The Intercessor is a unique gimmick that makes miracles possible. Created by the inventive Gaetan Bloom and used in his professional shows for...
After years of jealously keeping it secret, Gaetan Bloom has finally released his take on the classic Gypsy Thread in this, Bloom's Gypsy Thread. ...
This is a rare thing: when a true veteran of close-up magic tips an ENTIRE routine. With this DVD package, you have the pins themselves and the...
This two-volume set takes a unique look into the fertile mind of Gaetan Bloom. These books have been years in the making and are guaranteed to be...
Gaetan Bloom is one of the most creative magicians in the world. His magic it truly ingenious both in effect and in method. Volume One of this...
Gaetan Bloom is known as one of the most creative magicians in the world. But his strength lies in his knack for inventing magic that not only fools...
Many years ago, the great Al Koran invented a wonderful effect that became a classic in magic: The Flying Ring. That effect was first published...
Gaetan Bloom's world opens just for us! FOUR hours of magic, including twenty tricks that illustrate exactly why Gaetan is one of the most...
Alexandra & Dominique Duvivier present: The School of Magic: Special Objects #2 by Gaetan Bloom Magic that is easy to learn! A highly regarded...
Includes original lecture network news and featuresHosted by Jeff HobsonIn-Depth explanationsSeven amazing stage and close-up effects:The Standing...
Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier present Gaetan Bloom! Learn magic easily! A great professional shares his tips! Contents: - The Parking Disc - The...
The Inexaustible Sponge by Gaetan Bloom and Kevin James At anytime during your performance, you wipe your forehead with a sponge and squeeze it...
Imagine a spectator freely selecting a card from a normal shuffled deck and signing its face. The performer then shuffles the signed card back...
Gaetan Bloom creates unique magic that fools and entertains but he also constructs routines that are very direct and play very big. The routines are...