Magic by Benjamin Earl

Impossible (Download Bundle) Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Impossible (Download Bundle)
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 18.00

Ben Earl caused a SENSATION last year when we released his Less is More hardbacked book, as well as his deck-switching treatise. People know him...

Real Coin Magic DVD
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Real Coin Magic
DVD by Benjamin Earl - $35.00 or download for $35.00

On Real Coin Magic, Benjamin Earl presents four original coin magic compositions designed to strip away the glitz and flourish of coin magic and...

Less is More by Ben Earl (Book) Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Less is More by Ben Earl (Book)
Book by Benjamin Earl - From $50.00

"Benjamin Earl is one of the best cardmen around today. Less is More, is a bona fide winner! It gets my highest recommendation." Steve...

Real Deck Switches DVD
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Real Deck Switches
DVD by Benjamin Earl - $35.00 or download for $35.00

Being able to do a great deck switch is essential for any card magician worth their salt and soon you'll be treating the deck switch like just...

Real Ace Cutting DVD
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Real Ace Cutting
DVD by Benjamin Earl - $35.00 or download for $35.00

If you could genuinely locate the Aces from a shuffled deck of cards, what would it look like? In Benjamin Earl's hands, it looks exactly as it...

Roleplayer (Ebook) Magic download (ebook)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Roleplayer (Ebook)
Magic download (ebook) by Benjamin Earl - 24.00

When Benjamin Earl tells us that he's ready to publish his strongest card effect, we listen! In effect, a spectator freely names a card, they shuffle...

The Gambling Lesson Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Gambling Lesson
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 12.00

This is the holy grail for anyone who loves card magic: a believable premise about cheating that ends with the spectator cutting to four Aces. "The...

The Answer Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive The Answer
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 12.00

This outstanding, self-working card trick is as simple as it is amazing: a spectator shuffles an ordinary pack and then selects the PERFECT card to...

One Hand Bottom Palm Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive One Hand Bottom Palm
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 12.00

The One-Hand Bottom Palm is a move that everyone wants to master, but very, very, very few can actually do. Benjamin Earl's handling of the move is...

Ramjollock Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Ramjollock
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 12.00

Ben Earl caused a SENSATION last year when we released his Less is More hardbacked book, as well as his deck-switching treatise. People know him...

The Shift Book
The Shift
Book by Benjamin Earl - 50.00

Ben Earl (author of one of our most praised books, Less is More) is back with an entirely new book that is an equal mix of new effects and practical...

Red Herring Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Red Herring
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 11.95

Ben Earl caused a SENSATION last year when we released his Less is More hardbacked book, as well as his deck-switching treatise. People know him...

Inside Out Book
Inside Out
Book by Benjamin Earl - 79.95

Ben Earl's Inside Out is a deeply personal book filled with radical new approaches for creating powerful magic. It will alter your thinking,...

The Shift - Vol. 2 Book
The Shift - Vol. 2
Book by Benjamin Earl - 50.00

Studio52 has done it again! The Shift #2 is here! This is the second volume in the series and believe it or not, they have stepped up their game-with...

Skin DVD
DVD by Benjamin Earl - 59.00

You probably know Ben Earl as one of the world's best card stars. You've probably seen his Past Midnight DVDs (and if you haven't, you should)...

Trade Secrets #1 - The Combination Shuffle Magic download (video)
Trade Secrets #1 - The Combination Shuffle
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 20.00

The Combination Shuffle is a false overhand shuffle that is so remarkably deceptive, you will regularly fool yourself. Done correctly, it's almost...

Trade Secrets #5 - Deceptive Card Control Magic download (video)
Trade Secrets #5 - Deceptive Card Control
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 20.00

A masterclass in making the act of controlling a card to the top of the deck as deceptive as possible. While the moves themselves are well within the...

Trade Secrets #3 - Finessed Frank Thompson Cut Magic download (video)
Trade Secrets #3 - Finessed Frank Thompson Cut
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 20.00

While the Frank Thompson False Cut already beautifully blended simplicity and deceptiveness, Ben's handling makes this beloved classic better than...

Trade Secrets #4 - False Swing Cut Magic download (video)
Trade Secrets #4 - False Swing Cut
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 20.00

Ben explores all of the important touches and subtleties that make this completely innocent-looking False Swing Cut a deceptive powerhouse. You'll...

This is Not a Box Book
This is Not a Box
Book by Benjamin Earl - 40.00

This is Not a Box explores the use of honesty and truth within magic effects, while attempting to cultivate new relationships between the...

The Shift - Vol. 3 Book
The Shift - Vol. 3
Book by Benjamin Earl - 50.00

Ben Earl and Studio52 return with one of the most highly-anticipated books of the year. Taking this beloved series to astounding new heights, The...

Trade Secrets #2 - The Overhand DPS Magic download (video)
Trade Secrets #2 - The Overhand DPS
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 20.00

By integrating the Diagonal Palm Shift into the action of a casual Overhand Shuffle, Ben has a created an amazingly natural way to control, palm and...

F is for Fiction Book
F is for Fiction
Book by Benjamin Earl - 35.00

F for Fiction features three killer routines, all of which work in close-up, parlour and stage settings. These effects can be performed...

Past Midnight (3 DVD Set) DVD
Past Midnight (3 DVD Set)
DVD by Benjamin Earl - 100.00

We are proud to feature the debut material by one of the best underground card magicians in the world: Benjamin Earl. Now a television star in Ben...

Eye Candy  Book
Eye Candy
Book by Benjamin Earl - 35.00

Eye Candy contains three hyper-visual magic effects; no high-concept just pure eye-popping, brain-frying, visual magic to melt faces and destroy...

Switch Book
Book by Benjamin Earl - 35.00

Switch contains two amazing transpositions; one with playing cards and the other with coins. There are no duplicate items, just pure sleight of...

Less is More Deluxe Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Less is More Deluxe
Book by Benjamin Earl - 125.00

"Benjamin Earl is one of the best cardmen around today. Less is More, is a bona fide winner! It gets my highest recommendation."Steve Forte "Ben...

Trade Secrets - The Covert Collection Magic download (video)
Trade Secrets - The Covert Collection
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 75.00

Instantly save $25 by getting all 5 of the Trade Secrets Project magic downloads from Benjamin Earl and Studio52 for just $75.

Ben Earl's Trade Secrets Project Magic download (video)
Ben Earl's Trade Secrets Project
Magic download (video) by Benjamin Earl - 20.00 each

Trade secrets from a master of his craft are finally being revealed. Benjamin Earl is a world-renowned performer, creator and teacher that has...