Magic by Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson is a magician's magician. His magic is incredibly deceptive and clever. Happily, it's also usually quite easy to do and applicable to parlor situations.
Con Cam Coincidencia
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 17.94$17.94
The trick that helped Shin Lim win America's Got Talent!Con Cam Coincidencia is merely a card trick, but when performed well it can be a remarkable...
The Unreal Work 2
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 24.00$24.00
The Unreal Work 2: Cheaters on a Train reveals more powerful meth'ods for cheating at cards. Learn thirteen professional routines guaranteed to fool...
Double Lift Workshop
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 18.00$18.00
Expert magician and sleight of hand artist Paul Wilson walks you through seven different methods for the Double Lift, an essential move in card...
Four Foolers Download Bundle
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 59.95$59.95
An exclusive bundle of miracle-level card magic downloads from the venerable Paul Wilson.
“Four Foolers” is an exclusive download bundle available...
Undone Delusion
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 11.96$11.96 - normally $14.95
Paul Wilson’s streamlined handling of the iconic “Dunbury Delusion” solves many of the problems impacting the famous card trick to create an...
The Unreal Work 1
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 18.00$18.00
In 2002, Paul Wilson and Jason England prepared a joint DVD for their lecture at the World Magic Seminar in Las Vegas, Nevada. The theme was sleight...
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
From a borrowed, shuffled deck of cards one spectator is asked to think of a card while another spectator is asked to name a number. Could it be that...
Consistent Control
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 6.00$6.00
The Consistent Control allows you to retain complete control over one to several cards after the deck is riffle shuffled and cut.
Think Stop
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 7.20$7.20
A collection of two effects beautifully condensed into one routine. Think Stop is a powerful cold-reading effect that requires very little...
Our Magic (Download)
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 18.00$18.00
Our Magic is an honest, passionate and revealing glimpse behind the curtain to reveal the secretive world of magicians as seen through the eyes of...
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 24.00$24.00
Perform relaxed miracles with R. Paul Wilson’s compendium of fantastic self-working and semi-automatic card effects. The routines within Killers have...
Ringing in a Cooler
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
A renowned expert on gambling sleights and hustles, Paul Wilson, shows you some of his favorite methods to switch one deck of cards for another....
Triple False Shift
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 3.60$3.60
In card magic, controlling multiple selections simultaneously is an invaluable utility move that opens the doors to countless opportunities. The...
Cam Con Transpo
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
Paul Wilson explains two methods to achieve a classic plot in card magic originally created by Bill Goodwin and later popularized by Ernest Earick....
The Unreal Sessions
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 78.00$78.00
A collection of material filmed by Paul Wilson and Jason England while traveling across country for their 2012 Unreal Tour. Each Episode contains at...
PUT it in the Card Box
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
PUT it in the Card Box is Paul Wilson's refined handling of Eddie Fields Way ahead card to card case. After a spectator secretly writes down a...
Easy Aces
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
From a shuffled deck, four random selections turnout to be the four aces of which vanish and reappear in this nearly self working routine devised by...
The Unreal Session #3
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
In terms of material, this has to be our favorite episode so far. Boxed Transpo by Paul Wilson is one of our favorite card tricks to perform right...
A Beautiful Mind
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 14.95$14.95
A wildly fooling triple prediction that knocked our team on their butts. Just watch the trailer to see Andi blown away on camera.
“Beautiful Mind”...
Fan2C (Download)
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 14.95$14.95
Imagine this, you're holding a lousy hand of poker spread at the fingertips. In a subtle action of riffling the edges of the cards, they seem to...
Royal Road To Card Magic DVD
DVD by Paul Wilson - $80.00 or download for $80.00
A COMPLETE COURSE IN CARD MAGICIf you are seriously interested in learning card magic, there is no better place to start than The Royal Road to Card...
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 12.00$12.00
Paul Wilson gives a phenomenal introductory course to close up magic with cards - 10 lessons on 10 principles of card magic. 10x10 is card magic...
Alias the Aces
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
A pet trick from Paul Wilson's repertoire, this routine has been honed over 20 years into a modern, in the hands miracle. Three individual phases are...
Killer Cop
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 6.00$6.00
If you're familiar with the Gamblers Cop you'll be pleased with what Paul Wilson has to offer this time around. The Killer Cop is an excellent...
Paul the Paul
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 4.80$4.80
From a shuffled deck, the magician spreads the cards across the table and asks a spectator to select any four cards. They are the four aces.
Bullet to the Brain
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 9.60$9.60
A unique twist on an old Harvey Rosenthal idea where two jokers appear around a thought of card. In this method Paul Wilson not only predicts the...
