Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2)

By Rob Zabrecky
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Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2)

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Book or download by Rob Zabrecky ($25.00 or download for $18.75)

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Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) - magic
Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2) Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2)

The A,B,Z's of Magic by Rob Zabrecky. Zabrecky is a master of character development and entertainment, and his Astonishing Essays volume explores these issues in great detail. This manuscript began as part of Rob's award-winning lecture program. Here he expands on this content and gives magicians a master-class on the performance of magic.

Astonishing Essays is our most ambitious publishing project to date. It's a TEN-VOLUME collection of small, attractive books that will make you a better magician. The concept is simple: we pair the very finest intellects in magic with a topic they're passionate about. Each collection can be read in one sitting; it's meatier than an article but shorter than a full book. Think of it as "novella" size. Brew yourself a cup of coffee, get comfortable in your favorite chair, and open Astonishing Essays to be transported to a new world. These books will challenge the way you think about your magic and expand your horizons.

Softcover. 65 pages.

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Customer reviews for Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2)



This was a great read and addition to the astonishing essays series, whilst reading these you realise the books are something that are all standalone and can be left on a coffee table and purchased as a one off or set. Going through the A, B, Z's I almost started wanting more letters in the alphabet so I could keep reading!



This really was a stimulating read. Rob thinks about magic performance through the eyes of an artist. And a wildly left-field artist at that!

Really got me thinking in particular about stage presence, evoking emotions and structuring my shows.

Refreshingly different from the other books in the series, and indeed most other magic 'theory' books.



I remember the first time I saw Rob perform. It was life changing. It challenged me to want to be be different. I fail every day to be as different and as great as Rob but I am better for my trying. This essay is a fun bit of short pieces of advice that will make you a better performer. My highest recommendation.



This is an outstanding essay about magic as an theatrical art. I am a great admirer of Rob's work and have also seen the lecture this booklet is based on. In my recollection it does not add any substantial new thoughts or "material", but it is so well written and so thoughtful that it is not only worth getting - I consider it a must-read, if you are serious about the artful aspects of developing a character and a magic act that aspires to be more than a collection of tricks. If you want to get into the mind of one of the most creative thinkers in magic - this is for you. Thanks to Joshua and Andi for bringing this out. The bar for this series is set at a very high standard now ;-)



Vanishing Inc is performing a great service bringing this aeries of books out. It is what one would image sitting with Rob and getting the inside scoop without the interference of trick/explanation, etc. Enjoyed it very much and look forward to meeting him at Genii in Orlando.



My rating is inaccurate but they didn't have the correct one.
My rating right now is Unknown.
You see I just received this essay about a week ago and have yet to read it. So why "write a review? Because Vanishing Magic has been bugging me to "write a review" without considering reviews are supposed to be voluntary and they should ask only once after some time instead of sending multiple emails immediately after I have received it and telling me "We wrote a little while ago asking you to leave a review of your latest purchase. You've not had time to do it yet, we get it. Life is busy."
Which means I may not have read it yet and still you expect me me to write a review. Maybe you really don't "get it." Reviews are voluntary. Or maybe you think I am a mentalist. I am not.
So why an excellent rating? I have known Rob Zabrecky to be very insightful, a superior performer and and an excellent person. That was why I bought the essay. to get his opinion, o get his viewpoint. I EXPECT this to be an excellent essay full of insight and great tips on performance. But I haven't read it yet so I don't know for sure.
But I hope Vanishing Magic gets the message that reviews are a voluntary thing and they should give people at least a month instead of sending a few emails within a week of receiving an item especially if it is something that needs to be read and considered.
Review written 10 days after this item was shipped from Vanishing Maghc.



A wonderful little book that packs small but plays huge. Who knew that so much good advice could fit into such a small package. This is one book that will go in my carry bag so I can dip into it time and time again.



If you’re like me you’ve been looking for something to fill that spot on your shelf in between your inscribed copy of Gahan Wilson’s adaption of The Devil’s Dictionary for Classics Illustrated and Magic & Showmanship by Henning Nelms. The A, B, Z’s of Magic by Rob Zabrecky fills that gap just right. It’s a thoughtful series of short essays on the creative process, writing, intent, practice, collaboration and more. I appreciate the inclusion of his scripting for a piece I saw him perform at Albuquerque’s historic KiMo Theater. That performance left me wondering, “What’s he thinking?” Now I know. I have a lot of books on magic and this is the only one that references David Lynch and the Warhol 60’s and quotes a Yoko Ono poem. I recommend it for anyone interested in approaches to creativity and performance theory.



The Astonishing Essay – ‘A, B, Z’s of Magic’ by the enigmatic Rob Zabrecky, is a magnificent addition within the canon of theatre and magic study. Zabrecky’s honest insight into character, scripting and staging is a vital ingredient to any performer, wishing to take their show to higher levels of magic and mystery. The compact novella is beautifully produced, and I look forward to reading the remaining volumes and Rob Zabrecky’s show, Turn on the Dark at The Abandoned Room. Thank you Andi and Josh for these unique creations in the theory of magic.


Community questions about Astonishing Essays - Rob Zabrecky (Volume 2)

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  • Danny asks: Thank you. May I ask how is this book different from “An Exploration at the Intersection of Magic and Theatre” also by Rob?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: While I haven't read that book, it certainly sounds different in scope and content to this Astonishing Essay.
    • 2. Danny answers: apparently the lecture is more up to date and has additional material
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