Hugo Choi magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic by Hugo Choi

Acerrow Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Acerrow
Magic download (video) by Hugo Choi - 12.00

This novel take on the Indicator Card plot is bound to surprise you. A card is freely selected from the deck and shuffled back into the pack. The Ace...

Tiny Bird Trick
Tiny Bird
Trick by Hugo Choi - 19.95

Newest release from Hugo Choi. Simple, easy, and ready to go! Draw a circle or design on the bird, and fold its arms over your drawing. Stand the...

Fruit Sponge Ball (Orange) Accessory
Fruit Sponge Ball (Orange)
Accessory by Hugo Choi - 17.95

A sponge ball that looks just like an orange. Audiences love these, especially with all the stories you come up with! Tell them the grocery...

Trick by Hugo Choi - 25.00

Here's the latest, astounding product from HUGO CHOI, a fabulous magician from Korea. Please enjoy his new magical effect. ...

Colorize Trick
Trick by Hugo Choi - 50.00

This one will leave them screaming, "WOW!" Are you ready to color your magic? Use your imagination to colorize a blank card...

Fruit Sponge Ball (Apple) Trick
Fruit Sponge Ball (Apple)
Trick by Hugo Choi - 19.95

A sponge ball that looks just like an apple. Audiences love these, especially with all the stories you come up with! Tell them the grocery store...

Orange Tree Trick
Orange Tree
Trick by Hugo Choi and Anna Shin - 35.00

A magical treat for the eyes, sure to produce smiles and amazement! Make a tree instantly grow and bear fruit... not just any fruit, but oranges!...

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