
Trick by David Jonathan and Kevin Aust
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Trick by David Jonathan and Kevin Aust (54.95)

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Deqode - magic
Deqode Deqode Deqode Deqode Deqode

Predict anything using any barcode or QR code. A world of limitless possibilities on your phone. And with a recent update, on a borrowed phone!

One of the modern masters of phone magic, David Jonathan, has teamed up with Kevin Aust for a remarkable new project that explores the barcode/QR code prediction plot to its absolute fullest. “Deqode” allows you to secretly “hack” any barcode or QR code in real time, giving you full control of what is revealed once it scans—and it can even be done on a borrowed phone!

"Easy to set-up, practical to perform and stunning in effect. “Deqode” is clever, fooling and a perfect EDC." Mark Elsdon

“Deqode” works with any QR code or barcode. It could be a code on a menu, a poster on the street, or even one randomly generated on someone elses’ phone. No matter what the code is, you’ll always be in control of what it eventually reveals.

This is effortlessly easy-to-do mentalism and magic that lives right on your phone. And, unlike many other similar products, we’re happy to report it works on both iOS and Android. You don’t need any tricky magic apps either. It uses your real camera app and the reveals are made in real apps like your web browser, Spotify, IMDB and others.

The best part is “Deqode” can be set up in just a few minutes, even if you don’t consider yourself “tech savvy”. Once it’s set up, you’ll always be ready to blow minds.

"You feel like you've cheated when performing because it's so easy and yet you are doing absolute miracles. David has been leading the way when it comes to organic magic with a phone and he and Kevin have created the ultimate project that really is the final answer when it comes to this sort of magic. The routines are easy, commercial and very hard hitting. The barcode prediction where they think of any product is literally the holy grail and they have nailed it. Absolutely incredible and highly recommended!" Craig Petty

The base routine looks like this…

You show your participant a barcode/QR code and ask them to guess what item they think it’s from. They think of any item they want and then write it down on the back of a business card or even in your notes app. It really is a totally free choice.

Once they’ve locked in their choice, the barcode is scanned. Impossibly, it leads to a Google result in your web browser for the exact item they thought of. If you want, you can even have the item revealed in the real Amazon or Walmart apps.

You’re not limited to just barcodes though. “Deqode” also works with QR codes, expanding the possibilities immensely. This allows you to perform the Google search reveal with movies, bands, celebrities, or whatever you want in the base routine.

But that’s just the beginning…

In addition to the digital assets, you’re also going to receive a bunch of incredible, custom-crafted props that fit right in your wallet and allow you to perform tons of specially-designed routines combining QR/Barcodes and other real apps like:

  • Predicting a movie in the IMDB app
  • Revealing an artist in the Spotify app
  • Perfectly guessing a grocery item or three-course meal
  • Funny gags (like scanning a code on a Coke can, and revealing Pepsi’s website, etc.)
  • Divining a randomly thought-of color
  • And so much more!

For the card magic fans…
you’re not limited to mentalism either. “Deqode” can be used to perform one of the most commercial ACAAN effects you’ll ever see. Each set also comes with a special playing card that has a QR code secretly disguised within its design that, when scanned, reveals ANY freely named playing card.

Truly endless possibilities…
“Deqode” also integrates with popular magic apps on iOS like Hydra, Inject, Synergy and is also compatible with products from Audience Wonderland & Pitata, which further enhances the various effects. Not only that, you’ll also receive templates for creating your own effects, so it really does offer limitless potential.

In total, you’ll get more than a dozen ready-to-go, easy-to-do routines that you can perform anytime, anywhere.

Key Details

  • Easy to use
  • Simple setup takes just a few minutes
  • Ideal EDC that lives on your phone
  • Always ready to go
  • No need to be tech savvy
  • Works in all languages
  • Uses your real camera app and other real phone apps
  • You'll even learn how to do in on a borrowed phone (including Android phones)
  • Over a dozen routines included
  • Comes with extra wallet-sized props
  • Templates for creating your own routines includes
  • Integrations with other popular apps (iOS users only, for now)

“Deqode” comes with all the necessary digital assets and components, you’ll also receive the special QR code playing card, custom-designed cards, a magazine page, and two sets of UK and US grocery receipts printed on durable thermal paper. This is accompanied by 4+ hours of expert instruction teaching you how to get the most out of all of it.

