PTSD - Mark Lemon - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Mark Lemon
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Trick by Mark Lemon (44.95)

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PTSD - magic

A powerful and direct perfect card prediction. With "PTSD", you'll be off by NONE!

An envelope is introduced. Then, without any lengthy, drawn-out equivoque process, they name a playing card. The envelope is opened to reveal it contains the correct card.

  • No wallets
  • No extra envelopes
  • No fishing
  • No thin cards
  • No switches
  • No fumbling with awkward indexes
  • No dual reality

Designed to be an EDC, "PTSD" by Mark Lemon is a worker's dream. It's a self-contained miracle that takes up basically no pocket space. As it resets instantly and the outcome is different each time, you can blow minds with it all night long.

"PTSD" is simple to learn and easy to perform. No sleight of hand is required. An ingenious, one step natural piece of equivoque paired with the clever gimmicks is all you need.

You get all the durable gimmicks and complete video instructions that teach the handlings and fully motivated scripts for live or virtual performances. Mark even dives into the subtle changes you can make to your script when recording your performance for YouTube (or elsewhere) that allows it to withstand the scrutiny of repeated viewings without having to compromise any aspect of the experience for your participant. (See for yourself in the full performance in the trailer).


Customer reviews for PTSD



My expectations were high after watching the trick’s trailer. But in the end, I did not like it that much. I don’t mind using the equivoque in the beginning, but what I don’t like is that it is not as clean as other effects, because the spectator cannot hold the card nor see the envelope. I think there are much simpler and cleaner ways to achieve a one in 52 trick, like a classic Invisible D. for example.


Community questions about PTSD

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Bryan asks: Can the spectator truly name any card in the deck?

    • 1. Adam answers: No
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: A single step of equivoque is required. It's very natural and very clever. That part is not shown in the trailer, but the experience is identical for your spectator.
    • 1. Adam answers: No
  • Will asks: Can the card be examined after it's revealed?

    • 1. Adam answers: No
    • 2. Carmine answers: The important thing is the spectator view ! It's not a competition between Magicians! However, if you want a clean effect you can use for example a classifier wallet, this envelope, a classifier in your pocket, and affected by Berglas by Marc Paul. The spectator can name one of the 52 cards without any forcing and the effect changes according to the named card! It depends on your skills as a magician!
    • 3. Carmine answers: Good morning everyone! I think it's time to stop the controversy! Any experienced magician knows very well in watching the presentation video that to realize the effect you have to ask the viewer a single question to reduce the choice to 12 cards. So there is a little misunderstanding. That's all. I believe that the originality of this effect lies in the envelope that allows you to have 12 exits with only 3 cards inside! It can be used in the context of a more complex routine with multiple outputs! If someone doesn't like it, just don't buy it! Are we professionals or not?!
    • 4. Brian answers: No, and £40 for an envelope that holds multiple outs is quite steep, considering there are massive limitations to this effect and if you look at the trailer, only court cards are used and the positioning of his fingers when showing the card is suspect as well I can see how this is done and it's not worth £40 IMHO Whilst I don't own it, it's blatantly obvious how it's done and I think it's a poor effect for the money You're better off spending the same money on Peter Nardi's Knock Em Dead or The Grail as both those effects are totally FREE CHOICE effects and absolutely no equivoque or fishing needed at all !!!
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  • Andy asks: What is the skill level required?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is an intermediate routine. There are no sleights involved.
  • Jordyn asks: Must the envelope be held in one's breast pocket throughout the performance, or could it be placed on a table?

    • 1. Jordyn answers: My apologies, I missed the moment in the trailer that answers my question for me.
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  • Alvaro asks: Is this trick the same as the shadow wallet thought of card trick, just instead of using a wallet, use a multiple-out envelope without thin cards?

