Magic by Andy Nyman

The Moment Trick
The Moment
Trick by Andy Nyman - 29.95

One of magic’s most beloved performers and creators presents the opportunity to create an unforgettable experience between you and your spectator...

The Vault - Get Nyman Magic download (video)
The Vault - Get Nyman
Magic download (video) by Andy Nyman and Alakazam UK - 59.95

Derren Brown's most trusted friend and consultant Andy Nyman is a creative force in magic and mentalism. Now, with this MASSIVE 3-video download, you...

The Pro-folio Accessory
The Pro-folio
Accessory by Andy Nyman - 240.00

Special Offer: When you purchase this item, you will also receive an exclusive download from New York based magician, Eli Bosnick. Eli teaches you...

The Code Trick
The Code
Trick by Andy Nyman - 24.95

"I think you've got two choices: Get The Code and do amazing things, or don't - in which case, someone like Andy is going to use it to fool your...

Killer Elite Pro Trick
Killer Elite Pro
Trick by Andy Nyman - 45.00

Andy Nyman's Killer Elite was not only one of the most successful tricks of its time. It was also voted "Trick of the Year" but unfortunately it...

Dice Man DVD
Dice Man
DVD by Andy Nyman - 35.00

Dice Man could quite possibly be Andy's finest trick to date! The performer explains that he's trying something new in his life-he's given up making...

Kosher Products: Lecture Notes Book
Kosher Products: Lecture Notes
Book by Andy Nyman - 20.00

More high-callibre mentalism from lading performer & creator Andy Nyman. KOSHER PRODUCTS The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Charade Con Air Mr....

Short Book
Book by Andy Nyman - 20.00

These are Andy's first set of notes and are packed full of strong, easy to do mentalism tricks. Trust me - you will want these notes! Featuring: Deep...

Fight Dirty: Lecture Notes Book
Fight Dirty: Lecture Notes
Book by Andy Nyman - 20.00

Andy's brand new set of lecture notes available exclusively from Alakazam contains 5 sure fire mentalist tricks. If you know Andy's mentalism you'll...

Big Reaction DVD & props
Big Reaction
DVD & props by Andy Nyman - 39.95

Big Reaction is Andy Nyman's take on a Roy Johnson effect. Andy purchased the rights from Roy and now he brings this commercial fun routine to...