Cryptext 2.5 - Haim Goldenberg - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Cryptext 2.5

Magic download (video) by Haim Goldenberg
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.6 | 14 reviews

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Cryptext 2.5

34.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Haim Goldenberg (34.95)

A mind-bending prediction that hides in plain sight.

For over two decades, the biggest names in magic and mentalism have been captivating audiences around the world with Haim Goldenberg’s genius creation, “Cryptext”. You’ve seen it on TV shows like The Tonight Show, America's Got Talent and Ellen. Our own Joshua Jay even uses it as part of his “T-Shirt” trick, which is a signature part of his touring show and was featured on The Late Late Show With James Corden.

Now, thanks to a special partnership, we’re so thrilled to have the exclusive rights to bring you this powerful, versatile tool from Haim Goldenberg.

"A game changer - I think it should be considered the 14th step to Mentalism” Dan White

Endless Uses

“Cryptext” is a customized handwriting-style font designed to look either like numbers or words depending on which way it is oriented. This beautifully simple concept offers limitless potential for amazing predictions and revelations. It is your key to providing unforgettable moments everywhere from casual close-up performances to corporate stage galas.

For example, after forcing a long number on your audience, you pull out a perfect prediction that leaves them stunned. Before they even have a chance to recover from this impossible moment, you hit them with an extra kicker that will make them fall out of their chairs. The numbers are turned upside down to reveal they now spell the name of the company, the guest of honor, or anything you want.

Use any word you like. It’s the ultimate kicker. The ultimate call back. You can even have the word showing for your entire show and then turn it over as part of the finale to reveal it was secretly a number prediction that was in plain view the entire time!

Perfect for Any Environment

“Cryptext” is a unicorn. It is as equally powerful on stage as it is close-up, and fits just as well in a comedy magic show as it does in a serious mentalism piece. Given how it’s also affordable and super easy to do, this is a real gem that any magician or mentalist can benefit from.

In addition to the improved “Cryptext 2.5” font (and any future updates), you’ll also get a nearly one-hour download featuring some of the biggest names in magic and mentalism like Lior Suchard, Guy Bavli, Doug McKenzie and Kevin Li sharing their most creative applications and invaluable advice for getting the most impact out of this versatile utility tool.

You’ll receive instant access to a font file that can be quickly and easily downloaded to your computer or phone. While it’s best to write your reveals by hand, you can also print out your messages to be traced or even used as the prediction itself. As a SPECIAL BONUS, you’ll also receive access to the “Cryptext Generator” in your Vanishing Inc. account, which allows you to quickly see what a message would look like in “Cryptext” while you’re on-the-go. The original Cryptext 2.0 font is also included.

“Cryptext” will be your new closer. Or opener. Honestly, it doesn’t matter where you use it in your show because it is truly that amazing!

We’re so excited to be the only magic shop allowed to bring you this remarkable tool. It comes with our highest recommendation.

Download “Cryptext 2.5” today!


Customer reviews for Cryptext 2.5



Excellent ideas on presenting this stunning effect in a variety of situations. The video is positively inspiring!



Absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I can see SOOO many possibilities for this in my parlour/stage and walk round sets. It's just the thing I've been looking for to take my performances to the next level - can't wait for my next gig! If you never purchase another download this year, make this the one that counts.



I've had Cryptext 2.0 for a pretty long time, but have never used it. That's because I didn't know it's true potential. I have since changed my mind since watching the video that comes with the download. All the people involved with this project gave great ideas on how how to incorporate it into your routine. I immediately added it to my act.



This is too good to be popularized. I hope nobody else buys it.

VI Monthly


Very good video. Shows a number of different uses of cryptex by different magicians. What a powerful utility! Enables personalizing and having a great kicker. Not hard to do. I look forward to figuring out a way to put this into my show. Highly recommended. What are you waiting for!



Ignore the 2-star Review. It is unhelpful in helping people Know if the product is worth the price. (review to help others not because you just don't like something)
Moving on.

This is more than a "trick" It's a tool to be able to add one Hell of a revaluation into your show.
It works for close-up and stage with massive amounts of possibilities in its use. Not to mention, you get an App added to your downloads where you can type what you want and it'll auto-generate the Cryptext code for you. Plus you get 2 Fonts you can install onto your Computer for your use.

This is one of those things that should be a guarded secret and is worth way more than its asking price.
Imagine being able to reveal the new last name of a bride and groom by adding their birthdates together and such!
Imagine Helping someone Propose.
Imagine Revealing a playing card. (The 6 of spades number btw is 520001580715)
Doing a gig for a retirement party? Reveal their name
Have a themed show with a message based around a buzzword for Corp work? Reveal it!

Do you get what I'm trying to get at here? for less than the price of the average person's restaurant dinner bill, you get access to an insanely powerful tool.

Lerts get into the Review.

The instructions are funny and well done. The beginning is mid at best but the use of transitions shows they had a hell of a time making the video which shows great pride in their work. Let alone show their character.
The Instructions are 49Mins on the dot. and offer a lot of thought on the system. It has fun interviews that also shed a lot of light on the system. Because what else are they gonna show? Each letter and how to use it? Boring. So instead they made it fun and informative.
5/5 for video.

The system itself. I do have some issues with it as I'm reviewing the codes and a few I had issues with. The letters I so far am not a big fan of are Capital-A, H, T, V, F, J, T, and X. And Lowercase-f, p, r, v, x.
Those numbers (In my Opinion) Tend to be the weaker letters as their appearance is a bit dogy as numbers but all in all still works.
What I love is when you try it out. You write the code out and turn it around and you SEE IT!. I have a small notebook I'm just filling with them. Again the app can help a lot with the writing of it. (I recommend if you are to free write it during a performance. write the code with a light pencil first, then use a thickish marker to go over it during the performance. Just an idea)
All in all the code is pretty reMarkable (I'll see myself out) and is something I feel a magician worth their salt should study this and play around with it. You never know when Great Inspiration hits and you'd need this.

