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By Rick Holcombe
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Calico - magic
Calico Calico Calico Calico Calico Calico

Coin magic doesn’t need to be boring. These modern, refined routines from a contemporary coin magic master will shatter every misconception you have about the art.

Calico is the first full-length book from Rick Holcombe, one of the finest modern coin magicians our team has ever seen. This lavishly-illustrated hardback book is more than a decade in the making. It offers something for every skill level and, most importantly, proves that coin magic doesn’t need to be difficult or boring. It’s accessible for all magicians and can captivate any audience.

In total, there are 14 practical, visual, and amazing coin magic routines, as well as a collection of versatile sleights. You’ll enjoy the perfect cross-section of coin magic effects from transpositions to coins-through-table and even interactive effects that happen in their hands.

While many of these effects are visual, they are not the structure-less, eye-candy coin stunts that have become prevalent in the social media era of coin magic. These are fully-fleshed out routines with a concise beginning, middle, and end. Many of them are even designed to flow together into longer form routines that can play for larger audiences.

To make learning easy, this more than 160-page book is broken down into four core sections:

The Sleights Section

The Sleights Section carefully details all the sleights you’ll be using throughout the book. This not only makes them easier to study and reference individually, but prevents you from getting sidetracked by sleight descriptions in the middle of a routine. Everything you need can be found in one convenient spot.

Part One

These first effects all happen in the hands with no table required. They also all use the coins that Rick carries with him most often: a silver coin, a copper coin, a Chinese coin, and a copper/silver gaffed coin. While these modular tricks are strong enough to stand on their own, the real value comes from how Rick combines them into a superlative routine.

Part Two

These three powerhouse routines further explore how economical and versatile the coin set from Part One is. This allows you to expand on the routine from Part One with some additional amazing standalone effects. With just a few simple coins in your pocket, you’ll always be prepared with a full routine and some bonus showstoppers.

Part Three

These eight routines explore different combinations of coins/gaffs like using extra coins or even a Chinese shell coin. This is a perfect blend of brand-new material as well as updates to Rick’s most beloved effects, including an incredible new phase for his legendary “Double Tap” routine.

Everything in Calico is explained in precise detail alongside remarkable illustrations from Rick himself. He majored in illustration in college, and it shows in the details of these images. As an extra bonus, you’ll also get a link to enjoy video performances of every routine.

Get Calico today and experience the power that can be harnessed with just a few coins

Contents of Calico by Rick Holcombe


  • The Rick Roll Retention Vanish
  • The Slick Click
  • Holcombe Himber
  • The Snap Back Vanish
  • The DeManche Change

Part One

  • Triple Bypass
  • A Motley Crew
  • Whiplash
  • Clarity, Color, and Composition

Part Two

  • Perfect Strangers
  • Cerebral CSB
  • Three Through
  • The Best Coin Trick in the World

Part Three

  • Gemini I
  • Gemini II
  • Captive Coins
  • Double Tap (Reloaded)
  • Wild Thing
  • Colorblind
  • Flagrant Fowl
  • Schism
  • The Goldilocks Coin

Hardback | 162 Pages | Fully Illustrated

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Customer reviews for Calico



Being predominantly a card magician for the past 20 years something really excited me when I saw this book come out. One of the things that intrigued me most was that the majority of these routines circle around the theme of three different coins, silver, copper and Chinese. Also the only gaff coin in use is a copper/silver coin which I happened to have. The only exception is the last chapter you may need some extra coins for some of the routines as mentioned in the description.

Once I purchased the book and watched all the performances I knew I made a good decision in purchasing the book. Although I am just beginning to read the material everything seems clear and learnable with accompanying photos. I just ordered a Chinese coin and I’m in the process of narrowing down the tricks I want to learn first. Gemini 1 seems like a good start.

I like that the sleight section is separate so you can reference the moves instead of a super long description. If you’re a coin magician this is a no brainer but for us card guys I think this is definitely worth a look. I figure if I learn at least one solid routine from this book it was worth it and that shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish.



I’ve been learning coin magic from Rick’s fabulous YouTube channel for a while now and it’s been invaluable in my journey with coins. When I first heard about Rick releasing a book I was already sold! It felt like the least I could do to support Rick given how much free content he so kindly provides to the magic community.
The book is beautifully presented, clear instruction and easy to digest.
I not only read my magic books but I also collect them and try to keep them in the best condition I can, I had a couple of issues with the condition of the book I received but Kyle at customer support was fantastic in solving the issue.
I couldn’t recommend this book more, thank you Rick and Vanishing!



