Magic by Holland Tricks

Leo's Coin Trick
Leo's Coin
Trick by Leo Smetsers and Holland Tricks - 41.50

One of the best kept secrets in Magic... Leo Smetsers is a prolific creator and performer. His entire life revolves around magic and he has released...

LS Dice Trick
LS Dice
Trick by Leo Smetsers and Holland Tricks - 49.95

Two identical dice. One totally normal, the other painstakingly gaffed by hand. Together, they make a powerful combo. When you first get your...

LS Roadtrip Trick
LS Roadtrip
Trick by Leo Smetsers and Holland Tricks - 12.95

A fun and commercial twist on Robert Neale's classic trapdoor card. "Roadtrip" by Leo Smetsers is super easy to do. No sleight of hand or...