Glossary of Terms Used In Coin Magic

Just getting into coin or money magic? Finding some of the terms used confusing? We wrote this glossary of terms used in coin magic to help you out.

Glossary of Terms Used In Coin Magic

Back Palm - A technique in which a coin is held in the palm of the hand with the back facing the audience.

Bite Coin - A gimmicked coin that allows it to look like the magician takes a bite out of a coin.

Bobo Switch - Switching for another coin using sleight of hand

Boston Box - A gimmicked coin box that allows for vanishes, appearances, and transpositions of coins.

Clink Pass - Passing from one hand to the other, making a clinking sound as it passes.

Coins Across - A classic coin trick in which coins are magically transported from one hand to another.

Three Fly Coin Trick

Coin Roll- Rolling a coin, or coins, across the knuckles of the hand.

Copper/Silver - A classic coin trick in which a copper coin and a silver coin magically change places.

Edge Grip - An advanced technique in which the magician holds a coin on its edge between the fingers.

Finger Palm - Concealing a coin in the fingers.

French Drop - A classic coin vanish in which a coin is held in the hand and then appears to vanish.

French Drop

Gaff - A coin that has been altered in some way to achieve a desired effect.

Matrix - A classic coin trick in which coins appear to move and gather under the magician's hands or playing cards.

Okito Box- A coin box that allows for vanishes, appearances, and transpositions of coins.

Palm - Concealing a coin in the palm of the hand.

Raven - A secret gimmick that allows a coin to be invisibly transferred from one hand to the other.

Retention Vanish - A vanish in which a coin visually appears to be in one hand but is actually retained in the other hand.

Shuttle Pass - Secretly switching one coin for another whilst seemingly tossing the coin to the other hand.

Spellbound - A classic coin trick in which the appearance of a coin changes as it is rubbed with the other hand.

Thumb Palm - Concealing a coin in the hand by using your thumb to hold it.

Vanish - Causing a coin to disappear from view.


Wild Coin - A classic coin trick in which a coin magically multiplies or transforms into a different type of coin.

Winged Silver - A version of Coins Across created by Dai Vernon.