For centuries, camera technology undergoes back-to-back dramatic transformations, all to fulfill one human obsession: to immortalize their best...
Austin Ho and Skymember Presents bring beautiful poetry to life in your hands with Daily Life Playing Cards. Every card is fully customized from...
The smartphone has become a very personal item for the average person. It's the one item people never leave at home. What if you could borrow an...
Unsighted is an impossible utility which allows you to perform the signed card to impossible location or prediction effect. The performer...
Chewing gum is a basic prop that has been used by most magicians as a trick and will continue to be used in the present. Finix Chan has come out...
Money; a medium that can be exchanged for goods and services and is used as a measure of their values on the market. What would you...
The performer will borrows any smartphone from a spectator and searches tattoo designs on the internet. The spectator will choose one of the designs...