The Nail Writer Anthology - Thomas Baxter - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Nail Writer Anthology

Book by Thomas Baxter
50.00 Possibly discontinued.
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The Nail Writer Anthology

50.00 usd

Book by Thomas Baxter (50.00)

Possibly discontinued.
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The Nail Writer is, ounce-for-ounce, the most powerful tool in the mentalist's arsenal. The Nail Writer Anthology, compiled and edited by Thomas Baxter, is packed with routines, ideas and uses for this secret device. Many of these come from top name contributors such as Marc Salem, Barrie Richardson, James Randi, Hector Chadwick, Patrick Redford, Jim Magus, Raymond Carlyle, David Alexander, Andrew Gerard, Eric Mason, Patrick Kuffs and others. Detailed instructions for making different nail writers (boons, swami, etc.) are also provided. And the book contains the first truly comprehensive history of the nail writer. The Nail Writer Anthology is the definitive work on the nail writer, destined to become a classic in mentalism literature!

Pages: 194 - Hardbound w/ Dust Jacket


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