P-Vanish - Kohei Oi - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Kohei Oi

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Magic download (video) by Kohei Oi (9.95)

A novel, gimmick-free method for vanishing a coin with just one finger. "P-Vanish" by Kohei Oi is practical, visual and a ton of fun to learn and perform.

This pure sleight of hand coin vanish has so many possible applications. It's a must-learn utility move for any serious coin magician. While it's not a true beginner move, it's easier to learn than you'd think.

  • No gimmicks
  • No threads
  • Vanish AND reproduce the coin
  • Great angles

Enhance all your favorite coin routines with "P-Vanish".

What You'll Learn

  • Original "P-Vanish"
  • 2 Different angles to perform P-Vanish
  • Tips to make the vanish more clean and deceptive
  • Variations/Routines: Two coins across, color change, "P-Vanish" retention
  • BONUS: Three coins across

"Thanks Kohei and his project P-vanish for making sleeve magic into a higher level. I love when he handling the coin: magical, natural, and clean." Jeffrey Wang

"Today, when so many different methods have been announced, the discovery of a new method means that the point of view is excellent. In fact, the great thing about this technique is that it pays attention not only to its visually, but also to its operational stability. "Stability" which was a conventional problem. The improvement alone shows how good this new method, P-Vanish, is." Mott-sun

Download today to start learning "P-Vanish" by Kohei Oi right away!


Customer reviews for P-Vanish


Ephraim "Birthday-Guy"

The P-Vanish is a very interesting variation on an old technique. For under $10, Kohei Oi gives over 40 minutes of crystal clear tutorials on this vanish. You not only learn variations on the vanish but you learn how to use it as a transformation and within a three fly routine.

If I had one objection to the add copy, it would be in the quotation by Mott-sun: This is NOT the 'discovery of a new method' it is a novel implementation of an old method. Without giving away the effect, I would simply tell you that there are certain wardrobe considerations.

The vanish looks incredibly good in Oi's hands. It will take some playing with to get down the timing, but I can see even in the early stages of practice that it is one of those effects that is actually easier to do than it looks. So you get an astonishing vanish that looks like knuckle-busting coin technique but is not.

Additionally, Oi gives you considerations on angles, the use of the sleight as a complete vanish, a transposition, and the use of the sleight to substitute for the more conventional retention vanish.

As an added bonus, Oi shows a three fly sequence that does not require hiding coin behind coin. I would not consider this a full three fly routine but what you have here is an impressive sequence that looks like it has to be gaffed but is not. It does not even require an extra coin. In demonstrating his three fly sequence, Oi shows you how you might integrate the P-Vanish into a sequence with multiple other techniques.

The tutelage is precise and thorough. Oi keeps thing simple and is a pleasure to watch.

One gripe would be that there is more emphasis on the vanish and less on how to get the coin back into play. Oi essentially shows you one method, which is really quite astonishing, but I would have preferred a little more time with this method and discussion of other methods to unvanish the coin. It would also have been helpful if Oi had done some live performances--all we have is Oi in the studio. This is fine, but it's always helpful to see how a new technique actually plays to an audience--even if it's just an audience of one in the studio.

All in all, money well spent. I really appreciated the work that Oi put into this. He is clearly a talented and creative magician and I am sure that there is more to come from him. Recommended.


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