Magic by Losander

Losander Live Lecture  Live lecture
Losander Live Lecture
Live lecture by Losander - 7.95

With performances across Europe, Asia, the US, and Australia, it's safe to say Losander is a World-Renowned Magician that has been captivating...

The Vault - The 3 Words of Wizardry Magic download (video)
The Vault - The 3 Words of Wizardry
Magic download (video) by Losander - 10.00

The most subtle and convincing levitation of them all! From the creative mind of The Modern Day Levitation Wizard, Losander, comes a new routine that...

Floating Cap Trick
Floating Cap
Trick by Losander - 80.00

Losander, Master of the Art of Levitation, has created a new levitation effect, The Floating Cap. This effect can be performed in a close-up setting...

Bubble Zombie DVD
Bubble Zombie
DVD by Losander - 150.00

Losander is recognized throughout the world as one of the true Master's at the art of levitation. Losander's Bubble Zombie may be one of the most...

Animate Me DVD
Animate Me
DVD by Losander - 35.00

In the world of magic there is only one name that is synonymous with the art of leviation - Losander. World renowned across five...

Chain Breaker Thumb Tie -Losander Trick
Chain Breaker Thumb Tie -Losander
Trick by Losander - 69.95

This is a real miracle for the audience, and Losander has performed this effect for more than 15 years. Whenever he performs it in front of...

Secrets of a Modern Wizard DVD
Secrets of a Modern Wizard
DVD by Losander - 35.00

In the world of magic there is only one name that is synonymous with the art of leviation - Losander. World renowned across five continents, Losander...