Coin magic doesn’t need to be boring. These modern, refined routines from a contemporary coin magic master will shatter every misconception you have about the art.
Calico is the first full-length book from Rick Holcombe, one of the finest modern coin magicians our team has ever seen. This lavishly-illustrated hardback book is more than a decade in the making. It offers something for every skill level and, most importantly, proves that coin magic doesn’t need to be difficult or boring. It’s accessible for all magicians and can captivate any audience.
In total, there are 14 practical, visual, and amazing coin magic routines, as well as a collection of versatile sleights. You’ll enjoy the perfect cross-section of coin magic effects from transpositions to coins-through-table and even interactive effects that happen in their hands.
While many of these effects are visual, they are not the structure-less, eye-candy coin stunts that have become prevalent in the social media era of coin magic. These are fully-fleshed out routines with a concise beginning, middle, and end. Many of them are even designed to flow together into longer form routines that can play for larger audiences.
To make learning easy, this more than 160-page book is broken down into four core sections:
The Sleights Section
The Sleights Section carefully details all the sleights you’ll be using throughout the book. This not only makes them easier to study and reference individually, but prevents you from getting sidetracked by sleight descriptions in the middle of a routine. Everything you need can be found in one convenient spot.
Part One
These first effects all happen in the hands with no table required. They also all use the coins that Rick carries with him most often: a silver coin, a copper coin, a Chinese coin, and a copper/silver gaffed coin. While these modular tricks are strong enough to stand on their own, the real value comes from how Rick combines them into a superlative routine.
Part Two
These three powerhouse routines further explore how economical and versatile the coin set from Part One is. This allows you to expand on the routine from Part One with some additional amazing standalone effects. With just a few simple coins in your pocket, you’ll always be prepared with a full routine and some bonus showstoppers.
Part Three
These eight routines explore different combinations of coins/gaffs like using extra coins or even a Chinese shell coin. This is a perfect blend of brand-new material as well as updates to Rick’s most beloved effects, including an incredible new phase for his legendary “Double Tap” routine.
Everything in Calico is explained in precise detail alongside remarkable illustrations from Rick himself. He majored in illustration in college, and it shows in the details of these images. As an extra bonus, you’ll also get a link to enjoy video performances of every routine.
Get Calico today and experience the power that can be harnessed with just a few coins
Contents of Calico by Rick Holcombe
- The Rick Roll Retention Vanish
- The Slick Click
- Holcombe Himber
- The Snap Back Vanish
- The DeManche Change
Part One
- Triple Bypass
- A Motley Crew
- Whiplash
- Clarity, Color, and Composition
Part Two
- Perfect Strangers
- Cerebral CSB
- Three Through
- The Best Coin Trick in the World
Part Three
- Gemini I
- Gemini II
- Captive Coins
- Double Tap (Reloaded)
- Wild Thing
- Colorblind
- Flagrant Fowl
- Schism
- The Goldilocks Coin
Hardback | 162 Pages | Fully Illustrated
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