Ra El Mago magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic by Ra El Mago

Rabbit Ears Hat Tear Trick
Rabbit Ears Hat Tear
Trick by Ra El Mago and Julio Abreu - 13.50

Want to change a kid helper into rabbit? Here's a Torn and Restored Paper Hat routine that does the trick. Instead of a bonnet or dunce cap, this...

Carnival Streamer Halloween Trick
Carnival Streamer Halloween
Trick by Ra El Mago - 24.95

If you want to get audience attention, especially around Halloween, there's nothing quite like the Carnival Streamer Halloween. Each one has 30 lines...

Mouse Ears Hat Tear Trick
Mouse Ears Hat Tear
Trick by Ra El Mago and Julio Abreu - 13.50

Here's a Torn and Restored Paper Hat routine with a popular twist. Instead of a bonnet or dunce cap, this hat looks like a black mouse-ear hat, just...

90ft Mouth Coil (Halloween) Trick
90ft Mouth Coil (Halloween)
Trick by Ra El Mago - 10.95

Why do kids and magicians love mouth coils? Probably because they are unexpected and get a great reaction!This mouth coil is an impressive 90 feet...

90ft Christmas Mouth Coil Trick
90ft Christmas Mouth Coil
Trick by Ra El Mago - 10.95

Nothing is quite as amusing and full of comedy potential to a young audience as a mouth coil, and these keep going and going and going - 90 feet...

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