Fair Deal Kid
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
From a shuffled deck your spectator is asked to gather a group of cards, at random, onto the table. It's at this point you instruct him/her to deal...
Mechanical Fan Steal
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 6.00$6.00
The deck is fanned and a card cleanly inserted. By the time the deck is closed the card is already palmed! This is one of the most direct card...
Unholy Gathering
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 14.95$14.95
Paul Wilson’s super practical and visual take on the moving hole plot designed for in-person performances. Ends with a signed, hole-punched card that...
The Unreal Session #1
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
On the debut episode Paul Wilson shares his favorite way to produce the four aces while Jason England tips his method for an old dealing trick called...
The Unreal Session #2
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
On Episode 2 Paul Wilson shares an impromptu coin trick with some loose change in his pocket, Jason England delights us with another impossible card...
The Unreal Session #4
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
On Episode 4 Paul Wilson and Jason England share unique methods for locating the four aces and special guest Lance Pierce turns a boring packet trick...
The Unreal Session #7
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
Episode 7 starts off with special guest David Solomon who tips his unique method for the Oil & Water effect. Paul Wilson demonstrates how a...
The Unreal Session #10
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
On the final episode in the series Paul Wilson shares a unique take on the Riffle Peek while Jason England continues to boggle our minds with...
The Unreal Session #6
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
After a short break from the release of Episode 5 we continue the series with not one but two guest submissions. Watch as Christian Engblom...
Extreme Possibilities Volumes 1 - 4
DVD by Paul Wilson - $29.95 $13.50 (SAVE $16.45) or download for $29.95 each
A collection of killer material from one of Scotland's most creative minds. These brand-new DVDs feature some of Paul's favorite close-up effects...
The Unreal Session #9
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
Nine episodes in and we're still going strong. On this episode learn how to trick your audience into thinking you're a master at false dealing via a...
Love Me Not
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 8.40$8.40
"Love Me Not" is a variation on Roy Walton's "Near Enough", the very first trick in The Complete Walton Volume 3. Paul has taken this sucker trick...
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 6.00$6.00
Paul Wilson's variation on Dr. Sawa's ace production from Richard Kaufman's Sawa's Library of Magic allows you to produce a four of a kind from the...
The Unreal Session #5
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Jason England - 12.00$12.00
On Episode 5 Paul Wilson shares a unique addition to a classic coin trick while Jason England continues to fool us with his gambling-themed card...
Hit the Road
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson and Lee Asher - 14.95$14.95
From Hollywood's World-Famous Magic Castle to the casinos of Las Vegas and even into Alcatraz, join Paul and Lee as they discover the magic and...
Extreme Possibilities Volume 1
DVD by Paul Wilson - $29.95 $13.50 (SAVE $16.45) or download for $29.95
ConCam Rendezvous - A shuffled deck and a prediction is all you need to perform this baffling effect.
Julie's Number - The spectator...
Extreme Possibilities Volume 4
DVD by Paul Wilson - $29.95 $13.50 (SAVE $16.45) or download for $29.95
1002.5 Aces - A four-Ace assembly for when the time is right...
Written Wrongs - A sealed prediction is...
Extreme Possibilities Volume 2
DVD by Paul Wilson - $29.95 $13.50 (SAVE $16.45) or download for $29.95
Tantalizer Too - A Royal Road classic is given a killer twist.
Justify Me - A Collectors routine with a difference. Three selections...
Extreme Possibilities Volume 3
DVD by Paul Wilson - $29.95 $13.50 (SAVE $16.45) or download for $29.95
Confabulous - Paul's simple, offbeat version of Confabulation.
Tipless - One of Paul's favorite stand-up effects. A vanishing...
Magic download (video) by Paul Wilson - 14.95$14.95
A charming effect involving two spectators and a surprise ending that they’ll never see coming despite it happening right in front of their eyes....
Fan2c DVD
DVD by Paul Wilson - 20.00$20.00
Imagine you're holding a lousy poker hand. The cards are spread at your fingertips. Now, in a subtle action of riffling the edges of the cards,...
Knock'em Dead Paul Wilson
DVD by Paul Wilson - 34.95$34.95
R. Paul Wilson is one Scotland's most skilled sleight-of-hand artists and on this DVD he performs and teaches the killer close-up routines he has...
Restaurant Act
DVD by Paul Wilson - 34.95$34.95
R. Paul Wilson gives an entire course in the art of Restaurant Magic. More important than the magic on the video is the priceless advice and strategy...
Twist of Fate
DVD by Paul Wilson - 34.95$34.95
R. Paul Wilson teaches some of his pet effects, which he has honed through years of performing in bars, restaurants, parties and social events. This...