Magic by Geoff Williams

Geoff Williams Live Lecture Live lecture
Geoff Williams Live Lecture
Live lecture by Geoff Williams - 7.95

Comedy, conjuring and creativity all in one! Having won more than two dozen awards, Geoff Williams is as amazing as he is funny. He has lectured and...

I Hate David Copperfield DVD & props
I Hate David Copperfield
DVD & props by Geoff Williams - 20.00

The performer asks, "Would you like to see the I Hate David Copperfield trick? Do you know why I call it that? Because "I Hate David...

Live Lecture DVD Set - March 2015 DVD
Live Lecture DVD Set - March 2015
DVD by Nathan Kranzo, Geoff Williams, Justin Miller and Paul Draper - 29.95

This months DVD set includes the lectures from Nathan Kranzo, Paul Draper, Justin Miller and Geoff Williams! Nathan Kranzo: Nathan Kranzo...

Miracles For Mortals Volume One DVD
Miracles For Mortals Volume One
DVD by Geoff Williams - 35.00

Volume One Contents: ELECTRICAL ARTLET - Boom box cord too short to reach the wall outlet? No problem; just draw an outlet on a pad of paper,...

Miracles For Mortals Volume Two DVD
Miracles For Mortals Volume Two
DVD by Geoff Williams - 35.00

Volume Two Contents: BACHELOR'S THREAD - Raj Madhok's marvelous method of magically producing the ring for a Ring & String routine. It just...

Geoff Williams Live Lecture DVD DVD
Geoff Williams Live Lecture DVD
DVD by Geoff Williams - 9.95

Geoff Williams - Comedy, conjuring and creativity all in one! Having won more than two dozen awards, Geoff is as amazing as he is funny. He has...