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Avi Yap Masterclass

Masterclass by Avi Yap
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Avi Yap Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Avi Yap (75.00)

4+ hours of fooling, breathtaking, innovative magic. The “Avi Yap Masterclass” is a one-of-a-kind learning experience that will inspire and motivate you in different ways, every time you watch it.

"Avi is by far my favorite magician of this era. Just when I thought I have seen his best stuff... He shows me this. The thinking and execution is off the charts." Chris Kenner

Hailing from Singapore, Avi Yap is an underground sensation currently based in Tokyo. His unique brand of visual magic has earned him a devoted following online, as well as recognition from legendary magicians like Chris Kenner and David Williamson. Just swipe through his Instagram feed and you’ll find yourself lost in a sea of boundary-pushing innovations that will leave your brain fried.

Get ready for a front row seat to Avi's groundbreaking coin work—which is heavily influenced by the iconic David Roth. His mind-blowing innovations will make you rethink everything you thought you knew about coin magic and the potential these trusty pocket-sized companions hold. Even those who don't consider themselves coin magicians will walk away eager to start carrying coins as part of their EDC or professional work.

Avi offers something for all skill levels. From unique easy routines for beginners to the more knuckle-busting stuff that move monkeys enjoy. This includes teaching his "Argentum" coin production for the first time ever. Those familiar with "Argentum" will realize that this is worth the price of the Masterclass on its own.

"Avi's magic is a prime example of the perfect balance between pure skill and artistic poetry. With his kindness, thoughtfulness and structure, he leads the next generation of coin magicians into a wonderful future." Homer Liwag

A photographer by day, Avi has a keen eye for the art of visual storytelling. He inherently understands how to create breathtaking visuals and magical moments that command attention and leave every audience speechless. The chance to learn from him and see how his brain works is a real treat.

In true Masterclass fashion, Avi will not just teach you the tricks, but also dive deep into the crucial subtleties and finesses that set his work apart from others. Join us this November for an exclusive look into the mind of one of magic’s most talented creators.

"Avi’s got more than just impressive chops. He’s got the rare ability to turn technique into magic." Curtis Kam

The "Avi Yap Masterclass” includes two-full length lectures. While you watch, there is a special section in which you can ask any question you have. Those questions will then be answered during an exclusive Q&A that will be recorded and uploaded to your account in the third week.

How to Watch

You can get all 4+ hours of world-class content for one low price. Or, you can save even more money by subscribing to Vanishing Inc. Masterclass Monthly and getting the “Avi Yap Masterclass”, along with streaming access to 250+ hours of additional Masterclass content, for less than the cost of this Masterclass on its own. New subscribers can even try it for just $1/£1!

Learn More About Masterclass Monthly

Session 1 - Non-Gimmicked Material | Nov. 3, 2024 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

Session 1 focuses on non-gimmicked work, helping you develop dexterity and a solid foundation. It also emphasizes key elements like motivation, body language, routine structure, and attitude. You'll really going to benefit from the exclusive look at what Avi calls the “emptiness” concept. More than 10 years in the making, this principle allows you to convincingly show your hands as empty and will drastically enhance the impact of your overall coin magic.

Session 2 - Introducing Gimmicks | Nov. 10, 2024 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

Session 2 dives into the exciting world of coin gimmicks. Even purists will want to start integrating some gimmicks after seeing the ways Avi perfectly harmonizes sleight of hand with gimmicks to elevate simple tricks into real magic. Over-reliance on either gimmicks or sleight of hand can create an imbalance in your magic. You don't want your audience to think you just have fast hands and also don't want to arouse too much suspicion with your props. In this incredible session, Avi will show you how to make them complement each other to craft believable and powerful magic.

Both of these lectures will be in your account to download or stream on-demand after the air date listed above.

Q&A - Nov. 17, 2024 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

While watching the first two lectures, there will be a special section to input any questions you have. These questions will be collated and then answered by Avi during a special interview that will be uploaded to your account in the third week of this Masterclass.


Customer reviews for Avi Yap Masterclass



Coming from a coin magic hobbyist since imagining a coin disappear from my closed fist in kindergarten around 1980, up through discovering Avi Yap through this 2024 masterclass release - I was filled with gratitude for Avi Yap and Vanishing Inc. sharing this material with the magic community. I could appreciate, for example, how the present form of a routine could take 6-7 years (as Avi said) to reach its presented distilled form. Or how at once he could express his point of view for of how a routine should play out, even if it differed from that of past masters. We see him push the limits of an already seemingly inaccessible technique. We see him utilize the split second hiding place of a coin easily overlooked. Yet thankfully, he presents material that many of us will be glad we can do with practice.



this was a fantastic set of move/routines. The teaching in this Masterclass is very easy to follow. The moves I would say are intermediate to advanced, but obtainable for a current coin worker. A well laid out lecture with great camera angles so you don't mis anything.

