Paul Harris magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic by Paul Harris

Paul Harris is, of course, a legend in magic. He has created a brand of products that meet his stringent standards, and of all those products, we have selected just our favorite few. It is our goal to only offer you magic we truly and honestly love (and use ourselves) so everything you find here is the best of the best (of the best, actually).
Hand-Picked Astonishments: Card Forces DVD
Hand-Picked Astonishments: Card Forces
DVD by Joshua Jay and Paul Harris - $19.95 or download for $19.95

Handpicked Astonishments is Paul Harris' new concept for teaching the cutting-edge magic on a wide variety of topics. The concept is simple. Rather...

Hand-Picked Astonishments: Thumb Tips DVD
Hand-Picked Astonishments: Thumb Tips
DVD by Joshua Jay and Paul Harris - $19.95 or download for $19.95

Handpicked Astonishments is Paul Harris' new concept for teaching the cutting-edge magic on a wide variety of topics. The concept is simple. Rather...

The Art of Astonishment #1 Book
The Art of Astonishment #1
Book by Paul Harris - 45.00 - normally $50.00

The Art of Astonishment #2 Book
The Art of Astonishment #2
Book by Paul Harris - 45.00 - normally $50.00

The Art of Astonishment #3 Book
The Art of Astonishment #3
Book by Paul Harris - 45.00 - normally $50.00

Whack Your Pack Magic download (video)
Whack Your Pack
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 4.20

Don't let the laid back presentational ways of The Master of Astonishment, Paul Harris, fool you.  Whack Your Pack is a phenomenal routine with...

Bizarre Vanish Magic download (video)
Bizarre Vanish
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 4.20

Paul Harris' Bizarre Vanish has become a classic of magic and we're proud to offer it in download form. In effect, a singed card is...

Paul Harris - Stars Of Magic 1, 2 and 3 DVD
Paul Harris - Stars Of Magic 1, 2 and 3
DVD by Paul Harris - 14.95

Paul Harris is regarded as one of the most creative forces in the history of magic. Innovative methods, entertaining plots and great audience...

Steam 2.0 Trick
Steam 2.0
Trick by Paul Harris and Ali Nouira - 44.95

If you saw Etienne Pradier's wonderful performance on 'Penn & Teller: Fool US' you will know why Steam 2.0 is one of the greatest and most direct...

The Vault - Ripped and Fryed Magic download (video)
The Vault - Ripped and Fryed
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

Ripped and Fryed is the best name for this effect because the card gets ripped and the spectators' brains FRY! It looks so clean it has to be magic!...

Trick by Paul Harris - 34.95

"This is the best blank deck routine I've seen - the reactions I've been getting from AVALANCHE are some of the strongest I've ever had!" -...

Deep Clear Trick
Deep Clear
Trick by Paul Harris - 39.95

Deep Clear by Paul Harris 20 years ago, Paul Harris set the magic world on fire with Deep Astonishment and Deep Astonishment 2. Now, get ready for...

Paul Harris - Stars Of Magic 4 and 5 DVD
Paul Harris - Stars Of Magic 4 and 5
DVD by Paul Harris - 14.95

Paul Harris is regarded as one of the most creative forces in the history of magic. Innovative methods, entertaining plots and great audience...

Reality Twister Book
Reality Twister
Book by Paul Harris - 15.00

A new accompaniment book to a Murphy's Magic Supplies best seller- Reality Twister! Learn to astonish spectators in their own hands with ideas like:...

Quantum Angel Trick
Quantum Angel
Trick by Paul Harris - 17.48 - normally $34.95

A new Paul Harris release? Today is a good day! A printed angel visibly reaches into the card's "hyper-dimensional quantum zone" to pull out a tiny...

Twilight Angel Full Deck Accessory
Twilight Angel Full Deck
Accessory by Paul Harris - 20.00

Twilight Angels is Paul Harris' all time favorite effect from TA. This classic PH Astonishment is finally available with a full deck of 52...

Street Thief Trick
Street Thief
Trick by Paul Harris - $18.00 - normally $39.95

This clever effect from Paul Harris allows you to make your wallet instantly vanish and re-appear in a spectators pocket!The effect goes like this....

