Bicycle Artist Playing Cards - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bicycle Artist Playing Cards

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company
9.99 Possibly discontinued.
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Printed by: USPCC
Box seal: No
Custom faces: Yes
Includes a blank facer: Yes
Includes a double-backer: Yes
Includes matching jokers: No

Printed by USPCC
Printed by
Custom faces

Bicycle Artist Playing Cards

9.99 usd

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company (9.99)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Without great paintings, would we appreciate the landscape? Without great literature, could we show empathy? Without great magicians, could we make others dream? A world lacking artists lacks beauty. A world lacking artists lacks shape and color.

Staying up all night to create a piece of art made from the gears of reality.

Breathing in experience - and breathing out art.

Protesting against the status quo by giving life to dull shapes.

After all, isn't that what an artist really is?

Isn't an artist the one who uses his art as an expression of freedom? Or the one who is able of bending things that others view as a straight line?

With every moment of expression, an artist lives out loud; and most of the time, the artist motivates others to do so as well.

Maybe the artist is the one who puts all the words hidden in his soul into a beautiful painting with shapeless, invisible words that set our hearts on fire.

Use Bicycle Artist Playing Cards and unleash your artistic dreams.

Original custom illustrated art, produced by Prestige Playing Card Co., and printed by the United States Playing Card Company.

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