    • 1. Matthew answers: No thin cards are used
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  • Brandon asks: It would be nice to see a full performance so we can see the equivoque in action because it looks like to us that they think of a card and that’s the card in the envelope it’s a little misleading

    • 1. Terry answers: It certainly would !
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  • Dave asks: I think it's misleading to show an altered video of the effect, and then not to admit that it's been altered until well into the questions that are asked. I'm not ordering because of that deception, and will be more skeptical of Vanishing Inc. videos in the future, because I know they may not be full performances, and that fact may not be disclosed.

    • 1. Russell answers: Dave, I TOTALLY AGREE with you. Very deceptive way to advertise. Definitely not what I would expect from Vanishing Inc.
    • 2. Steven answers: I agree. Please be up front with videos and descriptions of the effect
    • 3. Omar answers: Ellusionist & SansMinds are two sides of the same coin
    • 4. Matthew answers: It's not really Vanishing Inc's fault. Believe this is an ellusionist product
    • 5. allan answers: Technically, he did say "with no boring, drawn out equivoque" in the trailer, but he mushes over that line. I had to play it back at 1/2 speed to hear it clearly. Still, that detail should have been in the text.
    • 6. Robert answers: Experienced magicians will recognize that the performance takes more than what was shown; however, beginners will be very misled by the incomplete video.
    • 7. Diego answers: 100% agree with all of the above! Unfortunately, lately I've been seeing more and more videos where either reactions are shown or no full performances and the written descriptions are not comprehensive. Providing a full, clear and transparent video and description should be a requirement for any product sold at VI!
    • 8. Nick answers: Yep. I concur. I was about to order it when I saw this. And it says, on the very bottom of the description (See for yourself in the FULL PERFORMANCE in the trailer).
    • 9. Dan answers: You get fooled by videos, adds all the time it’s almost like magic ! ??
    • 10. Dean answers: I agree, these days it appears the challenge is to perfect a deceptive trailer to sell more units then creating a good quality effect. It's one of the biggest problems with ordering from an online magic shop vs going into an actual magic shop and seeing a demo.
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  • Meik asks: I was ready to order the effect immediately when I saw the question asked that led VI to admit there is equivoke involved but not shown in the (seemingly) unaltered video performances. Well, in this day and age I think it's sad to see that these doctored videos still persist. Sad to see it happen at my favorite Magic Shop. Do better Josh and Andi!

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We clearly have in the copy: "An ingenious, one step natural piece of equivoque paired with the clever gimmicks is all you need." We had hoped that would make it crystal clear. Sorry you feel disappointed.
  • Mark asks: Does it always end up being a court card?

    • 1. Stephane answers: Its highly probably yes!
    • 2. anurag answers: I guess, just by looking at the promo, the court card is forced but the subject still decides which of the 12 court cards to select. I am guessing a minimum of 3 custom printed cards are required to do this trick.
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  • Cernat asks: Is this the product of Blake Vogt 4 way ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is not.
  • David asks: Regarding what is not shown in the trailer, in defense of VI, in the email advertisement I received, the missing component about which many are complaining is clearly stated in the written description. Thus I do not believe the VI promo is false advertising. Before purchasing any magic effect based on an unsolicited promotion one receives, one step among many that should be taken is to read the entire description as well as watch the video. Companies with credibility are likely to be as honest as possible without actually tipping the method. Plus kudos for allowing and honestly answering the question for all to see in the Q and A.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thanks for your comment. As you probably know, we have no involvement in the production of trailers for items we do not produce ourselves. And we pride ourselves on the honesty we use in the verbiage we create for items.
  • Dennis asks: I expect more from VI. They clearly know that the statement, "without any lengthy, drawn-out equivoque process," will be misunderstood by many people. Many will be engaged by the first few lines of the description and will immediately watch the video. Unfortunately, the video matches the misleading description. In order to maintain the company's reputation, I would suggest removing that part of the written description. Let the effect speak for itself.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We say: "An ingenious, one step natural piece of equivoque paired with the clever gimmicks is all you need." I don't think it is possible to be more honest than that.
  • Rod asks: Yes I was about to order this high then realised that it was a very misleading sales pitch. Therefore I will not buy it. This will appear very soon second hand due to buyers realising they have been hit by false advertising! Magic promos are all now like Tarantino movie clips making magicians look cool and bypassing the actual effect. Please producers, show us what we are getting !

