Mike Hankins magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic by Mike Hankins

Mike Hankins Live Lecture Live lecture
Mike Hankins Live Lecture
Live lecture by Mike Hankins - 7.95

Mike Hankins, the former host of the ATT series is now our welcomed guest! Mike has worked as a consultant with the biggest names in the industry,...

3DM Magic download (video)
Magic download (video) by Mike Hankins - 9.95

An visual color change. A deceptive switch. A card control. All for the price of 1. This is 3DM! 3DM (3 Deceptive Moves), is a...

The Vault - 3DM Magic download (video)
The Vault - 3DM
Magic download (video) by Mike Hankins - 9.95

An EXTREMELY visual color change. A VERY deceptive switch. A SEAMLESS card control. All for the price of 1. This is 3DM! 3DM (3...

Mike Hankins Live Lecture DVD DVD
Mike Hankins Live Lecture DVD
DVD by Mike Hankins - 9.95

Mike Hankins, the former host of the ATT series is now our welcomed guest!  Mike has worked as a consultant with the biggest names...

Illumin8 DVD
DVD by Mike Hankins - 25.00

A card is selected and remembered. A lighter is borrowed. Introduce your phone, your digital camera, your FLIP HD, or your camcorder. Have the...

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