Rune Klan Masterclass - Rune Klan - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Rune Klan Masterclass

Magic download (video) by Rune Klan
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 33 reviews

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Rune Klan Masterclass

75.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Rune Klan (75.00)

A once-in-a-lifetime chance to step directly into the workshop of one of magic’s most creative magicians.

When we created our Vanishing Inc. Masterclass program, we had three goals in mind: teach world-class magic, spark creativity, and help you become a better overall magician. The “Rune Klan Masterclass” checks all three boxes with ease.

Rune Klan is a genuine superstar in his native Denmark. He’s also Joshua Jay’s favorite magician—a sentiment echoed by essentially the entire Vanishing Inc. team. If you’re not familiar yet, you’re guaranteed to become a fan after watching the “Rune Klan Masterclass.”

Across two full-length lectures, you’ll get a firsthand look at Rune’s one-of-a-kind approach to creating and performing magic. It’s charming, funny, and filled with amazing effects, as well as invaluable wisdom that will change how you approach your own performances. Rune’s childlike joy and love for magic is infectious (as is seeing our Andi Gladwin be equally giddy with delight.)

Highlights Include:

  • Rune’s signature rope trick that he’s used for two decades as his go-to effect when he needs to quickly impress an audience
  • His commercial Fakini Balls routine that is essentially a mini masterclass on how to perform manipulation while also remaining connected to your audience
  • Thumb Tip work that serves as a breath of fresh air for the beloved utility
  • A unique and refreshing Slydini’s Knotted Silks routine that showcases the immense possibilities of expanding your thinking about classic ideas

Most importantly though, you’ll walk away from both sessions with an understanding of what makes Rune so special and how it can be applied to your own magic. You'll discover how to take a step back from magic and methods to see the larger picture that will help you grow as an overall artist.

The third video in this set is a recording of a Q&A that was filmed lived when this Masterclass first aired. It's filled with tons of bonus nuggets of wisdom.

Special Bonus

As a special free bonus, this Masterclass also comes with two professionally-filmed recordings of Rune’s most recent shows (Håbefuld and Tvivl). These are a real treat to watch and will leave you brimming with inspiration.

Anyone who purchases by September 4, 2024, will also receive an EXTRA show Barnløs for free as part of a special Labor Day promotion.

That's all three Masterclass videos, and all the bonus content, for one insanely low price. This is a deal you can't afford to miss.


Customer reviews for Rune Klan Masterclass



So worth it!



Rune Klan's masterclass is a revelation for any magic enthusiast. With his unmatched ability to dissect and construct the intricate frameworks of magic, Rune brilliantly unveils the art of building illusions step by step. His teaching goes beyond tricks, diving into the philosophy and thought process behind each performance. Rune's approach to structuring magic routines is both insightful and practical, offering invaluable tools to create seamless, captivating shows. His deep understanding of the craft, coupled with his engaging delivery, inspires magicians to elevate their artistry. Truly a must-watch for anyone passionate about magic!



This is one of the best information I hace receive in magic. Rune Klan style should be the future of magic.



Great mind and magician.

VI Monthly


The entire Rune Klan Masterclass was great, but the inclusion of the three theater shows was the extra cherry on top. Seeing how magic mixed with personal stories can make a connection with the audience is something that is important for all of us to witness. Thank you for including those.



Rune Klan continues to be a creative inspiration. Making you look at magic and what could be magic in a different way.






i recommand you this video ! It is full of good ideas and concepts . And I am sure it will open new doors to your magic . the first impress is that it goes a little in all directions but... in fact... not realy .. ( but.. yes a little hahaha ) The reason is that he as so many interesting things to show and share with us .



What a show! Rune shows that it is possible to make magic meaningful by using it to enhance a personal story. There is a lot to learn from this about connecting with the audience, developing your stage persona, putting routines in a context.

VI Monthly


This has been one of my favorite master classes even though I won't necessarily use a lot of the material. I was seriously inspired and I loved Rune Klans personality. The way he incorporates his magic into whatever subject he is talking about is so entertaining. The methods of misdirection and slight of that he uses is so good that I will definitely try to incorporate it into what I do. This is something I will definitely come back to and watch again and take notes on.



Loved this. The kind of inspiring that makes you want to run work harder on your show.

VI Monthly


Wild, Whacky, Wonderful.



incredible. Everything about this masterclass is something to pay attention to.



Wow ??! Really sparked my imagination. Like...I don't really know where to start. ...just the Balls routine is something you would do literally everywhere. And he sooo many ideas like...the Jakob's ladder thing...oh my Gosh! This is worth every penny!



The whole masterclass is a look inside the head of Rune Klan. I think there is something in this Masterclass for everyone, from usable methods to small details and way of thinking to amazing ideas. And besides that, it's just a lot of fun to see Rune going through everything.

VI Monthly


This masterclass deserves 10 stars. Top class in a package of humility, deep humanity, thoughtful reflections and so on. in short, the use of magic as an assistant to make the spectators dream, enjoy and reflect. My most sincere thanks Sir Rune Klan.

VI Monthly


Phenomenal!!!! Very creative and inspiring lecture. Thank you Rune and thank you Vanishing Inc.



Very god !!!!!



Such a genius! As you will see from his show download, he doesn’t do a lot of magic in his show but the tricks he does are show stoppers! Watch his explanations to see how deeply he has thought about every movement he makes in performing his magic. What’s truly amazing is he how he comes up with his routines just by playing with the prop in front of his mirror.



