Make bubbles magically appear at your fingertips with "Super Bubble Set". This is a great standalone moment, as well as an exciting...
A fun new twist on a classic of children's magic. "Mysterious Snake" by Daniel Diaz (aka Mago Flash) is a easy to perform new approach to...
"The Enchanted Water Well" by Mago Flash (aka Daniel Diaz) is a fresh new take on the classic solid-through-solid illusion. This charming...
A fresh and modern take on a coin magic classic. "Mysterious Plumber" by Daniel Diaz (aka Mago Flash) is a fun and unique take on a...
Fun new take on the breakaway wand. "Super Gag Balloon Pump" is a balloon inflator that works normally in the magician's hand. But, when...
Mummy Magic is a fun and hilarious effect with multiple phases that audiences of all ages will enjoy. The magician freely shows the mummy's tomb on...
THE SMART BOX is the new version of the classic. This new product will allow you to do multiple routines because it has several MAGICAL CONTRIBUTIONS...
A fun, exciting comedy magic prop that is perfect for children's magic shows. Daniel Diaz (aka Mago Flash) updates his bestselling "Mummy...
"Mysterious Chicken" by Mago Flash (aka Daniel Diaz) is a fun new take on a classic children's magic effect. The chicken changes colors...
A fun, visual and unique prediction that is easy to do. "Puzzle Magic" by Daniel Diaz starts with things seemingly going wrong. A card is...