Calling himself "The French Magician," Etienne Pradier has made a name for himself as an amazing close-up magician, entertaining people from LA to...
French born Etienne Pradier is one of the UK's most successful magicians. This is Etienne's second book, and follows on from the huge success of...
Despite its name, La Magie des Cartes, is an English book. It was penned by Frenchman Etienne Pradier, who now resides in London. He is certainly...
A Truly Stunning Effect EffectA selected card is found literally attached under your shirt button. You rip the card off and let them keep it as a...
The deck is shuffled by a spectator and then handed back to the magician, who spreads through it and takes out a card, the identity of which is kept...
Five titles on three discs! Presenting Etienne Pradier: The Collection. Etienne is undoubtably one of the world's busiest...
French magician, Etienne Pradier, is a fantastic working magician. Our regular visitors know that we only showcase the best magic DVDs and this is...
The Cosack Pen is an excellent tool to add to any routine. With the help of a lighter, you will able to make the chosen card or word appear on a...
"Etienne Pradier is just as amazingly talented as he is funny!" Eric Jones At Vanishing Inc. Magic, we love Etienne Pradier because he represents...
From Los Angeles to London people have been left open-mouthed by the Close-up Magic of Etienne Pradier. Etienne's Gallic charm and...
In this first installment of card magic from France's Etienne Pradier (2000 Magic Circle Close-Up Magician of the Year, British Close-Up Champion...
"If the Michelin Guide included magicinas, Etienne Pradier would certainly be included: his magic is unmistakably French, original, impeccably...