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Daniel Madison Masterclass

Masterclass by Daniel Madison
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Daniel Madison Masterclass

75.00 usd

Masterclass by Daniel Madison (75.00)

Your eyes don’t deceive you. This isn’t some alternative timeline.

Daniel Madison and Vanishing Inc. have forged a partnership the magic world never saw coming, resulting in one of the most incredible, thought-provoking, and inspiring Masterclasses you’ll ever watch.

Few magicians are as influential and polarizing as Daniel Madison. He’s never been afraid to push the boundaries of magic, seamlessly blending traditional techniques with elements of psychological manipulation and storytelling to create immersive and memorable experiences for every audience.

Regardless of what you think about his style of performing, there is one fact that is simply undeniable. Daniel has hardcore sleight-of-hand chops. Cutting his teeth in the underground world of card cheating meant there was no room for error when learning card moves. So, he worked his way to becoming one of the best card handlers in the world because there was simply no other option.

The “Daniel Madison Masterclass” is a rare opportunity to dive into the mind of this enigmatic performer. Across 3+ hours of incredible lectures, you’ll not only learn the intricacies of many incredible moves and tricks but will also get an exclusive look at this thought process. The opportunity to peek inside the brain of a true innovator in the field is invaluable for any magician, regardless of skill level.

Taking place throughout December, the “Daniel Madison Masterclass" is broken up into two full length lectures plus a live Q&A on Zoom in Week 3. All three sessions are available for one price. Or you can save 30% instantly by subscribing to Masterclass Monthly.

Session 1 - December 3, 2023 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

The first session—“The Card Table”—is a collection of incredible card effects and moves. It features both brand-new content, as well as updates to classic effects, including the routine he performed on Penn & Teller: Fool Us.

A new approach to a favorite effect that is being shared for the first time. The spectator finds a winning card under impossibly fair conditions. You’ll learn both Daniel’s preferred method as well an easier handling designed for all situations.

The Scott Tribute
Daniel explains his Fool Us routine, as well as the updates that make the routine more deceptive than ever. You’ll discover how to deal a poker hand (of your choice) from a genuinely shuffled deck. While the method will take some time to learn at first, it is surprisingly practical.

Any named playing card appears in an impossible location. If you don’t use an index, you will definitely want to after seeing this (and, lucky for you, Daniel teaches you how to make one in Week 2). Those who already use an index will find their mind exploding with creative ideas.

The Moves
It’s a true treat to watch a master sleight of hand artist at work as he teaches you a variety of super versatile card moves.

  • Mad Switch: A beautifully choreographed, deceptive switch of a single card, or even a full deck
  • Gambler’s Cop: This is a must-know move and few people are better equipped to teach it to you than Daniel Madsion
  • The Bottom Deal: Daniel has helped countless magicians learn, or improve their ability, to execute bottom deals and now he’s ready to help you tackle the vital sleight (including an unbelievably deceptive throw-off technique that makes it essentially invisible)
  • The Greek Deal: An underutilized gem that you’ll wish you learned sooner

Session 2 - December 10, 2023 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

In this second session titled “Repertoire”, Daniel will discuss how he approaches magic before sharing his most beloved, go-to effects. You’ll get a firsthand look at the little details he obsesses over and learn a bunch of workers that can go right into your set.

Daniel Madison’s “Advocate” is widely considered to be one of the best full-deck pocket indexes ever created. It’s a lightning-fast utility with endless uses. You’ll not only learn how to make your own in just a few minutes but will take a deep dive into how to get the most out of it. This includes stunning new effects, as well as ways the “Advocate” can improve effects you already do. A named card variation of the “Heritage” effect you learned in Week 1 is a definite standout here.

It’s a truly one-of-a-kind experience watching someone discuss something that they’ve genuinely performed thousands of times. Given how the “Advocate” tutorial sells for $25 on its own, it is an absolute steal that it’s included in this Masterclass.

Two-Card Transposition
As with every effect Daniel Madison gets his hands on, this two-card transpo is different than other typical versions of the effect. It feels like there are only two cards involved and, since the deck is put away, the whole routine seems fairer. To the audience, it’s as if you eliminated any possibility of sleight of hand. Includes a variation of David WIlliamson’s "Torn And Restored Transposition".

Turnover Switch
A practical and deceptive way of switching and copping a card in one smooth motion.

Impossible Card to Pocket
By integrating the “Turnover Switch”, you can have the card in your pocket before your helper even loses it in the deck. Since you'll also complete a full deck switch along the way, you'll be perfectly set up for a jaw-dropping finale.