Genuine. Stunning. Fun.

Rune brings magical principles to beautiful or odd looking props (thinking of the egg in the fish bowl filled with black glass) and uses those tools to help tell a story.

This masterclass was a dive into the workshop and process of a master storyteller, who is always trying to find those magical moments to enhance a story that is worth telling.

Up until this point, my favorite Rune Klan trick was the bonus newspaper tear at the end of Klink. It was so unusual, magical, and didn’t take itself too seriously. This class has taken much of that joy and creativity and applied it to balls of varying colors and sizes, rope, pencils, eggs, and spray paint.

Thanks, Rune.

VI Monthly





very inspiring, thank you !

VI Monthly





Proxy. The English word that Rune and Andi sought (not "messenger", not "spokesperson", etc.) is "proxy".

By positioning himself as a proxy for various groups of people, Rune has really created a very intimate and a very unique message with his magic performances.

He cares about people enough to talk about things that no one talks about...using humor, magic, personal experience, and the experience of others to assist broaching the subject.

Very inspiring.



Rune Klan is an interesting guy. We need magicians like him - creative, performance driven and willing to take chances. The material here (Class 1) is presented in a workshop environment with Rune and Andy discussing the props and their place in his show (and explanations). All are different and unique to their use. The multiplying ball routine is reminiscent of Harry Riser's close-up multiplying ball routine, but Rune makes his own moves and sequences very entertaining. Rune's show (another provided download) is very dialogue driven with his angst driving the theatrical conflict. It's all very interesting and I'm looking forward to the remaining classes.

VI Monthly


Rune is very refreshing. What a creative mind! I wish I could play with objects like he does and come up with tricks with them. His fakini ball routine is great! Skillful and entertaining. The other creations he showed were interesting--an egg production, a ball that is suspended in a clear, spinning box, then quickly vanishes, etc. This class is insprining. I am looking forward to watching his show, the video for which is included.



Have something to say and start playing!
I have spent a fair amount of money learning to be more creative. I’ve read books, attended seminars, and have asked those whom I believe are creative how they do it. All of that to say that I have thought a good bit about creativity.
This one class taught me more about the creative process than anything else I have studied. Don’t tune in expecting a “three-point outline” about how to be creative. Mr. Klan does not work that way. There seem to be two major factors in his creativity:
First, he has something to say. He does not find a great trick and then try to make up a story about “his grandfather” or “a trip to China.” Rather he has things that are important to him, messages that he believes need to be spoken, and he uses his skills to enhance that message. If he sees an image that moves him, he works on making an effect using that, but waits until he has a message that fits before using it.
Second, Mr. Klan plays. The class takes place in Denmark, at the Klan’s workshop. One look at the space and you know that this is a place to play with the myriad of strange objects that he has accumulated (some he found, some he ordered, some he made). By putting disparate objects together can be a boon to creativity.
I am a very order-oriented person. When I hear someone speak, I want them to follow an outline. I hate it when they are not organized and skip from one topic to another. This class has no outline and can’t have an outline. I think that actually seeing this in action showed me more about creativity than all of the books I have studied.
Don’t get me wrong, the magic is great. I loved the egg in the bowl production. The gold, however, is seeing the process. This is a great use of time and money. Highly recommended.



WOW. Rune Klan has opened the doorway to an extraordinary journey beyond just moves and gimmicks (although I predict Fakini balls and sponge bananas are going to go scarce for a few weeks). Thanks for being REAL, Rune. And thanks for referencing Søren Kierkegaard. Feels like you are channeling a cross between Max Maven and The Amazing Jonathan. Kudos.



Super creative and inspirational. Was drawn by the ball work, but loved everything else. Even better for being in Rune's studio. Thank you



Rune is one of the most creative minds in magic today!





This is a GREAT lecture talking about spontaneous
creations in magic- listening to our intuitive moments... Seeing Rune Klane so clear and openly talk about his way of creating Magic is a strong example...
He takes a lot of time to sense an object feeling the
possibilities and options it may have for something new in an effect, or a new show- its less by his brain than more with his unconscious or his soul that he creates. And that PLUS very professional effects- ready to use: BEAUTIFUL work- Thank You!



Really interesting theory material and cool possible beginnings for potential illusions with further thought. But doesn't get to any really usable stuff till the last ten or fifteen minutes of the first session.

Really hoping the second session gets to the usable magic sooner.


Community questions about Rune Klan Masterclass

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Barbara asks: Mods: the add to cart button at the bottom doesn't work

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It seems to be working on our end. Please contact customer support if you have continued issues.
  • Brian E asks: So this is a dollar trial? And then I'd have to cancel? Kinda like the Craig Petty Christmas masterclass for only $1?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We offer the $1 trial every month and if you have not taken the trial before, you are welcome to see if a Masterclass subscription is right for you. If you do not want to continue, then yes, you need to cancel before the end of your trial period and are sent an email reminding you of that. If you have already taken the trial once, you will be ineligible to take it again. Hope that helps.
  • Peter asks: Does this allow me to go back and view older masterclasses?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No, you get the content for the month you pay for, which you can stream, or download and keep forever.
  • Thomas asks: How do I watch his shows?

    • 1. Thomas answers: About a day after asking, the shows appeared in my account's downloads.
    • 2. Thomas answers: However, neither the streaming nor download versions of the shows have subtitles.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Diego asks: Can you please provide subtitle file for both shows? Else, they are pretty much uselss for anyone who doesn’t speak the language, and I don’t!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Subtitles will be provided.
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