If you’re interested in learning mentalism, close-up magic, stage and parlor magic, coin tricks or magic for Zoom, you’ll find a book here to help you on your journey. If you want to learn card tricks with playing cards, you’ll find more books here than you could possibly get through in a lifetime!

Here are some articles about magic books we hope you’ll enjoy reading.

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