CONQUER THE CLASSIC PALM!Mastery is finally within your grasp! The Magic Bakery is proud to announce the first progressive training system ever...
"Despite all the dice, moving tattoos and twisting cards, Reed McClintock's loyalty will forever remain with coins. His Knuckle Buster series...
Reed McClintock has done it again, and decided to share one of his most sought-after secrets, "Stars & Hexes", a truly shocking and awe-inspiring...
"The McClintock twist is one of the great innovations in False counting of the last several decades."- Richard Kauffman - Genii Magazine"A most...
A trick from the pocket of Reed McClintock! Using simple notion to create great commotions, Reed McClintock has created Gambler's Wildest Dream to do...
A trick from the pocket of Reed McClintock!Facts cannot be disputed! Shouldn't your magic be the same way?Reed McClintock has created Just the Backs...