In 2017 magic lost one of its brightest lights: Eugene Burger. Astonishingly, a new book has emerged that celebrates Eugene's storied career, and...
The wait is over. Uncover the secrets of one of magic's influential thinkers. Eugene Burger: Final Secrets is the second, and final, release in a...
In this long-awaited follow-up to Transformations: Creating Magic Out of Tricks, Lawrence Hass opens a path for magicians to reach toward better...
Robert E. Neale is a prolific creator of magic tricks and presentations, which are performed by magicians all over the world. He is also a...
Having performed over 4,500 shows in more than 25 countries, George Parker is a world-leading corporate magician. He has carefully guarded the...
Nine Uneasy Pieces is the brand-new book by the master of magical storytelling, Robert E. Neale. Nine Uneasy Pieces includes nine...
Larry Hass is the Dean of McBride's Magic & Mystery School.In this book about life and magic, you will find: A previously unpublished,...