Pablo Amira magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic by Pablo Amira

At The Table Live Lecture Pablo Amira Live lecture
At The Table Live Lecture Pablo Amira
Live lecture by Pablo Amira - 7.95

All the way from Chile, Pablo Amira brings his powerful mentalism At The Table. Not only is he a mentalist, but he's also a psychologist, a creative...

Polarity Trick
Trick by Pablo Amira - 19.95

Injecting a thought into someone's subconscious is a feat to remember, but let's take this card trick a bit further. Ask your spectator where a...

Universal Peek Device Trick
Universal Peek Device
Trick by Alan Wong and Pablo Amira - 39.95

UPD is a peek device which is versatile and will allow you to take your performances in new directions. The UPD (Universal Peek Device) will...

Everest Trick
Trick by Pablo Amira - 49.95

Everest by Thaddius Barker is a new method for creating a peek envelope that can be displayed FREELY on both sides. There is no...

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