"Wow! The barcode gag with a real payoff. This is the perfect balance of comedy and impressive mystery. I love it!" Marc Paul

"A modern-day secret weapon that allows you to perform miracles at a moment's notice. It is super easy to set up and use, and after diving into the generous tutorial, I'm already even creating my own routines with it. From the quality props to an impressive range of ideas and instantly performable routines, ‘Deqode’ has a huge amount to offer!” Adam Dadswell

"A really cool project with lots of fun routines. David & Kevin go above and beyond!! I also loved their jam session in particular as well." Shameer Salim (Creator of Hydra, QR Genie & Iceberg)

"’Deqode’ is beyond devious in method, wickedly fun to perform and annihilates spectators. David & Kevin have put together a beautiful, in-depth project that hands you the keys to the QR kingdom. It's packed with razor sharp routines and is incredibly easy to set up... this is just too good!" Jake Keane

Note: ”Deqode” works on essentially any active Android operating system, but iPhone users will need to be running at least iOS 13.


Customer reviews for Deqode



I just can’t get it to work. Very irritating, especially since the likely culprit is my tech inadequacy.



Deqode by David Jonathan and Kevin Aust is maybe the best EDC of all time. With just your phone (which you almost always have with you) and any item that has a bar code or QR code (almost everything) you are ready to astonish!
The number of routines included in the instructional videos cover card effects as well as predictions of all kinds. Even your spectators can be the heroes. Deqode should be in every magician/mentalist's arsenal.



One of the greatest tech magic effects, not least because I can use it on Android. It's not an app that points to questionable URLs either, all are the real sites/apps.
The preconfigured effects are great but the fact that it's fully customisable for anything you may think of makes it even better.

Also the fact that one of the effects can now be performed on a spectators phone (only if they have an iPhone at the minute but most people do) is brilliant. Just have to buy a very cheap extra something.



So why was I a little iffy on this one? There are so many apps and I probably have most of them. But this isn't an app; it's a toolkit. With some minor tweaking, you can make your own effects. I talked to Jonathan on Facebook about it and I was sold. I've already spent enough on his stuff to put one of his kids through college. But as a working performer, I'm going to make enough to put my three kids through college. This is killer.Jonathon after showing him proof of purchsse was kind enough to send me the tutorial on it. It might be time to get a upc or qr cide tattoo. Just kidding or am I.



I bought DeQode thinking this may be a really neat trick to perform for others. I also bought many other effects, and wasn't expecting any of them to stand out.

DeQode, however, did.

It went from, "Oh, that's a cool trick!" to "Oh my goodness, this has to be one of the most versatile utilities ever". And yes, utility is the word I would use to describe this. Sure, the items it comes with are high quality, beautiful printed, will last a lifetime. But the method? And its versatility? And the simplicity to add your own routines to make it your own? Rarely does a trick come out like this that provides all three of these things perfectly. Yet both David Jonathan and Kevin Aust knocked it out of the park. You could easily create some of the most fooling routines with this, and nobody would suspect a thing.

I could sit and gush about this all day. But one thing is clear: if you want to take your magic into the digital age, but never quite found something right for you, then you need DeQode. It really is that good.

VI Monthly


I bought Deqode just before Christmas and I absolutely love it! David is an absolute genius in this subfield of magic. It’s nice to have so many routines ready to go at any moment. I’m not a tech wizard but the setup is extremely easy if you follow the thorough and detailed instructions in the video provided. This is a project that can be beneficial to anyone, no matter their skill level. The beautiful thing about Deqode is that full routines are taught but Deqode, in my opinion, is a blank canvas for you to create the type of routine that works best for you. I would highly recommend this as well as many of David’s other projects to anyone. My advice, stop thinking about it and just buy it!!