Steel Core Coin - Penny (3-Pack) Gimmicked coin
Steel Core Coin - Penny (3-Pack)
Gimmicked coin by Paul Harris - 10.00

U.S. Penny coin you can use with any magnet. Includes 3 coins. No instructions.

Art Of Astonishment  DVD
Art Of Astonishment
DVD by Paul Harris - $30.00 $13.50 (SAVE $16.50) or download for $30.00

Paul Harris is perhaps the single most creative force magic has ever had to offer. Known for his offbeat effects, natural presentation, and...

The Vault - Butchered Bunny Magic download (video)
The Vault - Butchered Bunny
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

An easy-to-fold variation of Robert Neale's magnificent origami Bunny Bill. Borrow a bill and quickly fold it into an origami hat......

Super Slim Hip Pocket Mullica Wallet Accessory
Super Slim Hip Pocket Mullica Wallet
Accessory by Paul Harris - 70.00

Countless professional magicians have tried every conceivable Card to Walletout there and almost always end up using The Mullica Wallet. This...

The Art of Astonishment Book
The Art of Astonishment
Book by Paul Harris - 45.00 - normally $50.00 each

That Paul Harris has changed the face of close-up magic is undisputed. That Paul Harris continues to be relevant in 2009 is also undisputed. But...

Double Astonishments - Rizer and First Hand Trick
Double Astonishments - Rizer and First Hand
Trick by Paul Harris, Justin Miller, Eric Ross, Robert Smith and B. Smith - 29.95

We are thrilled to be able to offer these two fantastic tricks for an AMAZING price. The Double Astonishments series lets us give you a double...

Deep X Trick
Deep X
Trick by Paul Harris, Paul Harris Presents and Knight - 33.75 - normally $44.95

A thought-of word or name inside your examinable wallet. This is an easy and powerful miracle you'll love performing. Brought to you by Paul Harris...

The Vault - The Big Tiny Magic download (video)
The Vault - The Big Tiny
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

This effect is the perfect closer and is simply AMAZING! You will fool yourself with the method. A spectator's signature reassembles...

The Vault - Fizz Master Magic download (video)
The Vault - Fizz Master
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

The ultimate gimmick-free miracle for close-up and stage! Two completely ordinary, unopened cans of carbonated beverage are honestly...

Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands Refill Accessory
Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands Refill
Accessory by Paul Harris - 12.00

Refill rubber bands for SLR (Souvenir Linking Rubber Band) Includes 20 linked sets and 10 singles. Heavy-duty bands for extra...

Stars Of Magic Set - Volumes 1-9 DVD
Stars Of Magic Set - Volumes 1-9
DVD by Paul Harris - $99.95 or download for $99.95

Get the entire series of the "Stars Of Magic" DVDs in one complete package! Over 17 hours of magic from some of the most influential...

Warp One/Freedom Pack Double Astonishments Trick
Warp One/Freedom Pack Double Astonishments
Trick by Paul Harris - 29.95

This is basically two effects for the price of one. Essentially, Paul Harris is giving away his intriguing and under-appreciated"Warp One" when...

The Vault - Naked Strange Magic download (video)
The Vault - Naked Strange
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

When simplicity and ungimmicked cards meet, powerful effects are often born, and that is definitely the case with this version of Paul Harris's...

Paul Harris Presents Creators Kit Accessory
Paul Harris Presents Creators Kit
Accessory by Paul Harris - 19.95

The Creators Kit is a collection of must-have special materials for the do-it-yourself gimmick maker. It's a collection of many of the things that...

The Vault - SOS Magic download (video)
The Vault - SOS
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

Paul Harris' ingenious no-gimmicks color changing deck!

The Vault - Dr. Fun Magic download (video)
The Vault - Dr. Fun
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

If want to connect with a spectator, and I mean really connect with them, then Dr. Fun is the routine for you! Straight from the Paul Harris TA...

The Vault - The Transcendental Bar Bet Magic download (video)
The Vault - The Transcendental Bar Bet
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

The Transcendental Bar Bet is the PH completely hands off, in your face (and on the table), card vanish. Oh yeah, the deck is completely normal,...

The Vault - LVL$ Magic download (video)
The Vault - LVL$
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

LVL$ will have your spectators questioning the visible and invisible, and the possible vs. the impossible.This is a startling upgrade to the Paul...