Wow this is a stunning book. Excellently produced. Rick has put a lifetime of care and effort into these routines and it shows. Excellent thinking and routining. The explanations and illustrations are excellent. Rick did them himself which is amazing. There is something for every one some easy routines and some pretty hard ones. You don't need a bunch of gaffs either. Only 2 if I am not mistaken. Excellent magic book!



Cool routine I look forward to learning

VI Monthly


I've had this book (ebook version) for about a week, and I absolutely love it. The routines range from beginner-friendly to knuckle-busting, but Rick's teaching is so good that everything feels within reach; if you're familiar with his YouTube channel you'll know how good he is at imparting coin magic concepts.

The routines themselves are very well thought-out and designed so that one can easily flow into another (the routines in the first part can all be performed as one longer act, and others could be strung together without too much difficulty). Only needing one relatively inexpensive gaff (a Copper/Silver coin) for all but one of the routines (one uses a Chinese shell) is also a nice feature and makes the routines more accessible, money-wise.

The illustrations are another highlight of the book for me. In addition to the typical "hands and coins" illustration style that you see in pretty much any coin magic book, this book contains features such as arrows and little word prompts (*click!*) that give the illustrations a sense of movement that is often lacking in magic books.

The performance videos are very well-produced and give a definite sense of the timing and look of the routines. Between the written instructions, the illustrations, and the performance videos, I've had no issues understanding how to perform the routines; actually doing them is a different matter, but that's on me.

There are no videos for the 4 sleights explained in the first part of the book, but the Rick Roll Retention and Holcombe Himber are both explained in great detail in videos on his YouTube channel (the latter in his Himber Count video), the Slick Click is straightforward enough that seeing it done in a routine is enough to understand the timing of it, and the Snapback Vanish is a fairly simple technique that can easily be found elsewhere if you really need to see it on video.

Overall, this book is an absolute must-have if you like creative, interesting coin magic. It is probably the single best work on the use of a Copper/Silver coin out there, and will likely be remembered in the future as a classic of the genre.



What can I say? It has become my favorite book on coin magic. The sleights are logical and does not require endless hours of practice. The routines flow logically and culminate in an entertaining and satisfying performance. Your audience will love it, and you will love performing it. Well done, Rick.



For context... I'm relatively new to coin magic, but I've been a fan of Rick's work on Youtube for a while now. When Rick appeared on The Insider podcast to discuss a new book, I immediately ran to the Vanishing Inc site to purchase it.

What I love:
- The size of the book is perfect. It feels substantial without being unwieldy.
- The cover is beautiful and understated. I can read this in public without feeling like a huge geek.
- The text is a great size so I can read it without squinting while I have coins in my hands.
- The illustrations done by Rick himself are beautiful, but more importantly clear and effective educational devices.
- The fact that this book is built around a theme (tricks with Copper, Silver, Brass coins)
- How practical this material is for everyday carry

Minor disappointments:
- I feel that a work of this quality deserved to have a foreword by another of today's coin greats
- I'm a sucker for essays, and would have enjoyed more insights into Rick's thinking

What would have taken this to the next level:
- I've never understood why books like this don't utilize a lay flat binding... its tough to try things out because the book always closes on me... but that is in no way unique to this particular book
- A ribbon bookmark would be nice to hold my place so that when the book closes itself while I'm trying out a move, I can find my spot more quickly.
- While the Video Performances are awesome, Video tutorials would have made the material even more accessible.

So to sum it up... I love this book.

It sorta just snuck out without a lot of fanfare, and yet it is probably the book I've been most excited about, earning a place next to Joshua Jay's The Particle System and Craig Petty's Absolute Madness for my most anticipated recent book releases.

I just want to thank Rick and Vanishing Inc for expanding the library of great books available to current and aspiring coin magicians. I think this has the potential to become a new classic in the genre.