Gregory Glau

I'm sorry others have had issues; I am fortunate that I can watch the instructional videos on my computer, with my phone "at the ready" to follow-along with with David has to say. I agree it'd be hard to watch and "set-up" the program at the same time, so if you must watch the instructions on your phone, I'd suggest you take notes and use those to configure the program. I didn't have any issues setting up DeQode and it works just as advertised--and there are a LOT of options for effects to select from and I'm still working through those to decide on what's best for me. I love that DeQode takes you to real websites and also that you and your spectators see what your phone sees, before the reveal is displayed--the misdirection is perfect! Overall, as someone else noted, a "must buy" for sure!



Deqode is a clever implementation of smartphone technology for mystifying effects. I have the Android version, which is delivered as macro code to run within an application called MacroDroid. That's a solid, well-supported app, and the flexibility built into this method of software distribution is remarkable. The creators of the methods and the code are good teachers in the video instructions, as well as active participants in the closed facebook group for purchasers.
The included props are thoughtful, and you can make your own routines also. They've given enough for many various effects, and opened doors for more.
Highly recommended.



This is amazing project. Bonus effects on their own are brilliant but real core of this effect is freedom to reveal anything at anytime with any barcode or qr code. Customisation is incredible too and David gives excellent customer service too. Must buy.



It’s a really clever idea that I cannot yet get to work. Partially because I’m a tech idiot and partially because the setup instructions fly by. I’m having to stop, rewind, and rewatch but the rewinding of course is imprecise. It would be really nice to have a pdf version of the setup instructions. Finally, as I was told by Vanishing Magic, Jonathan chose to have the instructions uploaded to YouTube which means ads are inserted. This is simply awful, irritating, annoying, and adds to my imprecise rewinds. I will say, had I known this before hand, I may not have purchased the product.


Community questions about Deqode

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Jim asks: I assume this will work on an iPad as well as a smart phone. Is that correct?

    • 1. David answers: Yes, it works on iPads
    Post an answer to this question
  • Jung-Hyun asks: Does this product support magic for a long time? Some smartphone magic tricks are currently unavailable because they do not update.

    • 1. David answers: Yes, this is my fourth phone magic project and all of them have been continually kept up to date and supported over the years to work and function as long as possible.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Gordon asks: The ad copy says you use your "real camera app" but that can't be accurate as the Camera app (on iPhone, anyway) does not support scanning bar codes. (It does scan QRC of course.) So, does this include a barcode scanning app, or must I find a third-party one that works with it?

    • 1. David answers: It does include a barcode scanning app for iPhone. We also recommend a free one from the app store.
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  • vimal asks: is it an instant download or have to wait for physical product?

    • 1. Jim answers: There is an online instructional video, and physical props are mailed to you.
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  • Joel asks: Are there any sleights or complex moves associated with doing the tricks

    • 1. David answers: No sleights or moves, its all very close to self-working. The only section of the tutorial that has some sleights is a bonus jam session video where additional card tricks are taught using the gaff QR card that is supplied.
    Post an answer to this question
  • John asks: This is my second attempt to ask this question. Why does the tutorial contain multiple ads? It is very distracting and irritating.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's because the creator decided to upload the tutorial using YouTube. Because of that, YouTube injects ads for long videos.
  • Brian asks: What happens if your spectators try to scan the QR/barcode after your performance?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Hey, after the performance when you leave there shouldn’t be a QR code left for the spectator to rescan
  • Brian asks: Can you use the built in code scanner for IOS?

    • 1. David answers: Yes, you can use that - the camera/scanner is genuine.
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  • Paul asks: It says in the blurb that the item is written down on a business card or notes app. Is this necessary as we don’t see this in the video.

    • 1. David answers: In that routine where they name anything, they write the down either on a business card or in the Notes app (of your phone or their phone). They can also do a Google Search for it via Inject integration. Other routines on the project have different input methods where nothing is written down. If you search "DEQODE - Live Performances" on YouTube you will see an 8 min video of full performances of a handful of the different routines.
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  • Hendrik asks: What are the disadvantages using Android? What won't be possible?

    • 1. David answers: The only thing missing from the Android version (at the time of writing this) is there are not yet integrations with other apps/tech (e.g. Inject, Hydra, Pitata/Lumen Pads). Synergy (Remote inputs) is completed on Android and will be coming soon. Otherwise both platforms offer the same features
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