System 5/5.

I bought this originally to pull a massive joke on my audience by revealing the numbers spelled "You Lost The Game" (2410624737507003) But Now I am so glad I bought it. I now keep a printed-out alphabet in my wallet just in case I find a cool use for it!



Very good I will add that to my show also very interesting I’m happy someone thought about do that



Really great tool – there's so much you can do with it... And the video was a lot of fun to watch!



Very cool!!!



Interesting and entertaining. I like the fact that this is less about "do my routine" and more about inspiring the user to find new and even more unique uses for Cryptext. I'm inspired. Thanks.



Great but what was the app he gave for the calculations.

VI Monthly


I like this effect, but the instructions are not great.

This is definitely a figure-it-out-for-yourself project. I don't mind figuring out effects typically, provided there are sufficient instructions to get me started. I look at most effects as figure-it-out-for-yourself, and I'm going to tune most effects and make it work with my style and even use them with other effects. Maybe the video works well for people with previous versions, but it's not enough for people new to this effect.

Beyond that, some letters don't look like numbers, and some don't look like letters (capital A is horrible), so to make the number look better, you must use capital letters when you want to use lowercase and vice versa. It is weird to see the word in mixed upper and lower case.

An instructional video reviewing the difference between the two fonts provided and what each letter in upper and lower case should be in its number form would have made this excellent.

Lastly, I can't get iToxic to force the number properly; in some cases, the conversion is just wrong, and extra numbers don't correlate to the word correctly in either font provided. Perhaps it uses v1, I don't know, and it's a shame. I'm concerned that explaining anything further will expose more than what should be included in this review.

Will I get a ton of use out of this? Will it be easy? No. I have to give this a rating of Good because, well, at some point, it will be great, and I'll love it. Today, it's just good.



Too contrived-keep it simple, though well acted.



Very sorry…I’m not a fan of this tool. The Cryptex font they recommend requires more than your imagination to identify the word, name or phrase that is revealed. I have purchased magic for decades, and never have I been more disappointed. Sorry. Just being honest.


Community questions about Cryptext 2.5

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Dr. Ramon asks: Does it work for the spanish language?

    • 1. Louis answers: No language barrier at all.
    Post an answer to this question
  • KXRA-KX92-Z99 asks: I would also be interested in seeing a full performance. Is there a video besides the one on this page?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We have only been provided with the one updated from the manufacture
  • Eliyahu asks: Does this go through methods to force large numbers other than toxic?

    • 1. Louis answers: yes. they offer a few ideas. Nothing really specific.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Markus asks: Hi, i own Version 2.0 Are there big differences?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You’ll receive instant access to a font file that can be quickly and easily downloaded to your computer or phone. While it’s best to write your reveals by hand, you can also print out your messages to be traced or even used as the prediction itself. As a SPECIAL BONUS, you’ll also receive access to the “Cryptext Generator” in your Vanishing Inc. account, which allows you to quickly see what a message would look like in “Cryptext” while you’re on-the-go. The original Cryptext 2.0 font is also included.
  • Dibya asks: Does it work on android phones?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes
  • Mark asks: They talk about some apps to force numbers etc. but they don’t go in to the specifics of what those apps are. Where can I get that information?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Chronoforce Pro is a popular one.
  • Paul asks: I totally agree with Mark. An ESSENTIAL element of this trick is the method used to generate the supposed random (required) number. The download offers very little guidance on this. It mentions buying the Icam or is it the Ican app - can't tell what he is saying - or something about 'Toxic'. It's useless without this information. Very disappointed.

    • 1. Alec answers: I think he's saying iThump (aka Toxic+).
    Post an answer to this question
  • Filip asks: Just all the others I would like to know what type of Forcing calculator can be used as I don’t find any a one that does resemble the native app in the phone. I know he talks about ithump but to me that’s more a mirroring and receiving info sort of app?

    • 1. Filip answers: Sounds good. Is there any live performance available. Or review of the app? I don’t wanna spend 75€ blindly. I wasn’t able to find anything online for some reason. Thank you in advance.
    • 2. Eric answers: Jack - you said with the Ithump/toxic+ app you "even be used to make forces happen on every single one of your spectators (ungimmicked) phones!" This sounds amazing and I just wanted to make sure I was understanding correctly - if I'm performing for a room of 50 people I can force the number on everyone's phone? IOS or Android? I saw this on TV somewhere I think - maybe AGT and was wondering what that was. Thanks for the info
    • 3. Jack answers: iThump/Toxic+ is more than just a receiver app, it not only collects data inputted into the calculator to be revealed in different ways (birthday, star sign, days since birth, location, celebrity on that day) but it also forces numbers, and can even be used to make forces happen on every single one of your spectators (ungimmicked) phones! It's so clean, and is definitely the best forcing app on the market, and the best way to force numbers
    Post an answer to this question
  • Matthew asks: Is the pre-reveal text supposed to look like a series of numbers? I'm struggling to make out what most of them are intended to be

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The font allows you to show a series of numbers and then turn them upside down to reveal a word.
  • Kevin asks: This may be a silly question, but it appears as if it is either number to word, or word to number. Is there a way to go word to word?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is only number to word or word to number.
  • Ben asks: Can the font be added to iOS (iPhone)? Yes how?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is meant to be used on your computer. You can use the text generator if you want to use it on your phone but you cannot install fonts on an iPhone.
  • Stephen asks: Does the font work with Macintosh computers?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Sure does.
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