The Vault - Dis Jointed Magic download (video)
The Vault - Dis Jointed
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

Wanna freak your audience out? Dis Jointed is a revolutionary new method for "Shinko's classic Arm Twist" that turns the screws on the...

Paul Harris Presents Original Bike Back Twilight Angels Accessory
Paul Harris Presents Original Bike Back Twilight Angels
Accessory by Paul Harris - 55.00

RARE RIDER BACK TWILIGHT ANGEL CARDS LAST CHANCE! ONLY 27 Decks Left! Paul Harris Presents is offering access to our extremely limited supply of...

Wishbone Trick
Trick by Paul Harris and Bro Gilbert - 15.00

An impossible souvenir with two wood coffee stirrers. They can even be signed! Snap off two ends, put them in her hand. The two...

Inner Circle Trick
Inner Circle
Trick by Paul Harris - 5.00

A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly...

TA Pen - Refill Accessory
TA Pen - Refill
Accessory by Paul Harris - 29.95

Refill pen for Paul Harris's True Astonishment routine. Includes one complete TA pen and one spare parts pen, plus beads and tabs.

Flow Refill Trick
Flow Refill
Trick by Paul Harris - 10.00

Refill for Dan Hauss' Flow.

Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands DVD & props
Souvenir Linking Rubber Bands
DVD & props by Paul Harris - 35.00

The perfect piece of rubber strange has finally been perfected. Pre-made examinable sets of linked bands that you can easily afford to give away...

SLR Slims: New Style Refills for Paul Harris SLRs Trick
SLR Slims: New Style Refills for Paul Harris SLRs
Trick by Paul Harris - 12.00

It is finally ready! A slimmer, sleeker, tougher version of the SLR (Souviner Linking Rubber bands). Each refill contains 20 links and 20 singles....

The Vault - Water Trap Magic download (video)
The Vault - Water Trap
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

Bro Gilbert's unimaginably cool new approach to Doug Bennett's Signed-Coin-In-Matchbook plot. A genuine breakthrough new method that allows you...

Skycap 2.0 Trick
Skycap 2.0
Trick by Paul Harris, Luke Dancy and Uday Jadguar - 39.95

THE WORLDS SEXIEST BOTTLE CAP PENETRATION JUST GOT SEXIER! New gimmick created and engineered by UDAY JADUGAR From an idea...

Supermagic Book
Book by Paul Harris - 13.50

Look! Up in the sky. It's a Goshman. It's a Dingle. NO, it's – SUPER MAGIC! This book is about a strange being from the West Coast possessing...

The Vault - Tubular Magic download (video)
The Vault - Tubular
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

Paul Harris is back with another close-up miracle! Get ready for The Vault - Tubular. Imagine two bills, one held by you and one by the...

The Vault - Belly Button Magic download (video)
The Vault - Belly Button
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

Paul Harris creates a hyper-personal astonishment with a standard campaign-type button... and the spectator's own shirt and body. She...

True Astonishments DVD
True Astonishments
DVD by Paul Harris - 300.00

True Astonishments will be Paul Harris' current, definitive, and final legacy. This is a monumental project of the highest caliber from the...

The Vault - Backlash 2 Magic download (video)
The Vault - Backlash 2
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

Hypnotize them with a deck of cards! Backlash 2 is an updated, streamlined version of Paul Harris's famous Backlash effect. A playing...

P.H. Breakthrough book Book
P.H. Breakthrough book
Book by Paul Harris - 6.00

P.H. Breakthrough by Paul Harris Effect: A deck of cards visibly dematerializes as it penetrates to the inside of the closed card case! One moment...

The Vault - SS2 Magic download (video)
The Vault - SS2
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

Paul Harris Presents SS2 (Seductive Switch 2) Now you can do Paul Harris's legendary Seductive Switch effect with all of the cards face...

Close-Up Seductions Book
Close-Up Seductions
Book by Paul Harris - 20.00

Paul Harris has created some of the most original effects ever invented in magic and in Close-up Seductions Paul reveals many more of these fine...

Wings DVD
DVD by Paul Harris and Matthew Mello - 35.00

You show the two little angels printed on the back of your playing card. Separated from each other for almost forever..each angel at opposite ends of...

Strange Travelers Trick
Strange Travelers
Trick by Paul Harris and David Blaine - 20.00

You show someone a batch of twenty cards which are ALL different. You give her ten of the cards to hold. You now have her...

