Magic by Jean Hugard

Encyclopedia of Card Tricks Book
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks
Book by Jean Hugard - 24.95

In the first decades of the twentieth century magicians filled the magic journals with articles on card tricks, giving improvements on classic...

Expert Card Technique – Third Edition Magic download (ebook)
Expert Card Technique – Third Edition
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard and Frederick Braue - 11.99

Updated August 20th, 2014 Mahdi Gilbert’s new TEXT based PDF of Hugard and Braue’s classic book on advanced card handling, including two additional...

Encyclopedia of Card Tricks Magic download (ebook)
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard and Brinsley Nicholson - 11.99

Jean Hugard’s Encyclopedia of Card Tricks. An incredibly rich resource for learning card magic. If you only can buy one book on card magic maybe this...

Card Manipulations Book
Card Manipulations
Book by Jean Hugard - 11.95

Illustrated Directions On How To Do Over 165 Card Tricks and StuntsTo the magician and to most audiences, card manipulations are the most fascinating...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Complete File Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Complete File
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 79.99

Full Color! Downloadable PDF of Hugard’s Magic Monthly, the Complete File! The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than...

Jean Hugard's Mental Magic Book
Jean Hugard's Mental Magic
Book by Jean Hugard - 9.99

Discover the secret to reading minds with playing cards. Written by Jean Hugard, the legendary magician behind the Royal Road to Card Magic, Jean...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 2 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 2
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 7 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 7
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 8 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 8
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 10 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 10
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 11 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 11
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 12 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 12
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 13 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 13
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 17 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 17
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 20 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 20
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 19 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 19
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Show Stoppers With Cards Book
Show Stoppers With Cards
Book by Jean Hugard and Fred Braue - 9.95

Your chance to own a bit of history - a book of gems! The card magician's precious effects! Magic so exciting and incredible, the famous Jean Hugard...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 3 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 3
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 5 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 5
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 9.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

More Card Manipulations Series No. 1 Magic download (ebook)
More Card Manipulations Series No. 1
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 2.99

Jean Hugard begins the More Card Manipulations Series with this first volume. Eleven card effects are taught in detail with contributions by Dr. H....

Card Manipulations Series No. 5 Magic download (ebook)
Card Manipulations Series No. 5
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 2.99

Jean Hugard concludes his Card Manipulations series with Volume No. 5. Included are descriptions of various sleights such as many methods of peeking...

Close-Up Magic for the Night Club Magician Magic download (ebook)
Close-Up Magic for the Night Club Magician
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 2.99

This booklet contains a wealth of information for the aspiring night club magician, or what is known today as table hopping. There is practical...

More Card Manipulations No. 2 Magic download (ebook)
More Card Manipulations No. 2
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 2.99

Jean Hugard continues his excellent More Card Manipulations series with No. 2. Hugard takes you through a series of card sleights, tricks, and...

More Card Manipulations No. 3 Magic download (ebook)
More Card Manipulations No. 3
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 2.99

Jean Hugard presents the third volume of his More Card Manipulations series. Volume three is a mix between classic card magic and gambling moves and...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 1 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 1
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 4 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 4
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 6 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 6
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 9 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 9
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 14 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 14
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 15 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 15
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 16 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 16
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 21 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 21
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 18 Magic download (ebook)
Hugard’s Magic Monthly Volume 18
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 11.99

The incomparable Hugard’s Magic Monthly has more magic per page than almost any other periodical ever published. Fred Braue said, “On the whole, I...

Coin Magic Magic download (ebook)
Coin Magic
Magic download (ebook) by Jean Hugard - 2.99

This book is a minor classic, and contains a wealth of practical, quality coin magic from one of the best writers of his time. Plus, the book starts...

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