Unlock the power of a devastating mentalism tool that will leave your audiences speechless. "Spidey has taken a classic concept, made the...
The unique, knockout comedy opener you've been looking for. This amazing 4-card change features a ridiculous and fun presentation paired with some...
Blowing minds is guaranteed with Spidey’s unique evolution of an all-time classic. This is the perfect opener! “Tidal Wave” has been Spidey’s go-to...
If you want to change your shows forever, you need Induction! See how practical hypnosis will transform your performances! Start developing...
The ability to control the mind of another human is nothing short of a true super power. Hypnosis is the ultimate impromptu miracle, with no...
"Say goodbye to your Glorpies, Spectre is fresh, practical and a great piece of magic."- Richard Sanders Imagine having the ability to perform a wide...
SCAR is a custom made gimmick which allows you to literally turn an endless number of everyday objects into killer revelations. The...
Imagine having the ability to instantly freeze water at your fingertips! Sub-Zero is a revolutionary technology that allows you to...
Akkelian Envelopes are a powerful, practical mentalism tool that enable you to instantly divine exactly what your spectator has written down - words,...