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We state clearly on the page: "An ingenious, one step natural piece of equivoque paired with the clever gimmicks is all you need." I don't think it's reasonable to say that is misleading. We take great steps to make sure the words we use on the page are as honest as possible.
  • David asks: This seem similar in effect (and perhaps method?) to Josh's own Inferno. Is there a meaningful difference?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are similarities yes. The differences are the script used to get to where you need to be and the envelope
  • Michael asks: Q1: What is the envelope made from? It looks sturdy enough to handle hundreds of performances, but if it's made from light-weight paper, would not stand up to lots of use. Q1: The playing card shown to be the spectator's selection: it doesn't look like a standard US Playing Card. Is it a custom design that looks kinda sorta like a regular playing card?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: 1. It is made from very sturdy, thick paper 2. No, it is not a standard USPCC design - this is to help with part of the method.
  • Michael asks: Is the effect designed so the spectator can name one of at least at least 10 cards, thus seeming to be a VERY free selection? (I believe that to be the case, and if so, this effect is much more clever in its design than it appears).

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, they can name one of at least ten cards. The one-step equivoque is so clever they will completely feel as if they could have named any card.
  • Tank asks: The tag line seems to be taking a swipe at Kenton Knepper’s ‘off by one’ card in wallet effect “Killer” - in which the wallet can indeed be ‘shown’ empty if desired… So, can the envelope be examined after the card is revealed? …Or at least ‘shown’ to be empty?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Rather than a swipe, we think it's more of a nod, or an homage. And no, the envelope cannot be examined.
  • Terry asks: Too MANY questions and no answers. Deceptive, misleading and unethical. (Go ahead and remove me)

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: More than happy to keep your comment. The questions came in overnight, while most of us were sleeping. We're answering them now. But, surely "An ingenious, one step natural piece of equivoque paired with the clever gimmicks is all you need." is about as clear as you can get!
  • Dennis asks: VI, based on the number of comments regarding the product description, it’s obvious that the description is misleading. The fact that you mention equivoque again toward the end of the description demonstrates the need to hedge your bets. You know it’s deceptive, we know it’s deceptive, so just fix the description (take out the line), and keep your reputation for integrity.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We state: "An ingenious, one step natural piece of equivoque paired with the clever gimmicks is all you need." Not sure really how we could make it more clear without explicitly explaining the entire method!
  • Eran asks: After reading the previous questions, how many outs do you have?

    • 1. Chad answers: After the one equivoque, you don't need any outs.
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  • Patrick asks: Why is trick called PTSD?

    • 1. Gordon answers: Because making fun of mental health is entertaining.
    • 2. Carmine answers: Good morning everyone! I think it's time to stop the controversy! Any experienced magician knows very well in watching the presentation video that to realize the effect you have to ask the viewer a single question to reduce the choice to 12 cards. So there is a little misunderstanding. That's all. I believe that the originality of this effect lies in the envelope that allows you to have 12 exits with only 3 cards inside! It can be used in the context of a more complex routine with multiple outputs! If someone doesn't like it, just don't buy it! Are we professionals or not?!
    • 3. Thomas answers: Seriously, using PTSD as the name of a magic trick is unhelpful to those actually living with a serious and persistent mental illness such as PTSD. It's not clever to use PTSD in this way. Hope you change the name of the trick.
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  • Ian asks: To the VI guys - Keep up the good work. Things might not be as clear as many would wish but I think the explanations given adequately cover the questions / complaints.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Thank you!
  • Michael asks: Can the envelope be shown empty after the card reveal? I could not tell from the trailer.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you email us at we will be able to assist
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