Bob Kohler magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic by Bob Kohler

Color Code Coin Purse Accessory
Color Code Coin Purse
Accessory by Murphy's Magic Supplies and Bob Kohler - 29.95

Choose your color and make your mark with "Color Code Coin Purses" by Bob Kohler. Produced by Murphy's Magic, "Color Code Coin...

Black Envelope DVD
Black Envelope
DVD by Bob Kohler - 25.00

What Is Black Envelope? Bob Kohler's Black Envelope is a truly diabolical secret based on an idea from top Scottish card man Peter Duffie, tipped to...

Prime Cut DVD
Prime Cut
DVD by Bob Kohler - 25.00

This DVD is the first of our "Street Magic Series". It contains two blockbusters that are truly amazing, yet easy to do. Prime Cut Here's the effect....

The Lightning Box DVD & props
The Lightning Box
DVD & props by Bob Kohler - 189.95

HISTORY German magician Bruno Hennig invented the "Signed Card To Box". This powerhouse effect has seen countless improvements and modifications...

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