Peter Eggink presents a delightfully eerie and amazing new take on his acclaimed Ghost Tag effect. Houdini's Last Trick begins by removing a...
The classic traveling hole plot gets a major boost with "Reverse Matrix" by Chiam Yu Sheng. A playing card is selected and signed. You...
An elegant, jaw-dropping and easy-to-do updated version of Peter's Eggink's popular key-to-necklace effect "Exit". "Homebound"...
Easily and visually cause a spoon to slowly bend right between your fingertips. The art of "Spoon Bending" has been around for decades,...
A small object penetrates the lid of a coffee cup they are holding. "Caffeine Rush" is a super organic and amazing piece of close up magic....
A modern take on the classic "Ring Flight" designed for close up magic and street magic performances. With "Ring Hole" by Peter...
A coffee cup becomes your new secret weapon for slaying audiences with ming-boggling visuals. Magicians are always in search of strong magic that...
A pocket-sized, card magic take on a classic stage illusion. This fun effect starts by having someone select a playing card. It is then wrapped in a...