A delightfully unique comedy silk routine for any magician, comedian or clown. Despite several attempts to make the silk vanish into your fist, it...
This super monofilament is the ideal accessory to perform your favorite animation and levitation magic tricks like Haunted Deck, Dancing Cane,...
A Russian Roulette style routine that is suitable for ALL ages. An egg is placed into 1 of 4 paper bags. All of the bags are then closed and then...
This special Egg is made of PVC. It's a great advantage that the egg is made out of PVC because heat doesn't hurt the material like it does to latex,...
The magician shows four fabric bags standing on the table and explains that each bag is covering a glass and three of them have water, while only one...
This special PVC fake egg is not impacted by heat like like latex. As it's not painted, the color will also last forever. Use it for a variety of...
The performer shows two small wooden boards and asks to a spectator examine them. Meanwhile, another spectator selects a card from a deck. Without...
A fun update to the classic "ashes on the arm" trick that can be done on the spectator's arm. A card is selected by the spectator. They...
This simple but fabulous mentalism effect in an impromptu format can be performed in many different ways. The magician takes a notepad...
From the outside, Ask Houdini simply looks like an awesome collectable statue of the legendary Harry Houdini. However, it's also secretly an...
The magician shows a sealed envelope with his prediction inside. The spectator selects a card; let's say, the Queen of Hearts. The magician opens the...
Strat-o-Sponge is a fun and unique take on U.F. Grant's classic "Strat-o-Spheres" trick that uses sponge balls and offers a delightful and...
There is a lovely effect called "Water Monte" in which an audience follows a series of cups around to guess where the one full of liquid is. This is...
What a charming update this is to a classic trick! Although it may look "proppy" for an adult performer, it's actually a terrific interlude for...
A super unique take on Robert Harbin's "Dippy Magnet" that serves as both an amazing close-up magic trick and an incredible collector's...
Harlequin cigarette holder is a really nice cigarette effect that can be used in a cigarette routine as impromptu or like a magic gag. It was...
This is a new specially made device that will allow you to perform a large number of effects and routines. It can be used to produce coins, make them...
A small statue of the legendary Cardini is produced and placed in full view. A card is then selected by the spectator and you tear one of it's...