Just got this- serious immediate gratification.
I love Rick's work and this is both beautiful and a couple of extremely sneaky moves I am trying already.
The best part is almost everything here uses a minimal set for EDC. I use a small earphone case to carry my EDC, and this more than doubled my repertoire- or will in a few weeks when I get them smooth enough.
These seem like real working routines- cannot say for sure, just got it two days ago and will be trying them out soon enough, but after 50+ years I think I can recognize quality work.

My only (extremely petty and selfish) kvetch is "Okito Botch" was not included- I have been reverse engineering it, wanted to see how close I came.
Trying to come up with a similar type of my own.
Would say more but I want to get back to practicing.



I'm just beginning coin magic. While the tricks are obviously top-notch amazing, it would have been much better if a short tutorial came with the book to show the first 5 vanishes in greater detail. Exactly how the left hand takes coin and closes without actually taking the coin. I don't think it's very clear from the descriptions. Another example: you don't get to see how a coin automatically turns to 90 degrees as described in the snap back vanish. I'll keep on working with it but I'm not convinced this is a book for the beginning coin conjurer.


Community questions about Calico

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Will asks: What sort of required coin props & gimmicks will be needed with these routines.

    • 1. Anthony answers: It's in the ad copy: These first effects all happen in the hands with no table required. They also all use the coins that Rick carries with him most often: a silver coin, a copper coin, a Chinese coin, and a copper/silver gaffed coin. While these modular tricks are strong enough to stand on their own, the real value comes from how Rick combines them into a superlative routine.
    • 2. Deryck answers: So a half silver dollar, an old English Penny, a Chinese Coin the same size, and a double sided Half Dollar/English Penny?
    • 3. Kevin answers: In a comment on his YouTube video about this, he mentions that the last routine in the book uses a Chinese turtle, but that that's the only routine that uses any gaffs other than a C/S coin.
    • 4. Deryck answers: I guess what I mean is, are these routines suitable for half dollar size coins, or do they all need to be preferably full dollar size (obviously including dollar size C/S gimmick)?
    • 5. Deryck answers: Hi Rick. Thanks. All I needed to know. Sold. Ordering now.
    • 6. Rick answers: Hey Deryck, Rick Holcombe here, half dollar coin will work fine. I use halves all the time.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Terry asks: I am concerned about the coins used in relation to the execution of the sleights and routines. I prefer to use the coins “in my pocket” which is UK currency. Is it assumed that we have USA half dollars/ dollars to execute the moves? Has the material been tried and proved successful with UK currency?

    • 1. Rick answers: Hey Terry! Rick Holcombe here, I personally use US currency. The routines will work with any currency, but you may find difficulty with the sleights while attempting some of the routines with smaller, modern coins.
    Post an answer to this question
  • John asks: Is there a video that accompanies the book?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, you get full performances of everything.
  • Jim asks: I also don't know where to find some of these coins. I'm ready to buy the book, but not until I know I can find the coins needed.

    • 1. Bruce answers: I purchased the book bundle. And I’ve emailed VanishingInc regarding the specific coins to order. They provided me a link to all their gaff coin sets. But it’s not as easy as I thought. Especially if you’re looking for a set, because it’s hard to tell which types of gaff coins come with the sets. I’d really appreciate it if vanishing put together a Specific set of coins that could be used to do all the effects in this wonderful and enjoyable book. it would be a lot easier than trying to cob together a set.
    • 2. Alan answers: Most magic dealers including vanishing inc sell the necessary coins.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Kevin asks: Please clarify if the ebook is simply a digital copy of the physical book itself. Also, no video tutorial? I’m trying to determine what the benefit is to the ebundle option. Thanks for your reply.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Ah, well the bundle pricing is set so the ebook is so cheap, it makes sense to get it! This means you can search through it, and carry it on your phone or device when traveling etc. Best of both worlds! There are performance videos if you buy the book or ebook. Hope that helps.
  • Kevin asks: I purchased the ebook version and have watched through the routine videos (which are excellent), but I'm not seeing any videos for the sleights. Am I missing something here (very possible), or have they maybe not been added yet?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Sorry, there is an error in the copy, the videos are just the full performances. Copy has now been amended. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  • Chan asks: Is it suitable to beginner ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There is some material in the book that a beginner could do easily, most of it will take quite a bit of work though.
  • Fabio asks: The performance video link doesn't work.....could you fix that? All the best Fabio

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you contact our Support Wizards ( someone will take care of you. Apologies for the inconvenience.
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