The Millionaire's Magician: A Graphic Novel - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Millionaire's Magician: A Graphic Novel

Book by Steve Cohen
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The Millionaire's Magician: A Graphic Novel

25.00 usd

Book by Steve Cohen (25.00)

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The Millionaire's Magician: A Graphic Novel - magic
The Millionaire's Magician: A Graphic Novel The Millionaire's Magician: A Graphic Novel

Steve Cohen made his name as an exclusive act for society's elite. He has been featured on the Late Show With David Letterman and in Variety and Forbes, and for nearly two decades held a residency at the Waldorf Astoria New York. His show Chamber Magic® now plays at the Lotte New York Palace.

Following Cohen’s sensational career comes The Millionaires’ Magician, a not-quite-biographical graphic novel retelling of Cohen’s life and rise to fame.

Steve finds his very life swept up in a dark scandal when he discovers a powerful businessman’s dooming secret and must “disappear” to avoid a deadly fate. He spends years hiding in Japan and training in martial arts before returning to New York to save the businessman’s innocent victims and exact his revenge. Using the skills of a magician, Steve devises a methodical plan to take down the criminal mastermind... from the inside.


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