The Vault - New Leaf Magic download (video)
The Vault - New Leaf
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

An ingenious organic piece of strange! This new version of Leaf moves into the spectator's hands completely, and with a simple rubbing,...

Close Up Entertainer Book
Close Up Entertainer
Book by Paul Harris - 18.00

A Robbins Publication of Paul Harris' Close-Up Entertainer Book including magic of cards, coins, cigarettes, Wax Lips, and many more. 29...

Refill for Wishbone Refill
Refill for Wishbone
Refill by Paul Harris - 14.95

Refill pack containing 25 Wishbone Gimmicks. No instructions. NOTE: This does not include instructions. You must own Wishbone to know how to...

The Vault - Smoking-i Magic download (video)
The Vault - Smoking-i
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 9.95

An incredible Paul Harris effect with matches that touches a precious memory, making it so much more than just witnessing a magic trick.In Smoking-i,...

Deep Astonishment Trick
Deep Astonishment
Trick by Paul Harris - 25.00

A spectator cuts a deck of cards at a random spot and remembers the card they cut to. Their card is covered with your wallet to keep it safe. You...

Twilight Angels Refill Accessory
Twilight Angels Refill
Accessory by Paul Harris - 10.00

10 red-backed refill cards for Paul Harris' Twilight Angels.

Lubors Lens Gimmick and Online Instructions Trick
Lubors Lens Gimmick and Online Instructions
Trick by Paul Harris - 15.00

Your friend holds a pen on her open palm as you hold a clear "Credit Card Protector" just above the pen. You show a bizarre optical illusion...and...

The Vault - Solid With Happy Ending Magic download (video)
The Vault - Solid With Happy Ending
Magic download (video) by Paul Harris - 10.00

A hidden gem from the True Astonishments box set. Paul's completely new method for the classic Solid Deception. The deck turns solid just...

Cardian Angel trick Trick
Cardian Angel trick
Trick by Paul Harris and Michael Maxwell - 7.50 - normally $15.00

EffectThe Animated Angel Finds Your Friend`s Card...AND Their Name! A spectator selects a card and replaces it in the pack. As the performer flips...

Stitched Trick
Trick by Paul Harris and Alex Kolle - 35.00

THAT TORN HOLE IN YOUR PANTS JUST BECAME YOUR BEST FRIEND. You've been walking around with a semi-fashionable TORN HOLE in your PANT'S LEG. You hold...

YaYa Trick
Trick by Paul Harris and Jesse Feinberg - 29.95

The YAYAJesse has transformed a simple house-hold item into the world's teeniest invisible hold-out. And it just happens to work really really well...

Alluminati Trick
Trick by Paul Harris and Chris Oberle - 8.74 - normally $34.95

Your empty hands grab a can of soda and tear off it's aluminum pop tab (that cute little metal thingy with the two holes in it).Your lovely spectator...

Slide Trick
Trick by Paul Harris, Titanas and Demon - 55.00

A SIGNED TORN CARD COMES TO LIFE BY VISIBLY RESTORING ITSELF! A signed card can be openly torn in half or already tornYou make one half magically...

Twilight Angel Trick
Twilight Angel
Trick by Paul Harris - 15.00

You display a small "angel catcher" (which to the audience looks just like a small mirror) and hand it out to the audience for...

Naked Angels on Bikes Trick
Naked Angels on Bikes
Trick by Paul Harris - 21.00

Printed on the back of every card in a deck of Bicycle playing cards are two naked angels on bicycles. These two separate angels have been riding...

Deep Astonishment 2 Trick
Deep Astonishment 2
Trick by Paul Harris - 45.00

Everything about Deep Astonishment has been improved, simplified and beautified. You display a leather gypsy envelope and a beautiful...

Refill for First Hand Trick
Refill for First Hand
Trick by Paul Harris and Justin Miller - 3.00

25 replacement rubberbands for FirstHand.No instructions included.

Refills for Movemint Trick
Refills for Movemint
Trick by Paul Harris - 12.00

Three magnetic refills for Movemint by Darryl Vanamburg.

Paul Harris Presents Wings Trick
Paul Harris Presents Wings
Trick by Paul Harris and Matthew Mello - 35.00

You show the two little angels printed on the back of your playing card. Separated from each other for almost forever..each angel at opposite ends of...

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