Magic by Corinda

Pencil, Lip, Sound, Touch and Muscle Reading Magic download (ebook)
Pencil, Lip, Sound, Touch and Muscle Reading
Magic download (ebook) by Corinda - 4.99

These are extremely subtle methods of obtaining information that really work. Corinda was a master at all five of these, and teaches them with the...

Question and Answer (Readings) Magic download (ebook)
Question and Answer (Readings)
Magic download (ebook) by Corinda - 4.99

This book is step 11 of Corinda’s classic text, Thirteen Steps To Mentalism, and deals with readings, of which Corinda was a master. He covers a huge...

Corinda's the Powers of Darkness: an Enigma Magic download (ebook)
Corinda's the Powers of Darkness: an Enigma
Magic download (ebook) by Corinda - 4.99

A unique experiment in sensory perception, with the spectator's eyes closed, using two rings from a Linking Ring set. Contents: Introduction The...