13 original routines and 7 thought-provoking essays in one gorgeous hardcover book specifically written for the most loyal and devoted magic...
"The Neat Review" has landed. Exclusively through Vanishing Inc. It’s called a “journal”, but it’s really a book. An exquisite, beautiful...
Issue Two of The Neat Review takes us to New York City. This issue presents a stark contrast with Issue One, and with the opinions shared by our...
Fully typeset in both Japanese and English, this issue of THE NEAT REVIEW prods its stick at what could be seen as a cliché: it’s not what you do,...
After a lengthy, pandemic-forced hiatus, the beloved NEAT Review returns for its highly-anticipated fourth issue. This special issue of the...
Issue five of the beloved NEAT Review series takes you on an remarkable journey through the streets of Paris with some of the most inspiring...