Magic by Eric Hawkesworth

A Magic Variety Show Book
A Magic Variety Show
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 9.95

If you need a source for some different types of magic not covered in other texts, try Eric Hawkesworth's A Magic Variety Show!Eric shows you how...

Conjuring Book
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 14.95

This is a great collection of magic for any stand-up performer. You'll learn productions, cards, mentalism and so much more!With so many different...

Puppet Shows to Make Book
Puppet Shows to Make
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 14.95

If you are a puppeteer or are thinking of being one, this book should be in your library. This comprehensive text not only covers living marionettes,...

Rag Picture Shows Book
Rag Picture Shows
Book by Eric Hawkesworth - 14.95

Rag pictures are geometric "cut-out" shapes composed of felt, plastic, foam, etc. When put on a black (typically felt) background by magnets,...