Bug Writer - Vernet Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bug Writer

Trick by Vernet Magic
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Bug Writer

18.00 usd

Trick by Vernet Magic (18.00)

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The great British magician Eric Mason changed the world of mentalism with his invention: the Boon Writer "the greatest smallest gimmick in mentalism".

Some performers may find it difficult to write well with the Boon Writer for different reasons: they may find it a little bit unstable, or they feel they need a stronger grip.

The B.U.G. Writer was specially designed to adhere firmly to the fleshy pad of the thumb. Its special design and sticky surface allow you to master the use of this wonderful gimmick and still keep it absolutely invisible for the audience.

Available in Pencil Lead or Grease options.

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Customer reviews for Bug Writer



Just starting in mentalism, this little gimmick is brilliant a complete fooler



Never used a nail before so it took me a bit to get used to. But, when you have it down you can really blow some minds with it. Love it.



Works perfectly. Just as it was advertised.


Community questions about Bug Writer

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  • Alexander asks: How long does the sticky-ness last? Do you simply place it upon your thumb and take it off again? Do you have to reapply some sticky substance at some point? Thanks

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It depends on how well you look after it but you can reapply the sticky stuff as and when you need to.
  • shaun asks: Are there "sticky stuff" refills? Or is it something that we can get at a convenience store

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can find something similar at a convenience store and then with a small amount of DIY make up some refills.
  • Andrea asks: Are there "grease" refills? Or is it something that we can get at a convenience store

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are. "Listo" refills is what you want, available at amazon, or other places.
  • Jim asks: Seems like a nifty gadget but the instructions are very poorly explained. Does the sticky part on the writer only last for a few uses? When you need to load more lead, how do you do it? When you take out the sticky attached to the back of the writer it says to "use the pushpin to push it through the back of the tiny tube that contains the remainder of the lead in the gimmick." There is no hole to use the pushpin. Once you figure out how to use this thing it could be really good.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The hole is very small, but it should definitely be there. I'd contact our Support Wizards (wizards@vanishingincmagic.com) and someone will be able to help you further.
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