Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser - Raj Madhok - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser

By Raj Madhok
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Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser

20.00 usd

Book or download by Raj Madhok ($20.00 or download for $15.00)

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We’ve known Raj Madhok since before the invention of Vanishing Inc. He has been a friend, trusted editor, and “title-giver” for many of our projects. Over the past three decades he has contributed effects to most of the magic journals of our time. A few years ago we asked if he would produce a booklet of his mentalism.

Well, that time has come.

Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser is a 54 page, soft cover book containing nine of his favorite effects. Most are close-up and impromptu, but can play bigger - including an intriguing chair test for the stage, but it can also be done close-up!

Imagine being able to tell someone their birthday without writing anything down or seemingly asking any questions. You’ll also learn how to divine the best friend of an audience member, alter someone’s sense of touch, subliminally influence a choice of objects, and describe a book and a specific word created only in someone’s mind! A handful of invisible M&Ms and two baffling card effects round out this collection that uses subtleties rather than sleights.

We’re delighted to finally be able to offer you Raj's mentalism in print and we hope that you will enjoy it as much as we do.

Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser is overflowing with innovative mysteries. You'll get more than your money's worth simply by reading N' Synch 3.0 or Fossa Nature. A treat.Michael Weber
Anything put out by Raj is a must. HIs thinking is clean, his ideas original and the subtleties grand. Don't pass this one by.Banachek
This material is annoyingly good.Max Maven
Raj, your innovative thinking always sets my mind afire. Any mentalist, or mystery performer , should run to acquire this mini tome. Not dusty ideas from the past, you'll never put it up for auction. Marc Salem
I’ve always appreciated Raj’s warm, approachable demeanor and this is reflected in his magic and mentalism. When he performs, you’re not always sure when he's started. The experience is more conversational and organic than expected, and through the use of everyday objects, you don’t feel you’re being ’showed a trick’. Even familiar themes, once updated with his tweaks and handlings, feel new again (The Invisible Book Test). I’ll be using some of these routines immediately.Larry Fong
I really enjoyed reading Raj's book. So many clever and thought-provoking ideas!Eugene Burger
One thing that sets Raj’s work apart from many, is his ability to weave beautiful presentations into his effects.John Carey
Having seen all of these effects over the last few months, I can assure you of their spectacularity!Greg Wilson
Brilliant stuff. Raj has a gift for devising mentalism that is modern, meaningful and mind-blowing! Every routine is stellar.John Guastaferro
The first time I met Raj, he showed fooled me badly with the effects now described in this volume. His mentalism is impromptu, engaging, and he is a master at creating a casual bubble of alternative reality in which the audience can share a magical moment with him. I love his style.Vincent Hedan
Mysteries that will melt your brain. No worries. The doctor is in!John Bannon
The nine, diverse, compact presentations in this book show how to make the curious and mysterious extraordinary and memorable. The properties used are pocket-sized and commonplace. More tellingly, what interactively happens when they merge with nearby minds is provably remarkable.Jon Racherbaumer

Available as a Perfect Bound Book (54 pages), or in an PDF Ebook (56 pages).

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Customer reviews for Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser



Great book. Raj Madhok demonstrates a lot of thought and creativity and has some knock out effects. Highly recommended.



So i bought this as an e-book, i have only heard the name Raj Madhok when it was mentioned in a John Guastaferro e-book as well. After hearing that he have his works out i decided to buy it i have to say its a brilliant book! Some of these routines already made it into my repertoire.
i think 3 routines made it into my set immediately was Melts in your mind, Invisible Book test, and Shifty One Faces North.
the other's routine are great too, its just that in my case it don't fit my situations but those 3 are a huge winner and worth the price of the book already


Official review from MUM Magazine

From the December 2016 MUM magazine. Reviewed by Joshua Kane
Raj Madhok's book Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser draws its title from a quote in Lewis Carroll's classic novel Alice in Wonderland. I suspect in time it will become a classic itself, and that if you do not buy it now you may end up very disappointed when it goes out of print. If you do buy it, you may end up with a grin wider than that of the Chesire cat.

At only $20, less than a set of lecture notes, this is without a doubt the best bargain of the year.


Official review from MAGIC Magazine

From the August 2016 MAGIC Magazine. Reviewed by Jared Kopf

Raj Madhok loves magic. His love for the art is playful but serious, and there is no better evidence for his devotion to fun, meaningful mysteries than his new collection of mentalism, Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser.

If you should decide to step through Madhok’s looking glass and explore his little niche of Wonderland, you will find nine pieces of mentalism that are as simple to learn as they are strong to experience.

Mysteriouser and Mysteriouser is an excellent collection of mentalism. Madhok’s explanations are clear, complete, and well cited. The methods are practical, and the presentations go down the path that leads to wonder.


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  • Tim asks: In the effect Best of Friends, is there a letter limit of the best friend's name?

    • 1. Jim answers: Nope. Any name will work.
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