David Ben, world renowned sleight-of-hand expert, magical historian, and student of Ross Bertram, offers the method and explains the finer points for...
In 1922, Dai Vernon bested Harry Houdini. Here David Ben, a true Vernonite and renowned sleight of hand expert, presents his interpretation of...
Your limited chance to own one of the exclusive luxury gift packs that were previously only available to the attendees of The Retreat: Western...
An eye-opening reimagining of one of card magic’s most influential texts. Master sleight of hand artist David Ben’s treatise on the science and art...
Dai Vernon: the last great undiscovered artist of the 20th century. His medium was magic and with it, Vernon turned the clandestine world of...
Introduction Excerpt from Book: "How Gamblers Win or the Secrets of Advantage Playing Exposed is an important contribution to early American...
For over a hundred years, the identity of the author of Artifice, Ruse and Subterfuge at the Card Table, known colloquially as The Expert at the...