Card in Box
A bold, but deceptive way to load a chosen card into a card box.

Session 3 - Live Q&A on Zoom - December 17, 2023 (4pm ET | NYC Time)

Join Daniel live on Zoom for a Q&A where you can ask him anything you want about the material he taught or any other questions you have about performing or creating magic.


Customer reviews for Daniel Madison Masterclass

VI Monthly


Just remarkable and amazing. What a mind that analyzes many aspects of his art. An unbelievable pleasure for me!



This Daniel Madison masterclass is pure freaking gold. This guy is by far my favorite magician of all time for so many reasons. The way that he thoroughly explains every little aspect of everything, down to the most tedious and minute detail, and his passion and conviction in doing so shows his dedication to his students and the craft in general. I think the tricks that he chose to demonstrate were absolutely perfect for this masterclass were perfect choices for showing several very important fundamental techniques that are detrimental for so many tricks and effects. I would certainly love to see the second week of this masterclass. As I'm sure it will be even better than the first. If you ask me, any opportunity to get inside this man's head should be taken full advantage of by anyone with any interest in magic and sleight of hand. Mad love and mad props to the king of cards. \M/






This was brilliant. As a fan of Madison, it was great to sit down and listen to him talk in a more relaxed and laid back manor. I'd love to hear more of this style of content.



The Mad lad never disappoints .





The amount of knowledge, creativity and experience in Daniel's words is immeasurable. Watching his craft makes me feel unworthy, but it is extremely inspiring. Thank you for doing this.



Great ideas and discussion of alternative methods. Chat was encouraging as well.






Madison is a fantastic teacher. Countless ideas given in this class and sharing techniques which can be used for so much more than he shares here. Madison always gives more than you expect and shares so much. This is a must watch for anyone who appreciate Daniel Madisons tricks. Can't recommand it enough





Amazing I learned so much from it.



It was so good to spend that time with you in the chat, I hope that I wasn't too distracting, fanx for watching along with me, see you next time!! Mad love x







Jae Won

Wonderful explanation by Daniel Madison. I liked that I could get a more detailed talk about his Penn and Teller Fool Us Episode. Also, his sleights are so smooth and I just wish I could be like him. Will pratice some more


Laura Bautista

Daniel Madison never disappoints. This Masterclass is one to download and rescue often. It is a joy to listen to him and see him act. Her explanations are exhaustive and thorough, an intense reading with the master of the cards. Penn and Teller's Her Routine Explained is an absolutely deceptive and astonishing oddity. And what about the truly brilliant idea of his index! The simplest, cheapest and most useful DIY I have seen lately. This, along with the rest of the techniques that he proposes, the hand sleights, the interactions with the participant and the way of presenting the routines make this masterclass a great card magic lesson.








Excellent offering of different methods for applying different effects in your repertoire.



Great class! Madison covers decades of learned experience and teaches in an approachable way so that beginners and professionals get loads of value.



Super well paced for retention. Daniel’s a fantastic teacher.



Daniel, thanks a bunch for these insights of your work. Looking forward for the 2nd half of the masterclass.



Excellent, as always, massive fan of DM



VI Monthly


Excellent instruction: clear visuals, good sequence and guidance, multiple views throughout. Excellent use of tenkai and cop card positioning to accomplish some miraculous card revelations. Nicely done.



VI Monthly






Excellent. Always appreciate the extra effort for clarifications.



loved it!

VI Monthly


Love Daniel Madison. Lots of good ideas here.



Very good information, wow! A lot of practice, though. Excellent show!! And so many videos, wow!!



This master class was exactly in the title masterful I am glad that this opportunity was given thank you Vanishing Inc and Daniel Madison for putting on this masterclass performance and in-depth look into how Madison's mind works at



Gold! As usual from DM!

VI Monthly








Was hoping for more interaction from DM / VI in chat.


Community questions about Daniel Madison Masterclass

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Anthony asks: I signed up for this and opened it up and watched part of it yesterday when I signed up today I tried to watch it and it takes me to the file let me click on it but then there's nothing loaded and nothing in the file that I made the purchase for why can I not continue watching the video from yesterday

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: This was a website error the masterclass isn’t available until later today
  • Laura Bautista asks: Could anyone tell me the brand of the cards he uses, please?

    • 1. Anna answers: He’s using his own brand the Madison something cards there really good
    • 2. Brandon answers: Most of his cards are non existent, except for one offs or a bunch of decks for his own personal use. Theres a reason his website is shut down and he’s no longer selling decks. He’s stolen from his customers for years and not delivered a load of orders, either intentionally or through weaponized incompetence.
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