VI Monthly


Avi was very good. He answered questions not only for experienced coin workers but also for beginners.

The questions were very good, but I am not enamored with the new format of prerecorded questions.

I have a few concerns with the format not with Avi's answers. First, I am not sure if I saw any way to ask questions except as one watched the Masterclass sessions. Second, did all of the questions get asked? If not, some folks may be disappointed because their question was skipped in the interest of time. Finally, some questions pop into our heads spurred by the answer given or finding we need clarification of something said.

VI Monthly


This was so great, I felt like I was watching an historical moment in magic... when an icon first becomes widely known to the community. Avi is someone I believe many of us will be watching and learning from for decades to come. At such a young age, his thinking is genius and this class is truly worthy of the title "Masterclass". In week one Avi makes advanced, astonishing, visual coin magic accessible to magicians of all levels with his wonderfully clear, and in depth teaching. He goes into great detail from every angle, and his theory is "cutting edge" brilliant. Loved it!



SuperB 👌

VI Monthly


Avi is an amazing coin manipulator. His explanations were very thorough and visually the moves were quite easy to understand.

VI Monthly




Throughout this Week 1 Avi Yap Masterclass lecture, I frequently found myself sitting in stunned silence just staring at the screen as my mind reeled in admiration for Avi...for his technical expertise, his analytical thought process regarding eliminating weak moves..and his creativity in creating new unique moves that eliminated such perceived weaknesses...and immeasurably strengthened the effect!

But the cherry on top of this lecture was Avi's superb teaching style and his clear explanations (on both relevant magic theory AND on each and every move and nuance that was being taught).

Avi's videography (with three different video perspectives of full shots, close-up shots and (possibly most importantly) his "over the shoulder" shots were phenomenally clear BOTH in clarity of the subject being shot (was this shot in 4K?) and the manner in which the point being espoused was clearly demonstrated.

Avi is a superb teacher in both manner and scope, Had he been one of my teachers either in high school and/or college, rest assured that I would never have cut a class.

Because I am not a "coin guy", up until this lecture, I had never heard of Avi Yap. Now, after this single lecture, I will never forget him. (And, I am even finding myself excited to take some baby steps into the coin magic discipline!).

Thank God! that this Masterclass is able to be downloaded and played and replayed over and over. The material taught on this one lecture easily comprised a college semester's-worth of information (to be later learned and repetitively practiced towards the goal of "acceptable mastery").

In summary, the value of this one lecture was worth many times the price actually charged..

VI Monthly


So well done. Fun to learn from Avi.





Wow!!! If coins are your thing, then this is the Masterclass for you. Coin sleights Avi Yap learned from the legendary David Roth. Avi puts his own spin on the moves and has some great subtlety suggestions to great rid of the move "tells." Grab some coins and get ready to learn some very visual magic!

VI Monthly





One of the best Masterclass ever. Really liked the way AVI has structured the class. Would like to fly to Japan ans spend a month learning from him personally. We can all dream can't we? ; )


Luis Martin

It's been great so far... lots of things to practice...


Community questions about Avi Yap Masterclass

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Adam asks: Is there a list of what will be taught?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This will be updated soon to reflect what we be included in this masterclass
  • Cho asks: Can I watch the live video again after the live show ends?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • 범규 asks: I live in a different country, so if I buy this product, how much does it take for me to receive it?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a series of online videos, so you can watch each lecture as soon as it airs.
  • 범규 asks: if I buy this product, can I learn the method instantly or do I have to wait until november?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You will have to wait until November.
  • Antonio asks: Once I pay for the class, will I be able to watch it forever???

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • Kyle asks: This is not a purchasable version right? I’m a Taiwanese student.If this is not a purchasable product that I have to subscribe every month it will be too expensive for me.??

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can buy just this one Masterclass, or you can subscribe and get access to all the past ones, and save a third of the cost too. You can cancel the subscription, or pause it, at any point from within your account.
  • Pedro asks: I just join the trial for a week, when can I see the masterclass of Avi, couse I can't saw yesterday. Thank you.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Questions will be answered on the third class Q&A
  • Sven asks: Description says the 'argentum' production will be taught. How about the vanish part?

      Post an answer to this question
    • Kyle asks: Is this masterclass a purchasable version?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You have two options. You can buy it as a standalone offering which gives you two 1.5 hour lectures and the Q&A session for $75. Or you can subscribe, which gives you the downloads and Q&A plus streaming access to every past masterclass for $50. You can pause or cancel your subscription with one click inside your account if you feel you're not getting good value.
    • 유빈 asks: I'm a Korean student I'm not good at English Is Korean subtitles available?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This option isn’t available at the moment
    • 유빈 asks: Do you have English subtitles?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is in English.
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