Visual Alchemy: The Magic Life Of Jeff Sheridan is an extraordinary homage to the remarkable genius of Jeff Sheridan, hailed as the pioneer of modern...
If you've ever marveled at modern card manipulators and wondered where they learned their skills, you're about to find out. Jeff Sheridan is a...
As popular as the concept is now, contemporary street magic can all be traced back to one time, one place and to one performer-Jeff Sheridan. A...
Jeff Sheridan is one of magic's most original thinkers and on this video, he shares some of his favorite and most closely guarded effects. ...
On this volume, Jeff Sheridan shares some amazing effects suitable for parlor and platform. This is innovative, cutting-edge magic that will excite...
Jeff Sheridan began his career by specialising in street magic, working in New York City in the 1960s. However, he is perhaps better known for his...